I love that game, very close to Platinum but I need to complete it on Crushing difficulty which is VERY hard. Anyone played the Mirror's Edge demo? Its on the PS Store now. It's amazing! Going to ask my brother to pre-order it for me for Christmas.
Hope your all getting your GTA trophies! I think Bossman has the most so far.
EDIT: Hey GTADon and Bossman, good fun on GTA last night! Where did you go GTADon? You were in the game but not moving, me and Bossman were having fun with the swing glitch.
Aww man, I had to go and eat, guess I forgot to pause. I pretty much pwned u when I stabbed you both in the beginning. Tee-hee. Should definitely do that again, I need a few more multiplayer trophies. After I ate, you guys were gone, and I was randomly entered into a GTA Race. I had a Super GT whilst most of the others had Infernuses and Banshees. Anyway, I won. Woo!