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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Someone told me you like to stick your dick in pink stuff is that true?

  2. Someone told me you like to stick your dick in pink stuff is that true?

  3. Someone told me you like to stick your dick in pink stuff is that true?

  4. Someone told me you like to stick your dick in pink stuff. Is that true?

  5. My hero As long as it wasn't cold. Gotta warm that shit up. X2 Apoligy accepted.
  6. I dont realy think you did it all. Your missing a whole bunch... - Kill Ivan - Spare Ivan -Kill Chirise -Spare Chirise -Kill Playboy -Kill Dwayne - Kill Clearance - Spare ( Doesnt realy matter, cause you kill him later in the game anyway. ) -Kill Darko Brevic -Spare Darko Brevic - Deal (Roman) - Revenge (Kate)
  7. 69 = sexual position

  8. If Chris is rated 2nd Hottest member twice. Then why is he on here?
  9. What sex jokes? On Topic: Cool news, its probably telling us that we can recruite members like in san andreas etc. And a long storyline. Grr only if it came for the PC , PS3 , and 360 altogether. Who ever thought about just putting it for the 360 is a bitch.
  10. Cool, thanks guys for the knowledge or the defenitions.
  11. Who the hell knows Pample? Edit: Yeah what Chris said, never trust YouTube. People just go there to see animals pissing , or a off-road crash... If you want to become popular just dont show your face. If you show it jokes on you. People will make jokes of you no matter what.
  12. Hey guys. Today I hade the craving of getting high off of videogames. So anyway I bought a new Logitech USB microphone while playing Grand Theft Auto IV. I'm not going to give his name. So this teen from United Kingdom kept on adding me , then I added him so we played games together for the lulz. I was playing free-mode with this guy, whenever I'm kicking his ass he utter words like: - What a Mug - Bloody Hell - Bleeding Yank; all the same. - ... Alright squire. Take the boat then. - " You see those boys in the heli-copters? Those are my best mates. - This is actually "collusso" What the hell are they saying? Can somebody translate this in english? PS: If someone here is Italian can they tell me what amico mio means?
  13. OMFG. Give me the original picture please I so want this!
  14. How could he top Bush? Bush was the best president we've ever had! On a serious note...we did have Bush for two terms...not one...WE the people, at least the majority, re-elected him as president. If he was such a shitty president...that wouldn't have happened. Grant it the canadates weren't that great, but people make it out to seem as if Bush was the worst choice for president. Just for shits and giggles...between Bush and Nixon, who do you guys and gals think was better? Nixon lol I think he is better than Bush. After all the people had been trying to kill and hurt Bush. Edit - Did anyone notice that Barack Obama's Middle name is Husane? Edit2 - When Bush was making his speach my mother yelled " Shut the F888 up Bush! Go get my slippers and throw them at the TV " lol.
  15. Oh, you're name history. :P

  16. Sometimes you can be just pissed off,but later on you wont give a damn.
  17. Everyone is TNF's biotch. -Voted for you TNF
  18. For the women... I have to say Yellow Jacket, love the hair. Male 1. Sherman 2. Dirtly Ol' Bastard 3. Twisted I'm not gay Female 1. Yellow Jacket 2. guilty.by.association 3. Rainbow Bear Nate10 , you look like a 12 year old
  19. Mr.LlamaLama's is epic.
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