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Everything posted by Chrisman

  1. And most of these posts is in word games, and stuff. i could make 100 posts on a day, but then chris(pyroxide) warned me because i bu some pretty old topics.
  2. Do you hate your own kind? Thanks for the pm advertising mvi.
  3. Think south (No not lolland)
  4. its the dll i need, i doesn't work because i got a wrong mss32.dll, so i need the .dll
  5. chris had put up a filter so if you say "a,emboy15" (remove ",") it would automaticly be turned into the word "spas".
  6. i hate people that want's to bu and old topic
  7. I think it will be in tokyo because of the terminal letters at spaz's topic about the terminal sign
  8. at the right there is these gates i think that shows wich will come first GTA3=A Johnson=B Vice=C Tokyo=D so Tokyo is first
  9. You ARE flaming "stop being a dickhead" is flaming *coughmysigcough*
  10. It would be better to flame me in the dungeon
  11. I can also start blabbering about invision. I won't be an admin because of that. *coughmysigcough*
  12. What makes you think that bryce wants to be an admin? chris can i be an admin?
  13. OMG I dOnT gEt T3H mOnEy FoR tHiS. Anyways i'll try to answer your questions when i go over to my friend and play SA with him
  14. more money=good games, good games forum=lots of members
  15. If you didn't notice, then this is GTAVC Discussion. I vote "Guns"
  16. i get lots of interest everyday, 6000 is nothing for me. And only our gang members got money.
  17. But still, i got a ban for 20-30 minutes or something
  18. could someone help me, i got this problem, i just tried to start vc now it says "_AIL_set_3D_sample_distances@12 wasn't found in the DLL-library mss32.dll"
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