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Don Cheech

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Everything posted by Don Cheech

  1. i liked all the story lines except san andreas, i didnt like it at all but my fav is vc
  2. i need a save game that takes place right after the mission salvators salvation, and dont tell me to try playing again (its hard because my analog stick thing is missing) and to tell to check google because thats what iv been doing for 3 days and no luck so if any1 can help
  3. after i starting saving with cheats, when ever i went over to little havana the game crashed but i fixed it be reinstalling
  4. yeah it would be cool if someone had a link to a save game or a save game handy for the New Vice City 2007 mod, i cant use the base game save or the new vice city 2004 mod i need it for the 2007 version, thanks
  5. after 8 or 9 tries all resluting in Lance dying i gave up and downloaded a save game for right after that mission was passed
  6. cuban for me too, check in some of your safehouses, in some closets you will see the tommy vercetti shirt, i wish i could wear it
  7. definatly Vice City, personaly i think san andreas SUCKED!
  8. iv competed SA about 3 times.....all with cheats but i have to disagree with you Brandon C. i think Vice City had the best story line, but yea congrats on beating it so many times
  9. ok i got miss liberty, and road to ghost town to work with auto install but when i tried the highway i clicked install and i got a message that said "oh fiddle sticks" and some error of some kind came up
  10. i would like a classic rock station with alot of 70's and 80's rock and no i would not listen to hip hop, since i hate rap/hip hop
  11. i just downloaded Bridge To Ghost Town and Intercity Highway + Miss Liberty Pac for gta 3 where do i put these note: i have never put a mod in any game so ima noob do i need to xtract files or do something special or can i just add the files to a specific folder any help will be greatly apprecianted cheers
  12. ok i downloaded "chris's 100% save game" for vice city so my question is how do i put it in my game? thanks
  13. mine is is from Vice city where the hobos say "daddy needs change for a dollar"
  14. is this normal but my custom skin dont work in cenimatics, but i have seen vids on youtube that show them working in cenimatics, is there something wrong with my disk?
  15. ok now were getting somewhere, now the skins file in the game shows theres a new skin but when i click on it, its the same as the default tommy, its not showing my changes UPDATE: ok i now have the skins working but now when i play, tommy's skin is darker like a tan but i want the regular color. can i fix this
  16. classic rock you know 70's and 80s rock
  17. hey new here ok i go into the file where you can make skins, i edit tommy to the way i like i save the file (not an overwrite) but as a new skin i called it tommy2. so i start the game i go into skins and the only skin thats there is the default skin , but when i make skins in GTA 3 they work but i use the same procedure in VC but it doesn't work, am i doing something wrong or is there a problem in my game? thanks
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