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Everything posted by StormLexer

  1. I'd be annoying people two but i'm not allowed to take my amp above 4. >.> I'm getting a new amp hopefully tomorrow though, it's gonna pwn.
  2. I'm a noob guitarist myself, so i'm wondering how many of you guys play guitar?
  3. Here you go: http://www.gtastunting.net/forums/index.ph...t=0&start=0 Edit: ohshi- I just helped someone from a topic a month or so ago. >_>
  4. Awesome, thanks. @vicsrealms: Thanks for that very nice comment.
  5. Fraps dll? 0_o And yeah check Full Size.
  6. Dude you can have both. Just download the Liberty City mod and you can play the story mode by using vice city's engine. http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=268361 < LC Mod Download http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=207623&st=0 < How to fix the "Insert CD Problem".
  7. V This person likes to take it in the arse.
  8. 7: Michael Jackson chases you with dildo car. 8: Michael Jackson catches you and rams you with dildo car, then lets you go cause he enjoys a chase 9: The Michael Jackson army attacks you with raging dildo rocket launchers that attack assholes. 10: Michael Jackson.. well... you don't wanna know.
  9. Sounds crappy to me. I used to have a dell, it sucked, horrably.
  10. The radio in this game was horrable. Every single station sucked imo.
  11. Weather it's good stunting like in Vice City or a shitty stunting like in some 2 year old's video, there will be stunting, oh there damn will be.
  12. Do you have any dll's running? Like spoosh or something like that? If so try to remove them, and go into the video options and check "No sync" with 30FPS framerate and your videos should come out fine no matter what FPS you get.
  13. Does anyone even still play MTAIII?
  14. You pwn so much. Thanks alot dude.
  15. Oh, dude. You're looking in the wrong place. Go to My Computer > C:\ > Program Files > Rockstar Games > Grand Theft Auto III thank you soooo much OFF TOPIC- i was tring to talk to u lex but u were asleep on msn lol I noticed.
  16. I sortof agree with you. I didn't like any of the "Stories", they seemed like cheap rip-off type crap to get more money.
  17. Storm Lexer Tutorials Where I do more than pwn. Programs needed: MS Paint GTAVC GTASA - Unsure if this tutorial will work for SA but when I looked at it SA looked like it had the same type of timecyc system as VC. If not then it shouldn't be hard to pick up. List of function names: Unknown Functions: Amb_Obj_bl - UNKNOWN Dir - UNKNOWN Untested Functions: FogSt - UNTESTED - Guessing that this is the fog color. Known Functions: Sky top - This is the top part of the sky. As you know you see the sky fading into two colors if you're clock isn't stuck on 12. This is the top color. Sky bot - Sky bottom - This is the bottom color of the sky. The part you'd mostly be seeing. LowCloudsRGB - Changes the small and wide clouds color. TopCloudRGB - Changes the big ass clouds color. WaterRGBA - Gives the water a reflection sortof. It either gives a reflection or changes the color. Not 100% sure what it does but I know it changes water color. SunCore - This is the main part of the sun. SunCorona - This is the parts of the sun that blinds you. The little circle things.. SunSz - Sun size SprSz - Sprite size (I think that's the reflections like car windshields, points of light you see on the water and such) SprBght - Sprite brightness Shdw - Shadow LightShd - Light shadow PoleShd - Pole shadow LightOnGround - Kinda self explanitory here BlurRGB - The blur on the horizen BottomCloudRGB - Bottom of the clouds. Red, Green, Blue (The tops and bottoms of larger clouds can have different colors) FarClp - Draw Distance Ammount. Amb - this is how much light there is on the whole map, setting the values like this "5 5 5" will make it as dark as you would get in real life at night, set the values higher to make it brighter on the map. Amb_Obj - this is how much light is on dynamic objects Amb_bl - this is how much light is on the player model and the pedestrian models Need to know info: First let me tell you that you're only doing one line at a time here ok? So don't go adding a bunch of colors to differen't lines cause it's a waste of time when there's a better way. Also if you're doing a light styled timecyc.dat MAKE SURE you add your new colors to a line in "MIDDAY". If you're doing a dark styled timecyc.dat change colors line in the "MIDNIGHT" area. How to edit your timecyc: Now if your timecyc was anything like mine then it was all screwed up like names and their functions not lining up. Firstly I suggest you fix it then save it then backup your timecyc so you wont have to do it again if you mess up. Or if you'd rather have it the easy way download the package at the bottom of the page and use Fixed timecyc for this tutorial. Now my timecyc.dat for this tutorial is going to be LIGHT themeed. And now that that's said and done find the colors you would like to use to make your sky. For this i'm gonna use 5, 255, 5. (RGB Values) You, of couse can use your own color by turning on good ol' MS paint or photoshop. Now back to timecyc.dat. Now look for Sky top and under you should see three numbers(0, 0, 5). Replace these numbers with your color. Now, again, pick another color. I'm gonna use a darker shade of green. (5, 128, 64) Then look for Sky bot and change the colors from the old one to your new one. And there! You now have a sky! To recolor clouds it's basicly the same prossess with the differen't names. I'm gonna use purple (174,5,174) on my clouds. Now for some water works. Again, same prossess, differen't names. Lets go with some brown.(114,56,56) And then. DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN. Time for the final step, making it 24/7! Save your current progress just in case you mess up on this part. Which has happened to me once... First select the whole line you have created.... Then copy and paste that over the other lines in the midday section like so: Then cut and paste it into everything BUT the EXTRACOLORS section. If you followed my tut exactly (with the colors) you should have this: Now paste that under every "//midday" and "//midnight". (download the package at the end of this tut and view my timecyc if you're unsure what I mean) Once you copied and pasted everything unto midday/midnight save your timecyc and start VC/LC/SA. If you notice a screwed up sky then my work here is done. Tutorial Stuff - Tutorial Stuff - Tutorial Stuff - Tutorial Stuff - Tutorial Stuff - Tutorial Stuff Thanks to: deVon, Neo Anderson, Dannye, VenomX, and Marty Jay Williams. Edit: Crap can someone move this to the VC Modding section?
  18. That's why we play video games. So we could do things we can't do in real life. I agreed with your first concept.. but not this. It's obviously an arcade game, like Need For Speed. There's no way I could drift around corners at 100+ mph. Online is where its at though, as with many games. And for the record, it's a 500x+ combo. Especially THUG / THUG2. What was my first concept??? WnN2's. That the Hawk series is dead now. Oh, then why the hell did you quote me??? Proving Ground is only $55 and Skate is FUCKING $60...HOLY SHIT!!! LOL 5$ more, oh noes.
  19. Oh, dude. You're looking in the wrong place. Go to My Computer > C:\ > Program Files > Rockstar Games > Grand Theft Auto III
  20. Pc will always win over consoles. PC version has FAR better graphics than the PS2 version. If you got the comp to run it turn up everything and watch how awesome it looks.
  21. |C| |U| |M| Something you run from. Oh yay new page!
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