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Everything posted by Chrisman

  1. because the word negerævl is a beautiful word why is negerævl a beautiful word?
  2. Did anyone buy rammsteins new album "rosenrot"? If you have it can i then get some previews and ratings?
  3. Oh i love these drawing things.
  4. My wishlist: - Multiplayer RC - When driving cars you should be able to have the camera insida the car - Have fuel tanks (it's really unrealistic when you drive around for days and never run out of gas!)
  5. I think he meant he didn't want people to stay at the same age!
  6. It would be easy enough to just mod it so when you go to an airport there is 2 or 1 small tokens floating in the air with an image of the game, then when you step into it, it automaticly closes vc, gta 3, or sa, and opens the other game(vc, gta 3, or sa). Do you get my point? Of course you can only add 1 blip if you only have one different game
  7. I have technical interests. I play loads of games. I watch loads of movies. Yes i wan't to write articles, but not if it's something i HAVE to do each day. oh and to the cardigians: get a life please
  8. Count me out i finished the game i'll just give you guys hints
  9. i have 2,147,483,647 dollars i have seen NOTHING which would just LOOK LIKE interest i should be getting 129 million dollars in interest and now there has gone 3-4 weeks NO FREAKING INTEREST!!!
  10. http://www.cod.1go.dk/beSmart/hyujk.php Just follow the pattern
  11. I don't think it's crap, i think it's nice.
  12. i have auto collect on and now i haven't got any interestin 2 weeks
  13. Ok, now it's really unfair! first off i have 3% interest when i should be having 5% interest! And now, i don't even get any interest! Please do something!
  14. Try asking: Where is the proof?
  15. SHHHH don't tell anyone, and your answer is wrong! I am at level 35 so leave me alone! EDIT: i am finally done with level 50, so now i will just have to wait
  16. lol just use the words that he forgot and there you have the solution I am on level 31 and i am stuck too :/ He says think binary and then i get a picture with blank boxes, and some of them has black dots in them
  17. Same here EDIT: nevermind i tried some wierd word and got to level 24 O.o
  18. I am 12 and a half years old, so I guess I am the youngest on the forum.
  19. NO HINTS! I will give the prizes when all questions are answered Xenon answered FALSE on my first quesiton he wins $7500
  20. Ego pecunia non habeo. Is that: True Or False? If you give me the right answer you get $7500 and if you answer the bonus question right you get an extra $12,500 Bonus question: what does it mean o.O
  21. Ahem... My not showing interest boost! Take the other shit to the dungeon, or somewhere else.
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