Hey MrLlamaLlamas,I would like to request a sig,the same as the one you made for K9 Krew,but instead
I would like it to say GTA Don instead of the yo loco gang and the back ground to be blue but the same
as your background just blue but I dont want the text at the bottom that moves but could you have the GTA
Don part that moves if you can,it doesnt matter if you cant do it,and the border to be like yours.I can pay you $400 if you want.Thanks
P.S:The font..I nearly forgot,if I send you the font for the part that will say GTA Don,can you still make it move?
Edit:This one is very original,can I have the same stuff i said before,but can you make the border a red colour faded and the background I`ll send you the picture that I want and the font for the GTA Don part,you do not need to make it move as I said beforeand thats just about it,this time I`ll pay $425.Thanks