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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Thought I'd make a pinned topic about this because the way Rockstar stops people from frying their GPU's is by limiting the graphics settings based on your graphics card's memory. Now this may sound like a good idea, however it only takes into account dedicated video RAM the graphics card has. For example, at the time of writing I have a nVidia GeForce 8800GTS with 320MB of RAM. This card can also make used of shared RAM (memory taken from your system's RAM, of which I currently have a total of 4GB). I'm not sure how much it is possible to use, but DxDiag reports me as having 2GB of graphics memory, pretty awesome, that means it's taken 1.7GB from my system RAM, meaning I've got 2.3GB left, plenty to play GTA IV. So, naturally I want to play on as higher settings as possible for my computer. But because the game only recognises 320MB of that video RAM, I'm severely limited. Here's what to do to get around those limits: Retail version instructions Create a shortcut on your desktop to the LaunchGTAIV.exe - by default this will be in C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV Right click the shortcut and click Properties Make sure the Shortcut tab is selected. You should see a field called "Target", edit this to say the following, making sure the path is correct, I'm just using the default here: That includes the quote marks and the options coming after the link to the path Click Apply Double click the shortcut to launch the game. Steam version instructions In steam, right click the game right click the game in Steam and go to Properties > Launch Options Add the command: -norestrictions -nomemrestrict Launch the game Screenshot To prove it works, here's what I ended up with. What happens if I'm a dumbass and turn up all the settings too high? Like I showed in the above screenshot? Well, this is what happened to me. There's simply not enough memory available to load up all the textures. Upon leaving the safehouse I was greeted by the following: However, the player models looked amazing! NOTE: Remember to be sensible with the settings. If you've got a shitty card then there's really no point turning everything up high, it'll be way too laggy to play. Play around with the settings until you reach a compromise between nice quality, and good framerate.
  2. Reopened this pinned topic since it's possible some changes will be made in the near future. Made a small change today whereby if you already have 2 or more mods approved in our database, any future mods you upload will automatically skip approval, meaning they'll appear straight away on the site. Also fixed a bug where when you edited a file, line breaks weren't being replaced properly which resulted in unwanted double line spacing. I'm working on getting a full changelog written up so we can keep track of all changes made to the database script. Since this is reopened you may continue to suggest anything you feel would be a useful change or addition. Please no suggestions of file comments though, it's clearly stated in the first post that it is something we have thought about and are indeed still considering adding, no need to keep on at me
  3. That's a good point actually, did we ever find out what font it was? I completely forget. @Mehhh: bobster has since posted a topic in our GTA IV modding forum for one of his upcoming mods. Looks like he's showing video previews and such there so I guess you could give suggestions in those topics. I would suggest to anyone who is modding but isn't quite ready to release their mod to follow the same route and make a topic in our forums, needless to say, advice and suggestions from other users can be a great help sometimes. And same goes if you've already uploaded a mod and want to show it off, just make a topic. If we like it enough we'll probably feature it on the homepage.
  4. Haha, pretty funny when you're just fucking around. If you made it so they did really low damage but still threw Niko really far, it would be a cool way to get up onto some real high buildings and snipe from Gotta love the ragdoll physics.
  5. 1. Wrong forum 2. GTA SA isn't out on the PSP. 3. We only host mods for the PC versions of GTA games. Which game did you mean so we can move this to the correct forum?
  6. Oh I see, well that's strange then. I see it didn't even get the name of the game in your screenshot, not sure what would cause that error. So did the game itself actually install? Social Club install comes after the game itself IIRC.
  7. Judging from the style you're using Windows 2000, Windows XP SP3 is the minimum requirement for OS. Though you could be using the classic theme for XP... if not then you're going to need to upgrade your OS.
  8. Strange, might be something to do with how the GXT editor saves the files. If your regional settings are all set up ok then it should be fine. Have you ever tried putting Greek language into SA? If that worked, then it's obviously a problem with the tool, and perhaps you'll need to wait until someone writes a GTA IV GXT editor.
  9. Guys you don't need to quote his entire post, lol. :/ Thanks for posting this here rappo. For now I'll pin it since there's no proper tutorials here anyway. Someone really needs to get some powerful modding tools out there for us to use
  10. Less than one week after it's release, some people have already been successful in modding Grand Theft Auto IV on the PC. Some files in GTA IV are hash protected - a tactic employed by many games companies to prevent people from modifying the games, this probably has something to do with the Hot Coffee fiasco, but there are some workarounds already out there. First GTA IV mods I did only say 'some' files though, some which aren't hashed include the language (.gxt) files. The first GTA IV mod uploaded to our downloads database is in fact a modification of american.gxt. Bobster has decided to rename all the vehicles in the game to match those of their real life counterparts, something which proved popular when San Andreas was released. You can check out his real vehicle names mod here. I've tested it myself and can verify it works. Bobster provides simple instructions in the readme on how to get this working, and he also provides a full list of what he renamed each vehicle to. File modding patches A couple of users over at GTAForums have been successful in modifying handling and weapons configuration files. Two experimental methods are currently available for allowing people to mod GTA IV. opium_addict's GTAIV Launcher injector - He demonstrates this by modifying the Glock to shoot rockets, another example is DuKtape's drift mod aru's File Modding Ability patch OpenIV project Finally, some of you may be aware of an all-purpose modding tool currently in beta stages called OpenIV. The tool looks quite promising based on the videos shown on their blog, once released we could see modding take off pretty quickly. No doubt there are many more talented people currently writing similar tools - we'll keep you up to date on any major developments within the modding community. Host your mods here If you've made a mod and want to put it online, our massive downloads database is a great place to host it. As long as you have an account on our forums you'll have the ability to upload your mods here. Once approved they'll appear in our database for anyone to download. You can update your file whenever you need and add as many screenshots as you like to show off your modification
  11. Wow that's actually pretty sweet. And TGTAP fits so nicely in it too I've always wondered how worthwhile it would be to create an optimised 'lite' version of the site for portable devices, but some of the more modern ones the full site looks fine in. I've seen TGTAP on an iPhone as well and it's actually not too bad. Only device I personally have to see it is my PSP which sucks since it's only 472px wide or something Also thanks for the link to that American Soda site for the UK, never really thought to search for one. Well expensive though. Right now I could go buy 30 cans of Coke for just over £8... But on this site, with shipping, I could only get 6 cans of Mountain Dew for about the same price. I'd have to buy a shit ton of it to make it worthwhile.... tempting though Going wildly offtopic but WTF @ all the names, Mountain Dew flavours include 'Voltage', 'SuperNova', 'Code Red'... how random. I'd just get the normal flavour anyway.
  12. Just a quick update on a few things. Hard Drive upgrade I've been informed that TGTAP's server will be undergoing a hard drive upgrade sometime next week. There will be very minimal downtime, basically as long as it takes to turn off the server, plug in the new drive, and turn it back on again. If all goes well it shouldn't be down for any longer than 15 minutes. If it's down for longer then some poor server techie is working his bollocks off trying to resuscitate TGTAP Once back online we'll have an extra 250GB solely for backups. So should hard drive 1 fail, we can simply restore a backup from hard drive 2 with minimal data loss. IE7 ad issues Apparently, some IE7 users (not necessarily ones on this site) were complaining of the UGO ads causing errors to appear on some pages. A fix has been applied, so if any of you guys were affected then it should be sorted now. But seeing as how no one here posted here about it I can assume very few of you were affected. Forum Awards 2008 It's that time of year again! The annual Forum Awards will be taking place soon. Look out for a topic discussing which awards to add/keep. Once finalised we'll be holding nominations mid December, and late December we'll begin the voting. Winners will be announced as usual during the first 2 weeks of January. Great way to start off the new year at TGTAP! GTA IV modding / downloads I've added categories ready for GTA IV mods to be uploaded. It shouldn't be too long before we start seeing them. Progress is being made on tools such as http://www.openiv.com, and once complete and out in the public modding will be in full swing. GTA IV is protected against modding, R* probably got cold feet due to the Hot Coffee fiasco, but legal patching can be applied to allow us to mod the game. Details of which will be posted up once we're ready. Website changes Since I'm busy this entire week, I'll be starting on the planned website changes the week after. They will hopefully be done by new year. I mentioned these in the TGTAP birthday announcement last week, read that if you forgot what we're doing. Basically a new layout and such.
  13. Go to the Audio option and click Complete Scan.
  14. IGN have recently participated in a conference call with several Rockstar Games employees; including Lead QA Arthur Chiang, Technical Director Kevin Hoare, and VP of Development Jeronimo Barrera. There's 3 pages of questions and answers to graphics and community related questions. Here's one quote I think sums up a lot of forum users: He's right, we are a passionate bunch of fans. We're incredibly vocal and that can be seen in any GTA forum you visit. Old graphics card drivers are, according to Rockstar's support staff, one of the biggest problems. nVidia users are advised to upgrade to the beta drivers we mentioned yesterday, ATi users will have to wait until Wednesday for updated drivers. You can read the rest of the interview over at IGN
  15. Not many people could get away with saying that you know.

    Lucky for you I know you're joking :P

  16. Ha! I was actually gonna ask where are your Bawls. I remember that pic from one year where you've got that nice crate of them. I always wanted to try it but I think they're only sold in America, just like Mountain Dew and all those kinds of drinks. Sounds like they're becoming quite scarce now :/
  17. It's EST, says something about a tape delay for West Coast... so presumably the same time but it won't be live because of the timezone difference it will have happened several hours before.
  18. Let's see if they actually improve anything. I'll post back here later. Just about to install.
  19. It seems the outraging gamers have got to Rockstar Games, and they've finally put a public face on things and made a post over at GTAForums. The Rockstar Toronto 'spokesperson', who by the way is still adamant that only "several users" are experiencing problems despite all GTA forums being full of complaining users, assures us that a patch will be coming in the next few days that sorts out some of the issues players are having. Additionally, nVidia and ATi appear to be preparing updated driver releases which supposedly help the game run better. They also provide information on where to get updated graphics card drivers: Great to see that they're busy working on patching the game up fairly quickly to keep us all happy. Let's hope it works!
  20. Today, Rockstar Games and Spike TV announced that the downloadable content for Xbox 360 users of GTA IV, The Lost and Damned, will premiere at the 2008 Video Game Awards, live Sunday December 14 at 9:00pm on Spike TV. No further details were given in the press release, however we can be pretty sure we'll be seeing previews of some of the new content the DLC has to offer. This episode is due to be released on February 17th. Source: PRNewsWire
  21. Does the game actually crash (and give you an error code) or does it just hang there with a black screen? How do you exit from that, just Ctrl+Alt+Del?
  22. Is that not evident in all bday threads on all forums? Can't just be something only done here at TGTAP? For a start we seem to have a hell of a lot of underage (in terms of drinking) people anyway Happy birthday Chris, hope you got some awesome shit. I won't tell you to get drunk and fuck women because you totally aren't interested in that whatsoever (lol)
  23. Need to free up at least 6 or 7 more GB in order to install. It runs alright on my 8800GTS but not great, would think your 9800GT would fair better though. Your processor is slightly better than mine as well, and if you got a couple more gigs of RAM it would help to run the game more smoothly.
  24. Yeah it doesn't do fuck all difference ...
  25. Fuck yes indeed! Love all the CoD games for PC. Play them so much, probably more than GTA! Still playing CoD4 alongside CoDWW right now.
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