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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Rockstar have just sent us this exclusive screenshot for The GTA Place, it's among the first digital shots to show the HUD. See more exclusives at GTA4.net, PlanetGTA, GTA4.tv, GTAGaming, GTASite.net, GTANetwork.it, GTA-Series.com, GTAGames.nl, GTAInside.com, GTAWH, GrandTheftAuto4.fr and GrandTheftWiki Thanks again Rockstar!
  2. Oh, well my homepage is all my RSS feeds and that's where I saw this and then posted it.
  3. Despite the fact New Zealand have given the game the R18 rating, the country will be receiving the same censored version of the game it's neighbour Australia is getting. The R18 rating means it's illegal for New Zealanders under the age of 18 to buy the game, so why they're getting a censored version is unknown. No previous GTA games were edited for New Zealand, only Australians have suffered that, due to the fact the current highest rating there is MA15+. Rockstar still haven't confirmed what exactly has been cut, though they assure us it's nothing that will compromise gameplay. For any Aussies or New Zealanders wanting an uncut version of the game, your best bet is probably importing from the UK (if you require a PAL version). Source: PALGN
  4. Just two days? I'm guessing they've found a bug and it's taking a while to fix and they need some extra time to test it.
  5. Lol what's with all the gay stuff? Interesting. Also the banana... is that some kind of meme over at GTAF?
  6. The latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine (UK) has reached subscribers today and it contains the world's first review of Grand Theft Auto IV. The magazine gave GTA IV a perfect 10 out of 10 score. The magazine's verdict says: Amazingly realistic world. Stunning action set pieces. Genuinely engrossing storyline. Hugely entertaining multiplayer. Vast in every respect. In addition to this there's also a number of new screenshots on the article, including some which show off the game's HUD. Numerous other small bits of information are scattered around the article, below is a summary of the more interesting facts: Skipping a trip in a taxi costs more than it would if you sat back and enjoyed the ride. The Statue of Happiness is actually clutching a coffee cup, not a Sprunk/beer can as many had previously thought. Some celebrity voice actors play themselves in the game. Similar to Crackdown, hidden packages in GTA IV make a quiet sound as you get close to them, helping your search. Sometimes your in-game email account will get spam. Driving through flames will set vehicle tires on fire, causing them to degrade and burst after a while. A mission similar to "Dead Skunk in the Trunk" from GTA3 is in the game, this time there are two bodies in the trunk, and if you hit a bump and it opens, you'll have to get out and quickly close it again before any pedestrians notice. The mobile phone you receive at the start of the game is an old, second hand model capable only of calling and texting. You'll need to wait for an upgrade later in the story to unlock the full functionality that people get from more modern models. Downloadable content is confirmed to contain at least 10 hours of gameplay. Thanks to RAWRferal for the scans. Go out and buy the magazine if you're able to as it's a great read. On a sidenote, the magazine mentions an achievement called Assassin's Greed, this was also on the "leaked" list, and from what we've since seen it does appear that these achievements are indeed the real deal. We had tentatively updated our GTA IV achievements page yesterday with those from the list, achievements are sorted by GS and grouped into single player achievements first, followed by multiplayer.
  7. Good point ^ Forgot to mention my post only matters if you're getting a 360 version.
  8. yeah thats what i did, i ordered mine from amazon but i still dont know if 'ill be getting the ntsc or pal version [offtopic] if anyone has ordered a game from amazon, can you please tell me if they send the right version for the country. [offtopic/] LOL. Which amazon site did you order it from? It would have been wise to (if you didn't already know) check which countries use PAL. UK does, so I hope for your sake you ordered from either Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.de or Amazon.fr. If you went to Amazon.com then you, sir, have just been self-pwned. Cancel your preorder and do it at the UK site. Back on topic, if they do have that rating in Australia then I'd imagine Rockstar will re-release it, if it's soon.
  9. Niko wouldn't kill his cousin like that anyway, have you read Roman's character description, Niko's a tough guy but he isn't that cold hearted. I have no idea how you can even tell what character it is simply from clothing.
  10. He's in this screenshot too: http://www.thegtaplace.com/image.php?img=g...and_dimitri.jpg
  11. I just love the fact that characters have fingers now, the cities will no longer look like giant leper colonies
  12. The official GTA IV website has received a nice big update today with lots of new sections launches including multiplayer, there's also new screenshots. See all the new screenshots in our gallery Link: Official GTAIV website
  13. Multiplayer for sure, pretty much the most requested feature since GTA3, that's 7 years of waiting for most of us!
  14. Yeah this won't happen, the only site that even has an IRC chatroom is GTANet and the only reason they can do that is from sheer popularity, it wouldn't be beneficial for us to maintain one, it's too much extra work for a small site like us.
  15. I think it's funny how the USA is the last country to get the game because of how far geographically west they are Oh and toxic, HMV is a British company, of course we have it in the UK
  16. Those are the exact reasons I'm happy with the change. I mean really, there's only one downside... you have to start a mission at a certain time - you gotta wait twice as long to start it Having said that, if you need to collect weapons and shit before hand it's actually pretty useful since you have twice as long to get stuff.
  17. Well actually, those topics in general gaming are for discussion of the console and its games, you can also post your gamertag in it if you want... these topics are dedicated to posting gamertags to members can easily find other members to play against
  18. Thanks, I'll remove that soon. EDIT: fixed.
  19. Forgot to add in my post, here is where we first heard of an hour being 2 minutes long instead of 1.
  20. Yeah this was confirmed a while back, basically it's twice as long as the GTA3VCSALCSVCS days which IMO is actually pretty cool. There won't be any time changes in the game, basically, the clock will stay on each minute for 1 second longer than it has done in the past games. If you understand...?
  21. Using one of these links will help TGTAP, you don't have to, but here they are: Amazon.co.uk Game.co.uk Play.com
  22. This was actually suggested a couple of weeks ago: here Short answer is yes, I will get round to it when I have some free time.
  23. The next round of previews of GTA IV are now online, with these ones focusing on multiplayer again. As expected there's not really any major new bits of information, but the previews are still interesting reads and useful if you missed anything. Links to the previews are at the bottom of this post, and the 12 new screenshots which you may have caught a glimpse of yesterday are now in our gallery. Some interesting points from Kikizo's article: Each player can choose radio stations independently of everyone else in the car For those of you worried about lag while playing online, "Rockstar told [Kikizo] that it's been tested with hundreds of people up at Rockstar North and transatlantic, and the performance is apparently consistent and solid". There's an option to turn off player markers and player locations on the radar, making for some excellent stealthy knife-only matches, for example. Kikizo's opinion on helicopter travel: "[it's] brilliant - you can lean out of the side in an over-shoulder perspective and shoot bitches on the ground; the cinematic view as the chopper traverses the tangible cityscape is simply awesome." One notable feature missing from multiplayer is replays - perhaps R* might consider packing this in with downloadable content? The following websites all have previews up: Kikizo IGN GamesRadar Kotaku GameSpot CVG TeamXbox SPOnG Destructoid GameTap TotalVideoGames GameDaily
  24. GameTrailers.com has just released the latest episode of "The Bonus Round". This episode focuses on Grand Theft Auto IV, and talks about what we can expect from the game in terms of sales, controversy, and gameplay. The second part of the episode talks about the 360/PS3 console war and which version of GTA IV will come out on top, and the third part takes a look at the greatest moments of GTA's history. The show's panel consists of Michael Pachter, a Wedbush Morgan analyst, Pete Wanat, Executive Producer at NBC Universal, and Chris Morell, Senior Editor of GamePro. Check out the episode over at GameTrailers.com Thanks to Dennis and our friend Laz at GTAUnderground for the heads up.
  25. It's still April 29th, and it won't change. Unless something drastic happens, which I don't think it will.
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