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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I've got pretty much nothing to do most these days so I've been watching pretty much anything that was on. I think China will definitely win. I don't like their country either but for completely different reasons I won't go into here, but I'd rather them win than the USA. Mainly because the USA won the last 3 olympics so it's getting boring now. We need a new winner IMO.
  2. Holy shit Team GB are actually third in the medals table! I don't think anybody expected us to do this well. Oh and do you know what's hilarious? Well for those who don't know. The 'winner' of the olympics is the country who wins the most gold medals, not total medals - so, all medals tables are ordered by golds won, regardless of how many medals are won in total. However, NOT in America. No. Their country is so insecure about themselves that they show the table ordered by total medals... so Americans not knowing any better think that their country is winning... all the time. You can't blame them really, it's the media's fault. But really, they're THAT insecure they feel they need to do that? Proof of American media getting it all so so wrong: NBC The actual standings from non-US media: BBC Everyone else's country shows the correct table right? It literally is just America that gets it wrong? I lol'd, but what a bunch of sore fucking losers though. Just because they aren't number 1. Wow. It's all the little things like this that make everyone hate America so much I think.
  3. Chris

    Good too thanks. Been watching the olympics. Britain's doing awesome now. Our tiny country is now 3rd in the medals table :D

  4. Nice suit. Crappy hair though. And your eyes are too close together. U ugleh. :P

  5. you're having an affair.

  6. Chris

    Not good enough woman. Get back to the kitchen and make me a sammich!

    I kid I kid. ;)

    How are you? :)

  7. How many members will be here when GTA X comes out? In b4 some wigga saying "TGTAP4Life" Nice interview though. Lucky bastards they are to get that.
  8. That IS depth of field. Was taken by my dad on his dSLR so yeah... And yeah I wasn't going for myspace style shooping, just making it a better pic was all. Uhh here anyway I did upload the originals. Compare these. In order: 1. Original from camera 2. shooped so colours look better 3. black and white for uber leet photographer style etc. Quick, someone else post pics because I'm looking like an attention seeking whore right now
  9. @GTA Don: The RAW version of that pic of me shows them about the same colour as Clyro's but yeah maybe they are a little darker. Had to adjust brightness/contrast and curves because colour of the photo looked all wrong. But yeah that's what I was on about anyway.
  10. Ha, well they look exactly like the pair I'm seen wearing a couple of pages back in this topic. They were only a fiver so I thought why the hell not. Only thing is the tint can look pink sometimes which could be misconstrued by some people...
  11. They're legit but they're basically asking permission to have rights of your picture. They DO credit you, however, they don't actually link back to your page or anything... so you don't get any exposure or anything. I've had several of my photos wanted for inclusion on NowPublic. I've rejected them all so far. If they linked back, and were, you know, actually popular, I might accept.
  12. To be fair my large-country-leadership skills are somewhat lacking, haven't had too much experience with that sort of stuff ya know? I'd do my best though.
  13. ITT Brits use chav slang etc. Yeah looks like the "expanded multiplayer" is the only new thing, other than that the only improvements will come in the graphics department, obviously, everything will be sharper etc. Not really much else to talk about. Unless they've improved other areas for example have included some of the things mentioned in our latest website poll. Fingerless gloves was an insanely popular request on some forums. I agree that Niko does look pretty awesome in them. So it would be nice to actually have them in game. If not someone will make a mod anyway so I guess it's win-win whatever. know wot ahhh meean bluuudd?
  14. Lol now it looks like he's died or something and this is a memorial topic
  15. Shiiiiiiiiittt. Nice. Hope you didn't try and go in though! You probably would have been shoo'ed away by one of their ANGRY receptionists Oh and btw, those are my sunglasses. Give them back. lolz. Dude, we, the fucking fansite webmasters, couldn't even get into R* NYC! FallenClyro here is just a normal guy, no chance! lol at first pic, your sis looks quite jealous of whatever it is you're drinking. Not sure why though because it looks non-alcoholic etc.
  16. fockin yes maaattte lol. Well it would be nice if this is true, and also if they actually knew wtf was gonna be shown. I guess we may get some PC screenshots and such from the likes of IGN etc.
  17. Nope, not that I know of. I was actually just looking at our country stats... says only 2,600 visits per month come from Japan, or 0.39% of our total monthly visitors, lol. So yeah, they're way down in 52nd place on the list of countries we're visited from Explains why we have little to no members from Japan. Still, it's news for those couple of thousand people.
  18. Chris

    So GMT+12 for NZ right? That's easy so basically it's just the same time as the UK except morning here is night there and vice versa. So it's 10am. You already been to mcd's or no? It's just I'm hungry now you're talking about food. Send me over a mcd's plz? After all, you ARE a woman, tis your job etc.

    lol j/k ;)

  19. You look exactly like your profile pic too. So that's kinda gay lol. :P

  20. Chris

    don't go to mcdonalds you'll turn into an American lol.

  21. Yeah some months after everyone else I expect.
  22. ^ true. But I'm guessing he wants it for his portable music player which probably doesn't support playback of ogg files.
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