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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Lol well I don't smoke. But a couple of friends do, and perhaps if I'm really drunk I'll randomly smoke with them for no reason.
  2. You could try upgrading to flash player 10. We're not responsible for any of the flash adverts shown on the website so unfortunately there's nothing I can do.
  3. That's new. Weird. No there won't be any delay unless Take2 publish a press release. And they haven't done yet. There's no way Amazon can be aware of such changes.
  4. Misho does. I don't really know any of their stuff so I'll have to have no opinion for now.
  5. Cool. I'd like to see your take on some sexy Italian cars, Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, Bugatti's etc.
  6. Engrish is probabry one of the best ranguages in the worrd in my opinion. I liked the last one, don't shit on the floor. And also the steaming cock.
  7. Well I don't know about PS3, but apart from GamerScore whores on Xbox 360 the main attractions are: Having a reward to show off about doing a particularly hard challenge Giving players challenges to do that they otherwise wouldn't, adding extra value to the gameplay. People like that, and that's why they're so incredibly popular.
  8. No it's more like what Chris said. From what you described it's definitely an overheating graphics card. When your PC is idle it's not rebooting, when you start a game, your gfx card comes into action and gets too hot, computer reboots to prevent chip frying. It's a good thing btw, if it didn't do this you'd be looking for a new card. Not enough cool air is getting to it basically. I've had this happen a couple of times, both times were through my own fault. If you have a spare slot higher up in your case (on your motherboard) put the gfx card on that as it's likely it'll get more air that way, that's all I needed to do to remedy mine. Failing that you may need to put an extra fan in or some shit. An intake though, not an outtake. Preferably blowing air onto the card.
  9. It is just chavs and Americans who use the word 'sick' to mean cool? I never understood that, because everyone else I know uses it as the normal meaning, i.e. disgusting. :/
  10. The R* Social Club received a minor update last night. Link: Rockstar Social Club
  11. Could just check thegtaplace.com but whatever...
  12. Word is out that PS3 owners will very soon be able to win trophies with a GTA IV game update on Monday. The rumoured list we put up when news first spread about this last month does appear to be true, the trophies being the same as the achievements available to Xbox 360 players. The trophies are not retroactive, so if you need an excuse to play through the game again, this is one. Head on over to our PS3 trophies page to see what you'll need to do.
  13. I've never heard that word used in my life, and judging by the video it's only used to describe that sound by chavvy northerners in England. I think all the other definitions are just for America really. The video was really retarded but slightly funny, laughing at them of course. Also WTF @ the car... wow, way to ruin a perfectly good vehicle :/
  14. I was thinking of getting this game. Thing is I've got way too many other games I'm also interested in. Not really sure how much time I'd have for it.
  15. Nothing will happen. This is nothing more than a little PR butthurt to them. Especially since it's not a store in the Western world where various agencies are very very very anal about piracy. BTW the article is from last year
  16. 1. I don't give a shit if you believe me or not. 2. Yes Apple fanboys do get violent, see what happens if you tell them to their face that the iPhone isn't "breaking technology" and isn't as good as it was made out to be. 3. Perhaps you and him should learn to read? I never spoke about graphics I said the game in general was a horrible game and that was comparing it their other games they have made. I never made any statement about graphics at all. What actually bothers me is the actual GAMEPLAY. perhaps you should calm the fuck down cause obviously you are too excited to read correctly. 1. Ok, that was an internet meme and also sarcasm but ok. 2. No, they really don't. Like Llama, I know a few, they just retort with some anti-Microsoft bullshit (if about Macs), or if talking about iPhones they just point out all the good features and how they supposedly outweigh all it's faults. 3. I was just backing up my moderator, the fact he talked about graphics when speaking to you is irrelevant, that's between you and him. I simply pointed out what he was saying. My comprehension ability is just fine thanks. And no. I'm not excited at all. Just because I run one of the most popular GTA fansites out there doesn't mean my anticipation for each GTA game causes me to permanently have a gigantic raging erection. I don't even have a DS or know anyone who does own one. I'll probably never play this game, just like I didn't play GTA Advance because I wasn't gonna buy the console for just one game. You know, to have played the game you are either working for Rockstar, or are a gaming journalist. Now, the former I can guarantee you are not, the latter I can't, though I'm doubting it. Perhaps you might like to explain just what exactly bothered you in terms of the gameplay, what aspects of it did you not like? People might start to believe you then. Otherwise we're done here. I don't like arguing on the Internet, it's retarded, so let's end this. Also I still can't tell if you're a troll or not.
  17. OK 1. I don't believe you've played the game. Enjoy your empty hands. 2. Apple fanboys violent? They're a bunch of pussies. 3. STFU. What TM said wasn't even a fanboy rant, no need to bring that into it, he was just giving an explanation as to why it has shitty graphics. Calm the fuck down.
  18. Judging by the filename I'd assume it's an assassin. I'm not sure there are any shots of our protagonist yet.
  19. Coverage of Chinatown Wars has been somewhat thin on the ground since it's announcement back in July, with interest for the PC version of GTA IV and DLC for the Xbox 360 version being of far greater importance to many fans. Today we do have some GTACW news for you though. EDGE magazine, who previewed Chinatown Wars earlier this month have published their preview online for all to see. The preview is complete with the 8 screenshots provided to the magazine in their original digital form (you may have seen scans of these floating around previously - if not they'll be new to you). Our Chinatown Wars section isn't quite ready yet, mainly due to the fact we have hardly anything in the way of content to provide - apart from the few details we've posted from magazines, but it'll be appearing some time soon. Links: GTA Chinatown Wars screenshots EDGE preview
  20. Things should pick up in November when the PC version is released, except most of the decent semi-active people will still be the same or even gone by then. Instead we'll have an influx of modders, which is good and bad at the same time. This site is eating through bandwidth like a whore and I think we're now pushing out over 2 terabytes of data every single month now, 50-80GB a day really, which is a lot - considering we're not even the most popular site out there! That figure is just gonna go up and up, but so is our popularity. Every time a PC release occurs our population increases due to modders joining, and the fact that there's just a huge amount of people that love modding games.
  21. Remedy Games have just given us a nice update on Alan Wake, it's been a long time coming but we now have 5 brand new screenshots and the new cinematic trailer! Check out AlanWake.co.uk for all the new media. And if you don't mind helping us getting a little more active, feel free to register on our forums and post a little to get us going. Any help would be appreciated. If you haven't heard of Alan Wake yet, check the about page and read all about it. Post here your thoughts on the game and the new media if you like
  22. I haven't. I already own the PS2 and PC versions so there's no point. I don't do too much gaming anymore, and when I do it's with new games that are coming out in the next 2 months. -.- read I meant what about the other countries? And that alot of things were available only in America. Like the sweepstakes and stuff... I'm just about to update the post with a list of countries this is available in.
  23. Following on from last week's announcement, GTA: San Andreas is now available for download through the Xbox Originals service on the Xbox Live Marketplace, priced at 1200 points - currently equal to £10.20 (or $15 USD). Originally announced for North America only, the download is actually available in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.
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