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Everything posted by Alkali64

  1. Yeah, just a random glitch. It looks shit when it's happens to you. Sometimes it does it on the corners of buildings. it can even lead to black/blue hell and shit like that.
  2. Raymod, please. they're only trying to have a laugh. 2
  3. Alkali64

    2 Days to Vegas

    I don't think this looks half as good as GTA IV. The graphics and textures look bland in my opinion. I mean come on, it's Steel Monkeys... Vs Rockstar.
  4. Halfway through stuntman now... I might go on skate later, or maybe even Halo.
  5. Happy birthday dude.

  6. Wow, there is so may of them.. But, if i had to pick one i would have to choose Phil Cassidy. Just for his obsession for destruction and the way he talks its just... wow.
  7. I'd say they look more like grapes tbh.
  8. Banned for not being a Linkin Park fan.
  9. Why you be dissin JT? Jk, Jack Thompson is an Asshole.
  10. Some sports shop called 'Prolap' Atleast i think thats what it's called. Q - Name the man you have to kill on the first misson in Angel Pine.
  11. Avatar - 8.5/10 - Nice man. Signature - 8/10 - Also nice, although i've never seen Hellsing. Person - 9/10 - Writes great stories, and is very fun to have around.
  12. Flippin 'ell, i thought this was going to be the real GTA IV map. Darn.
  13. Edit, tilt your head up slightly, select and Delete.
  14. Happy birthday dude.

  15. Real nice dude. I can't really give much constructive criticism as i don't know allot about Photoshop myself, but maybe you should try and use a little more variate. It just looks like the same background effect in most of your works. They have been done well nonetheless, good job.
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