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Everything posted by Husky

  1. LolWut? 3rd hottest male award? gtfo

  2. I lol'd at your comment about raybob. XD " Is just retarded or just pretending"

  3. Naw screw the Go-Pro. I gave the TV to my dad. Since I am getting a new one from the 6 G's
  4. Hey can anybody tell me what the features are in the XBOX? I WILL appreciate it. I have searched everywhere on the internet and not even on Yahoo! Answers there is a answer to my question. Can anybody tell me the features? Thanks. I'm getting the Elite XBOX next weekend to kick Chris's ass.
  5. OMFG!!! Humor N Sex dot com is my favorite Porno website
  6. With only 800 post? Earthbound, you havent been on too long.
  7. With that connection it would probably take about 10-15 minutes. But my advice to you is, don't even bother to download as soon as it comes out. Yeah it will crash I'd be disappointed.
  8. I like it. Very cool new look. Half way done border. ^^ Awesome.
  9. Hmmm doesn't that count as flaming? How can you get perma-banned?

  10. Avatar: 9/10 Signature: 9/10 Payne Killers Lol... Person: 10/10 Nice guy, only if you aren't a noob.
  11. ? What do you mean?

  12. Provide humor by insult.... You're a very open and forward person aren't you? (Not a flame) It is very true though that insults are humorous..... Yeah, which makes us think that everything you say is sarcastic
  13. Husky

    New Factory

    The building looks like shit. Instead of putting the building in Blue and White. Just use some real textures, like cracks on the building , graffitti etc.
  14. Usama Bin Laden's Brother, George Bush.
  15. Husky

    The Pepsi factory looks like crap. But the Pepsi truck and Billboard is pure genius.

  16. Hey Tom, your the member to have the most post on TGTAP

  17. Husky


    Funny, I did a search and couldn't find it. (I actually took Llama's advice and searched for a topic before creating a new one!!!) Perhaps it's because I typed in Grand Theft Auto Board Game and you typed in Grand Theft Auto: The Board Game. Look you little twerp. If you want to get snippy with me you can go and Fuck Yourself Raybob. STFU and dont talk to me like that.
  18. Its true though, you NEED to go to Computer + Tech Rehab.
  19. Create a new topic for that. e.g. "Laptop Overclocking" Simple eh? Yes, we do all learn something new everyday. Wow you're a tool. :/ People see a broad topic title like "Overclocking" and think it is a general topic to discuss overclocking (whodathunkit!?) and you are just adding what you want to know about overclocking. Creating new topics seems to be your forte so I can see why you'd go straight to that. More topics doesn't make a better forum when said topics would be redundant if it fell under the heading of a previous topic! e.g. "Overclocking" "Laptop Overclocking". Root words being OVERCLOCKING! I just had a look at the Computer + Tech page and half the topics on the damn screen are yours. 4 of them overclocking topics. If someone made a "General Overclocking Topic" you could still rape the daily post count stats without having to make separate fucking topics on overclocking! LMAO. Owned, hey I got a quick Question, my Dell Inspiron 1501 use to have a 2 hour battery life. Now when ever I take it off of the charger it goes to 30 min. battery life after I downloaded a Windows Vista Theme.
  20. Erth, you deleted my post why? Do the 2nd and 3rd place votes count? Just asking.
  21. Husky


    Dude, I posted that in the Fun and Off Topic forum months ago. Its called Grand Theft Auto: The Board Game. Lol 2 u
  22. Hey guys. I was playing my GTA IV on my PS3 today right, so I've just finished the mission Hostal Negotiation (Re-Do). After I had finished the mission Roman text me a message saying: "Thanks for saving my ass back there, I forgot to mention about that Biker Dude kidnapping me for the Russians". <--- Who is that? Chris Phillips? No, its Johnny Klebitz. - You guys can actually find The Lost's Hideout in Alderney, near the gun shop, not on that side where the Pay N' Spray is. - You can find the Angels of Death's Hideout in Algonquin. You know where, next to the run down Burger Shot near that bridge to Alderney. - Johnny has some ties with Playboy X. And Playboy X knows Malc. ABOUT EPISODE 2: Do you remember that bank robbing mission Three Leaf Clover? Remeber that caucasian guy that was talking to the African-American? " I'm gonna take these rookies down-town. Are you with me? " - The African Americans name is Luise. Of cours you already known that. - He's also seen in the mission Museum Piece, where he is holding the Krunkov, and shoots Gordy , Jewish Guy #1 , and Juwish Guy #2. He also tried aming for Johnny, but reconizes Niko and starts firing at him too. - When you finish that mission you get a Achievment/Trophy called "Impossible Trinity" Wow man. I'm just going to get deeper into Episode 2 since Episode 1 is coming out in 3 days...
  23. Keep trying, it took me about 15 times to do it as long I remember.
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