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Everything posted by hunter88888

  1. And in the end he doesn't do shit for you! I hate that!
  2. Argh, I hate Steam yet the Rockstar Collection sounds awesome...
  3. Plus he wanted to finish up the story. Can't have kids getting confused about why an old lady was inside a wolf...
  4. "Sir, if you want to learn to swim, you're gonna have to tell us your name..."
  5. Yea, and using my taxpayer dollar to sustain the creep while his time's counting down...
  6. Being sustained with my taxpayer dollars?! Over my dead body!
  7. Damn Urban, sure know how to make a kid sad! :-0
  8. Urban, calm down man, was just kidding about the skyscraper made in USA...
  9. I'd like to see you go for 6 months without sex/masturbation/porn.
  10. Rambo Musical (production title - Let's do this while he can still wield a gun)
  11. I'm gonna start wearing sunglasses now...
  12. 9/10 9/10 simple elegance for both avi and sig Nice guy/mod/future Gerard (oh noez!)
  13. Welcome to the MSI fan club! P.S. Straight To Video is their best one by far.
  14. El Burro should totally make make an appearance in GTA IV, but with less fat and more muscle.
  15. ^ no < has no fetish v is weird
  16. Well Stacked Pizza Company - We Stack'em High
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