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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Your not fucking listening. I didnt say you were playing online. So shut the fuck up and listen, practice your driving skills with the Vortex, and if your playing the mission... YOU would know better to just go around the challenging parts like for example the jump where that Light House is. Just go around it. If he drives under a narrow spot. Go around it.
  2. God-Damn dude. It's the freaking computer AI that goes faster than you. Havent you noticed that Madd-Dogg stays behind you when you look back and how he lags like your playing online play? It isnt the mission, its your crap driving. You need to practice driving with the Vortex or just go to GTAMissions.com and find the mission so you can see.
  3. I think that the bible is just a book to help us get by in life, like obey your parents , say hello to your neighbors etc...
  4. Hey guys, I was watching an episode of South-Park on southparkstudios.com . So you know with the Vadakin law with the priests rapping the little boys? Any way every parody about religion confuses the hell out of me. I'm a Christian... I have to say not a big fanboy of God and Jesus Christ. And there are some other religions, like with the Buddha sitting under a tree for 20 years. I just have something to say. " What? " Almost everyone in the entire world/universe has been searching for answers. And so have I, what is the real point of life? Just to waist electricity and punch buttons all day and work? Can some one tell me about Christianity? Its about 9 o'clock at night with just a blue light on which is my air purifier and I am scared...
  5. Everytime people PM me on YouTube , Playstation Network , and Myspace about the clan it pisses me off! Okay then so be it. Here is the pending list... The GTA Place USA Clan [PS3] Pending List ddaarrkk - PendingRaybob95 - Pending demonious 1993 - Pending W831EL1TE - Pending DARKHAND-1 - Pending RoadRunner619 - Pending wuelcas_07 - Pending Kenyu1000 - Pending AsHz593 - Pending omry10 - Pending So everyone waiting.. STFU and wait for us to get back to you. Create an account here, post here, PM us at PSN , then tell us what you are about. If OGTAM stopped smoking weed . Thats it, simple.
  6. Your personal photo makes me hungry.

  7. Your confusing... He invited you to a game but you didn't get an invite? Wat?
  8. I'm there with you Llama ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~, …………..,-~*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll¯`*-, ………,-~*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*-, ……,-*lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll.\ ….;*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll,-~*~-,llllllllllllllllllll\ …..\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/………\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-, …...\lllllllllllllllllllll,-*………..`~-~-,…(.(¯`*,`, …….\llllllllllll,-~*…………………)_-\..*`*;..) ……..\,-*`¯,*`)…………,-~*`~.………….../ ……...|/.../…/~,…...-~*,-~*`;……………./.\ ……../.../…/…/..,-,..*~,.`*~*…………….*...\ …….|.../…/…/.*`...\...……………………)….)¯`~, …….|./…/…./…….)……,.)`*~-,……….../….|..)…`~-, ……/./.../…,*`-,…..`-,…*`….,---…...\…./…../..|……...¯```*~- …...(……….)`*~-,….`*`.,-~*.,-*……|…/.…/…/…………\ …….*-,…….`*-,...`~,..``.,,,-*……….|.,*...,*…|…...\ ……….*,………`-,…)-,…………..,-*`...,-*….(`-,…
  9. My Favorite Myth is the serial killer. But yeah to prove Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was a huge win is that they are still selling new copies to Gamestop/ Eb Games / Toys R Us etc.
  10. You can only have two. Martial Arts and Ghetto Punk Ass fighting. True or False there is Pibwasser in SanAndreas
  11. Wait... This is on PC right? Have you tried restarting your PC and trying again?
  12. We Know, your doing the mission... The Black Project.
  13. Bahhh, use your common sense. It's here: Seriously theres more than 1 pipe in the game, in GTASANANDREAS go check them out if you dont belive... And dude the place your pointing, its not the pipe NOOB!Its the golf place idiot. No you dumb European fuck. He's pointing at the place where the green patch of land is on the map. On the mini map there is a little patch of land, where the pipe the guy was talking about is at. He's trying to show you were that exact pipe is. Ye he should have explained it better.. And your the dumb fuck fucking racist noob get a life! LOL. Your the dumb fuck You don't know what a racist is.
  14. If you guys have a problem with the old Liberty City. Take a look at the Cochran Dam, don't you think the pix-elated government was constructing it there. And blew up the Old Cliterouse City?
  15. Bahhh, use your common sense. It's here: Seriously theres more than 1 pipe in the game, in GTASANANDREAS go check them out if you dont belive... And dude the place your pointing, its not the pipe NOOB!Its the golf place idiot. No you dumb European fuck. He's pointing at the place where the green patch of land is on the map. On the mini map there is a little patch of land, where the pipe the guy was talking about is at. He's trying to show you were that exact pipe is.
  16. Its either there not accepting your invite. Or in other words... there not coming.
  17. Yeah I made a page full of ads just to make money. If it gets popular you can sell the site for quite a bit of money, so the link is there just to help it rank better in search engines Wat? Fox Sponsors you to link there website? Great deal man. I can buy a Ferrari's Pr0ns with that kind of money.
  18. He's a fanboy TM edit: Oh cool I like the avatar thing in the homepage
  19. The only problem I had with the PS3 was the error reading disk problem from the update 1.02 . I took my Playstation and slammed it up against the wood floors in my house :( But that happend 2 years ago.

  20. I told you the flaiming will start. OKAY EVERYONE BACK ON TOPIC PLEASE.
  21. Tha Ps3 can overheat faster than the 360 because it generates its own heat. Then you'll start seeing an orange light and hear a *Beep*Beep*Beep*

  22. You see shit like this is what can get people banned, and start flaimwars. Just shut the fuck up Maco and keep it to yourself. Thank You We should hang out.
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