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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Relatively unknown gaming website EvilAvatar.com have managed to procure an exclusive screenshot of GTA IV. The screenshot depicts Niko riding a Sanchez through a subway tunnel, dangerously close to a train. Link: EvilAvatar.com GTAIV Preview
  2. Racist? I think you're missing the point. Anyway, nice find but unfortunately it's really old news: http://www.thegtaplace.com/news/11936/euro...e-act-in-gta-iv
  3. The latest edition of German magazine Maniac contains a preview of GTA IV which unfortunately for us covers pretty much all the info recently revealed by other magazines. There is however one new detail, the confirmation of another radio station - Beat 102.7. We'll probably get more info on this when Rockstar update the official site on March 20th. Thanks to GTA-Xtreme.de for the info.
  4. Don't you know how ebay works? It automatically bids for you up to your highest bid. Someone has obviously put in a higher bid than yours, so after you submit your bid, ebay bids on behalf of the guy who bid higher than you. I've never had any problems with anyone on ebay myself, and have over 100 positive feedback, if that's of any reassurance to you... Basically as long as the person you're buying off has a decent amount of positive feedback, everything should be fine.
  5. Rockstar have updated the Updates section of the official GTA IV website, giving the dates of the next site update and a brand new trailer.
  6. Heh, you beat me by like, seconds. Main news post: go here
  7. PSM Spain has an exciting new article in it's latest issue, with 20 new screenshots and a decent amount of information on GTA IV's multiplayer modes. Here's a quick summary of the new info, and below that, a list of the multiplayer modes. There are 15 multiplayer game modes in GTA IV. PSM played 7 of them. The rules of each game are set by the host. There is support for up to 16 players. Your online character is fully customizable. You can alter his race, sex, hair, clothing etc. In Race and GTA Race, the host gets to decide the vehicles you can use, number of laps etc. You're able to shoot and throw molotovs from the window, and also steal opponents' cars. In Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, the host gets to decide the number of pedestrians, amount of traffic, police (on or off), and type of weapons In Cops N Crooks, one team are cops, the other, crooks. Cops must stop the crooks from escaping. They can monitor the locations of the crooks on their GPS. Crooks don't know where the cops are. In Mafia Work and Team Mafia Work, you play as one of Kenny Petrovic's mafia henchmen. You must complete hits ordered by the boss (via the cellphone) before your opponents can. Hangman's NOOSE features co-op play. You and a friend will be able to escort a mobster, while being pursued by a SWAT team. The available multiplayer modes: Hangman's NOOSE Car Jack City Bomb da Base Bomb da Base II Mafia Work Team Mafia Work Deathmatch Team Deathmatch Turf War Cops N Crooks Race GTA Race Deal Breaker Free Mode Car Jack City Big thanks to nevermikel for all this information.
  8. I make websites that weird people join.
  9. MTV.com has a brand new exclusive preview of GTAIV up on their website. There's also two exclusive screenshots on their site. Totilo spent two hours playing the game. An in-game text message was replied to by the editor. Totilo said that he thought the Statue of Happiness looked a lot like Hillary Clinton. "Extra guns and health packs don't float a few inches above the ground, waiting to be walked through. They lie on flat surfaces, waiting to be picked up. A Rockstar rep told MTV News that the developers didn't even want those found items to glow, as they do now, because that's not realistic. But a concession was made so players could more easily identify what they could and should try to grab in this world." "GTA IV felt less like a video game because there is no "Mission Complete" graphical flourish as there had been in old games, just a brief instrumental riff to indicate a job's successful finish. Icons in the upper-right corner of the screen still display the player's equipped weapon and money, but they are reduced in size, subdued to blacks, grays and whites, doing as little as possible to distract the player's eyes." "We took a helicopter for a joyride, in this case, in the PS3 build, traversing the city with haste, thrusting with the R2 button, rudder-turning with L1 and R1. The scenery was viewable from an optional in-cockpit, first-person view, the densely detailed Liberty City rolling by so quickly underneath that it's little wonder that the private jets parked at the game's airport are not usable. They'd be too fast for this game's amount of real estate. Mostly we used the helicopter to land on skyscrapers and in busy intersections, the rotor blades magically hurting no one — not the least of whom Niko, despite what would probably be classified as hard landings." Thanks to Jordan for the news.
  10. KING magazine has confirmed that New York DJ and hip-hop artist Green Lantern will be heard on GTA IV's radio stations. He also mentioned that music from Styles P, Uncle Murda and Maino's song "Getaway Driver" are included in the game. Thanks to PlanetGTA for the heads up.
  11. Rockstar have sent out hidden package #4 to GTA webmasters, it contains a t-shirt and these 2 screenshots:
  12. No, Gawker.com ran a contest last week ( http://gawker.com/364070/celebrate-art-win...auto-video-game ) and I guess they got the locations from R* themselves who they claim are a sponsor, no idea if they actually are but I never saw any R* ads on their site.
  13. Rockstar Games has given us some nice high resolution images of the real life artworks around New York, by way of a new post in their GTA IV RSS feed. The four locations (if you want to see them yourself) are: Williamsburg - Bedford & N5th Harlem - 112th Street & 1st Ave Lower East Side - 2nd St. & Ave A SoHo - Lafayette btw Spring & Prince Street ..and the corresponding images (from left to right) Thanks to Original GTA Master for the heads up.
  14. The latest issue of Edge Magazine has a 16-page article on the Grand Theft Auto series, much of it discussing GTA IV. There are also about 6 new screenshots, and an exclusive interview with Sam Houser. Some of the noteworthy points: Strip joints and comedy clubs are in the game, in a way that is "enough to make your head spin." You can see planes flying through the airport, and if you look closely you'll even see the pilots. Driving alongside one earned the test a 4-star wanted level. Niko managed to get this response from a cop he encountered: "I'm a cop... and you're a dickhead!" Houser wasn't able to elaborate much on the subject of multiplayer, however, he did say that is was possible to get together online just to chill out in-game: "I'll meet you in a car and we'll hang and just drive and listen to music, chilling in the car, with your 3D model sat next to me," he says. Newer cars' paint jobs will look a lot nicer than older cars, which will look rusted and bland. Bullet holes and dirt are permanent markings on cars. Structural damage is possible, the magazine talks about "ripping chunks out of the plaster with gunfire." Thanks to noxiousd for the info.
  15. Rockstar have updated the official GTA IV site again with new screenshots and music info amongst other things. 21 new screenshots have been added It turns out there are 18 radio stations after all, not 14. Only 2 of the 18 radio station pages can currently be accessed Check out the Official GTAIV site See the 21 new screenshots in our gallery
  16. Our sponsor site UGO.com was another site that got a hands-on preview last week. While there isn't any new information in the article, it's worth a read if you missed anything last week or if you have a few minutes spare to keep your GTAIV hype levels up. The article discusses the realism Euphoria has added to the game, how vehicle handling has changed and the new combat system. It also describes a couple of the missions they got to play, which you may have already read. If the hands-on is not something you want to read again, then they also have a nice retrospective article on the GTA series which is something you might be interested in.
  17. Saints Row was fairly good I thought, but it's no GTA. Once GTAIV is out we will have a fair comparison of the two series. I think we all know just how much higher he level of awesomeness will be with IV.
  18. The default is 10. I raised it so I could post more thumbnails in news post of screenshots. The only actual reason for the limit is spammers, but the last time we were image spammed was a long time ago, probably before you even joined - so I don't mind raising it really. We have capable mods to deal with any abusers. What would you say would be a more ideal limit?
  19. This was planned (see the checklist if it's still around). I don't know if I'll get round to coding it but I do think it's a good idea. About authors removing comments on their mods - what if it's a genuinely bad mod, and they only leave good comments? We lose integrity there. We might have to moderate it a lot, although we'd make it so only forum members can comment, so that might reduce crappy comments.
  20. Vice City FTW. Seriously do that. I haven't actually completed the Stories' ones myself, never got round to it
  21. IGN's Australian department have, using their hands-on preview, published a wonderfully detailed article on 10 things you have to do in Liberty City when you pick up the game in 57 days time. Now there are a number of quotes I'd like to post from the article, but that would defeat the object of this post linking to it, so I'll just post a couple. It's also confirmed in the article that you can actually blindfire rocket launchers, a feature I presumed would just be for normal guns. Read the whole thing over at IGN - if it doesn't make you more excited about this game I don't know what will. Also, feel free to comment on this post and add your own ideas to the list of 'things to do when you get GTA4'.
  22. Highly doubt this is fan work. More like the excellent work of Rockstar's very creative and very awesome marketing team.
  23. Well probably not for that exact reason, I was just exaggerating the oft-found American attitude towards things. It could be a typo, or an innocent mistake. Who knows, either way, 29th is the official date. You heard that from R* and all the fan sites.
  24. LiveJournal user 3rdrate has found something a little more interesting than the faux wanted posters you may have seen around New York, he's stumbled across a large artwork of Niko painted on a door in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the corner of North 5th St. & Bedford Ave to be precise. In addition to the artwork. 3rdrate seems to believe that the wanted posters for different characters are in different areas of NYC, i.e. Niko's are up in Brooklyn, Elizabeta's would be in the Bronx, etc. If this is the case, let us know if you find any others. Thanks PlanetGTA
  25. IGN are wrong, just trying to make America look better than everyone else because they can't handle being 'equal'. But yeah it'll ship the week before to retailers, or even sooner, people who preordered on the Internet have a good chance of receiving their copy on the Monday if they send the game out say on the Friday.
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