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Everything posted by Chrisman

  1. Then i wouldn't buy it WWYDI You won 1 million dollars
  2. What is a "kenaday"? I like rock,like: rammstein and AC/DC
  3. O remember ToM ripping the old ds logo from another site
  4. well try searching for a music format converter
  5. Thats what i said, and that also answers your question.... you just dont see that amount of errors all the time, so i thought it was funny to point it out.... plus, you arent even involved in this, and those who are, took it quite well,so i think you are beeing a bit of a dick right now... Your grammar rocks its called: It's grammar... its grammar..... The it's grammar - its grammar thingy, i wont make a discussion out of it, but tecnically(unsure how to write it), its good, in NA it's accepted. It's called technically
  6. Thats what i said, and that also answers your question.... you just dont see that amount of errors all the time, so i thought it was funny to point it out.... plus, you arent even involved in this, and those who are, took it quite well,so i think you are beeing a bit of a dick right now... Your grammar rocks it's called: It's grammar... not: its grammar.....
  7. I guess everyone has more posts than me because they post in the forum fun and games too much, i only have 35% of my posts here. yay 400th post
  8. I live near the UK actually i'm 1 hour infront of the UK and i've been here for long, so maybe i can be a mod?
  9. I've been here for years and i've never been a mod
  10. When you take the drug then when you type you will type like if you were drunk, like: "schwat iws thut" or something
  11. 3-4 posts where you say i have a BBW fetish... isn't that enough?
  12. if there is an awsome women then there should also be an awful women thread... i'll start...
  13. awsome women... page 8... then yo uwill know what i mean.
  14. chris could make it into an item and then when you buy it, you'll get an animation of the forum floating while you see bright lights and hear wierd voices. And forget about the drugs i wanted to buy, this wouldn't make any real money.
  15. 40 oz. MJ 180 kilo spank 160 gram adrenaline and 14 pills of X when they come out.
  16. How to get respected: Don't have most of your posts in forum fun and games Start posting obese women in the awesome women thread
  17. http://forums.thegtaplace.com/index.php?showtopic=2030
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