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Everything posted by Chris

  1. LOL. It looks like they've all just had a big argument and don't want to talk to each other now
  2. Yeah it's rated 16 in Europe.
  3. You can get guaranteed access by preordering the game from GameStop (in the US) or GAME (in the UK), or if you're a member of callofduty.com and get selected etc. Yeah my friends and I are looking forward to the co-op, should be a good addition to the actual multiplayer shizzle.
  4. Yes it is actually. @WRX22B1998: The advantages are that it's permanently stored on your hard drive, so the 3 main advantages are: No disc that can get scratched Faster load times Quieter - everyone knows just how unbelievably noisy the 360's DVD drive is.
  5. Says the man who can't spell... josef you clearly don't own a 360. No need to comment when you've got no idea what you're talking about. I'm sure there are quite a few 360 users who are new to the GTA series with GTA IV and would like to play San Andreas. Simple when they can legally download it on their console for a small price. Having said that it appears they've priced it higher than the current retail value of the physical game... so it may not be all that popular.
  6. So I got access a few days ago (Xbox 360 version). It's ok, but I expected better to be honest. Annoying that Treyarch are developing this one, and also, wtf, why have they gone back to WW2? Going modern was a huge step forward for the series, now it's going back to every other war game. That said, this is Call of Duty, and IMO they're the best WW2 games ever. I was addicted to the first one, played UO and CoD2 quite a bit too. CoD 3 was a bit of a failure but never mind that. CoD4 was fucking awesome, my friends and I still play this online quite a lot, I'm sure we'll play CoDWW online a lot too - I think the vehicles will bring something new to CoD multiplayer Point of my topic though was just to ask if anyone else got their beta access and has played it, or is getting the game, or likes the CoD series... etc.
  7. Oh lawd is dat sum abuse of powers Gearhardt? Wanna merge this with the topic kokane made a couple of years ago? Because I'm not sure a 4 post topic is worthy of pinnage
  8. Oh nice, I really wanna learn Italian too. Wanted to for ages. Not sure when I'll ever get round to it though.
  9. Microsoft has announced that the next title to be added to the Xbox Originals download service will be Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The game will be available to download on October 20th in North America - there is currently no release date for other regions. The download will cost 1200 Microsoft Points, which equates to just over £10 ($14.99 in USD). There is also no word on whether or not any of the other games in the series will appear on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Links: MCV GTA San Andreas on Xbox.com
  10. Meh. I say stick to the digicam if only for the quality, nice pics though, i r like
  11. Who the hell changed the topic title? :S It's generally more popular to use the latin alphabet in modern Serbian now, as opposed to the Cyrillic one, or so I've read. Do you know both? I'm wondering just why exactly you speak all those languages though... unless you're going to go into business where you'll be in all those countries a lot there's not really any point is there?
  12. Lol those are the exact same manufacturers that didn't show up in London when I went, my topic is probably still around here somewhere. And yes, despite Audi not being there, they had an R8 out randomly. Cool pics though. You know you really should have uploaded the .rar file to ImageLodge. It automatically creates an image gallery and gives you bbcode to post in forums. Simple as.
  13. Wasn't me who broke it, but it's fixed now.
  14. I'm pretty sure he meant do all that shit on your computer at home, unless I'm missing the point. But if you do exactly what he said it should be near flawless. The DNS thing (step 3) is so that you can access your home PC from your school.
  15. So use a free web proxy you noob. Go through proxy.org and look for ones using PHProxy and which don't contain 'proxy' in the URL because they're usually automatically blocked by school filters. Make a note of them and try them next time you're at school. It will be against your schools ICT policy to do this (avoiding filters) but if you're stupid enough to get caught then you'll deserve whatever punishment you're given. Go and download some hardcore porn at school. Report back to us with results.
  16. Haha. Mac!? Fuck no! Those over-zealous owners wouldn't want filth on their lovely, tender machines. Yeah a lot of those guests viewing come from google image searches which is kinda funny. Weird thing is that thread really isn't that active anymore... shame...
  17. Not sure how many members of the military we have here, but I know aemboy15 is in the US Army. But he hasn't been here for nearly a month now, he may have been deployed. Either way he probably wouldn't know much about the Royal Marines so I dunno why I said that I remember when they used to have that advert on TV some years ago. I always thought it looked fucking epic, but a military career just doesn't really interest me, strangely, since I love war films :/ Anyway I think it would be pretty awesome if you did do it. I say go for it.
  18. The first official GTA IV PC trailer has just gone live exclusively on Gametrailers.com. Check it out below!
  19. Happy birthday Alec, have a good one.

    Lol, 'Ex Bawks' stumped you? But you're American, that's how you pronounce it :P

  20. Known about it for ages because I love Max Payne (though not as much as rockstarrem does) and I also run AlanWAKE.co.uk which is developed by the same people who made Max Payne. Not only that but I'm a big film fan and I heard the announcement when it happened so I've known from the start But yes, I hope the movie is fucking awesome. It could easily be the best game-movie adaptation ever.
  21. Rappo always got eaten by the dinosaur in SkiFree. True story.

  22. Are you guys listing languages you're fluent in, or ones in which you know a bit of? Because I'm pretty sure most British people here only speak English and possibly one or two others if you're originally from another country. I only speak English and a bit of French and random things in a bunch of other European languages.... but I do have this weird ability where if you show me a paragraph of text written in any European language, I can probably tell you what it is, but I couldn't tell you what it says... :/
  23. Yeah, that, or they were banned before I improved IPB's shitty warning system so that we could ban from the warn panel.
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