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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Ah ha! So you ARE a spy for gtagaming! I knew it, those Soviet bastards!

  2. Approving them now, been busy the past few days. Thanks for your submissions
  3. Well even if it was, her husband is Asian so it's ok Cool pic anyway YJ.
  4. Heh, never looked it at like that but yeah I guess having low traffic could make driving based missions a lot more easier. I do like a good challenge though, so I won't be doing the same thing. As for the graphics, yes they are so much better, take a closer look at the screenshots. Compare it with what you're used to playing on 360/PS3. Kikizo even said themselves that they felt the console version looked dated after they'd played the PC version.
  5. Can't believe none of you Americans made this topic. None of you care about politics? I mean your country makes a fucking big deal of it, worldwide news coverage for one country's elections... Well anyway, it ended, and as expected Obama won, by a fucking lot too. Which, if you look at it, was kinda expected. Only if you watched biased media outlets (like Fox Faux News always backing the Republicans) would you have believed otherwise, in my opinion anyway. I know in some states/counties it was actually really close, but overall, not so. In the UK, I watched BBC News' coverage of things, as always, one of the most reputable news agencies in the world if you ask me. Over here there was no Republican bias, it was a lot more fairer, in fact if anything we were leaning towards Obama more often. There were a few things I picked up on when watching the coverage. The presenter with the touch screen map of America showing all the states - he knew exactly where each one was. Reverse the situation and put an American pointing out countries in Europe... not sure you'd get the same result. Yes I know that would never happen and it's irrelevant to the politics itself, I'm just saying. Probably the best thing though was the comment made by one of the presenters on the ineptitude of American media, mainly Fox News. No one likes them. Dunno if any of you guys read digg.com much but yeah, I've seen evidence of a lot of shit Fox News have tried to pull, and god I hope that never happens in the UK. Anyway I can't remember who said it, but the comment was "Fox News is NOT good enough. No." - it was good to see that they realise Fox News is far too biased for it's own good. But yeah, main point of this topic... Are you happy with the result? Or did you think McCain should have won? What's your opinion on things? If like me you aren't an American citizen, who would you have voted for if you could have? And how did your country portray things? Links: Interactive election results map Obama wins historic US election
  6. I get paid more than a number of guys at my job and I also have a higher position than them. As for rights, I think it's bullshit when women try to push rights when it comes to certain things, like playing in a men's league. Most women are much smaller and more fragile than guys are. It's not our fault, we were just made that way, so it pisses me off when some woman complains that they wont let her in a men's league when the men would bash her into the boards and break every bone in her body. I also think it's bullshit how a woman can beat a guy up and no one says anything but when a man hits a woman, he's the ultimate asshole. No one should hit, period. It doesn't make it right to hit just because it's a woman doing it. In my opinion, if some bitch is going to hit a guy, she deserves what she gets. Regarding the pay thing - I meant to state that in equal positions, men and women are often paid different amounts, not always of course. If you hold a higher position than fellow male workers then you rightly should get paid more, so that's good Agree with your other two points. Men and women have different muscle structures, which is why in physical challenges they're usually either given a slightly less amount to do, or given a longer amount of time to complete it. And for the violence thing - yeah it's fucking ridiculous, but then if violence is being resorted to there's a bigger problem at hand. Harwood, you're coming across pretty harsh when making your points, with the equal pay one anyway. You straight up told GBA and her mum to leave her country simply because they get paid less than men who do the same job. WTF, you didn't even say it sarcastically? Clearly you have never done any sort of business/social studies because you'd know that equal pay has long been a huge debating point and one which is still not fully and fairly resolved. Let's take the case of the Wimbledon tennis championship. This year, 2008, was the first time in the entire existence of the competition where the competitors for the womens' title received the same prize money as the men. That's an example of a sporting championship that has only just introduced equal pay. Here's an article published a few years ago regarding equal pay in Britain - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/2674641.stm Maybe it's not such a big thing in America, but if anything I thought it would have been more prominent there with the way things are typically brought to the media's attention. Maybe not. Still, this is an interesting topic to see what everyone's views are. I didn't realise they'd be so different here to be honest.
  7. ^ Yep. We did have it, you just missed it No worries though, next month we'll be holding nominations for the 2008 awards, we'll discuss then if there are any awards that we should add or remove to the line up.
  8. Popular gaming website Kikizo have today published their Grand Theft Auto IV hands-on preview for the PC version. Well known for putting a hell of a lot of detail into their previews, Kikizo have once again written a great preview, cramming in all the details learned from their hands-on. Unfortunately though there's not really anything new to report. IGN's preview already covered the basics, while yesterday's preview by SPOnG focused on the powerful replay editor - something which Kikizo also talks a lot about, as well as all the enhanced graphical capabilities. One minor new detail regarding the video editor is the fact it can output videos at 720p, 1080p, as well as (presumably) a fairly low 'Web' resolution. Unfortunately it can only render WMV files, though Kikizo weren't able to test how well the rendering worked as the functionality was not available in the build they played. The article is worth the read, so head over to Kikizo and check it out.
  9. I find gmail the best webmail client anyone could ever need. Incredibly powerful and there's a lot you can do with it that people don't realise, that you can't do with other email providers.
  10. I think you need a Producer account, or Editor, whatever they call it.
  11. SPOnG have today released their preview of the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV. Not really any new details worth mentioning here, however, they do quite in-depth about the new in-game video editor and how addictive it can be, in fact that's almost all they seem to talk about! I'll quote a few paragraphs from the detailed preview so you can get a jist of what they're talking about... If this is something you're interested in then you should definitely read the whole two-page preview over at SPOnG.
  12. From 1:45 to 1:48. Awesome. You are pro actor.

  13. Chris


    Well I'm pretty sure Media Center is required for streaming between the two. If you don't have it then that's probably why you can't do it.
  14. Yeah it would. I think Hamilton is fine with the media now, it won't break him. Hamilton vs Schumacher would definitely be awesome. Two of the greatest drivers ever. I really don't think Glock allowed Hamilton to pass. He stayed out on dry tires, took a massive gamble, and it pissed it down on that last lap. If he didn't tip toe around the track he would have gone off. Slow and steady may not win the race, he lost a couple of places, still got his team points though, better than nothing.
  15. I always preferred this: (cut version so it's more safe for work )
  16. No he's right actually, read my reply as well.
  17. Well yeah, the space is just marked as free and it'll eventually get overwritten. Haven't had any viruses on Xp or Vista so I can't really remember. Had numerous ones on XP from downloading files that I kinda expected to have viruses in but they were simple to remove. I guess I'm just awesome at the internet.
  18. Yeah... same for me hence my confusion. What browser you using SV?
  19. Probably a stupid time to start this topic at the end of the season, but 2008 was such a great season and we don't already have a topic here so this can be it. Lewis Hamilton is champion, after probably the best end to a season ever, so tense it was unbelievable. I do hope we have a lot of F1 fans here. Discuss anything you want about it here! Lewis Hamilton being champion and the 2009 season are some good talking points right now
  20. Dude, CoD3 is like the worst of the bunch, so I hope that was a typo. CoD WaW is essentially CoD 4.5 as you said, but an enhancement to 4, not 3, 3 fucking sucked. 4 was awesome.
  21. Holy shit you're lucky as fuck. They've been giving them out for a while now. Thought they'd stopped by now. Merged with our other topic. Got my 360 beta when topic was posted, and PC beta last week. It's much better on PC as expected. Rounds are so short though (750 points) so if you play for a few hours you'll quickly get bored of the 3 maps that are available. Can't wait for the full game though.
  22. We studied that in Business Studies too, the legitimacy of it etc. You can sue in England as well it's just we don't do that thing here, we're not money grabbing whores like many Americans, who, from what we hear over here, sue for pretty much anything these days.
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