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Everything posted by Chris

  1. EGM subscribers have recently received their April issue of the magazine, and in it is a nice lengthy preview of Grand Theft Auto IV, along with three new screenshots. New details are below: Thanks to CosmosTheMouse for magazine scans.
  2. A note from administration: The GTA Place suggests that all hardcore GTA fans do whatever it takes to legally procure a copy of GTA IV on April 29th, and encourages them to fully enjoy the wonderful experience and joy it provides.
  3. Thanks to IGN and GamePro, we now have 3 new screenshots and a digital artwork. Sources: GamePro and IGN See more artwork and screenshots.
  4. I personally don't believe that there isn't a single tank in the game. R* are hiding stuff I'm sure.
  5. The new previews and screenshots which you've probably read a lot about in the past couple of weeks are now finally here. Below is a quick summary of most of the new information. You can read on for links to the 10 new screenshots and the previews themselves. Broker is the only island open at the start, however you can begin accessing the other islands sooner than you have in previous games If you die during a mission you're given a chance to retry it by way of a text, after respawning at the hospital Headlights can be set to full beam or dipped, but they can't be turned off We mentioned a while ago that you may find items of use to you in vehicles, it has now been confirmed that you can't actually use vehicles as a place to store items Cars are not customisable as they were in San Andreas Items on the ground now have a yellow halo around them. Rather than the cylindrical glow we've become accustomed to in the series' previous offerings, GTA IV's mission markers are now large arrows pointing at the ground. There are eighteen radio stations in total. Genres include funk, reggae, jazz, dance, Jamaican, pop, hardcore, hip hop and an Eastern European station. One of the stations is called The Vibe, which plays RnB and soul music. You can pause the game to view a full size map of the city. Selecting a destination will map out a route to it on your radar. On the subject of GPS, some of the more expensive cars have voice navigation. As mentioned previously it is now possible to lob grenades and molotov cocktails out vehicle windows. Firing a gun is said to be (realistically) less accurate than in previous games. Niko is a master at Krav Maga, a fighting style the Israeli Special Forces use. Niko was able to punch someone hard enough that they crashed through a window behind them. Once minor technical difference between the PS3 and 360 versions has been spotted - The 360 version is brighter and has slightly more vibrant colour, while the PS3 build has less aliasing issues. Once again we recommend you read Kikizo's preview as in the past they've done an excellent job of covering more information than any of the other websites. The following websites also have new previews up: Kikizo IGN Team Xbox GameSpot 1UP CVG GameSpy Videogamer GamesRadar GameTap See the 10 new screenshots in our gallery.
  6. LCS and VCS were small helpers in terms of all the GTA websites activities. LCS was the main one anyway. But yeah San Andreas discussion is still on-going. People just won't drop off the radar soon after IV is released. It doesn't work like that. People buy the game every single day, even if people leave you're going to get more people joining. It's more or less a never ending cycle. Unless your website is shit or there isn't a release for like 5 years, there won't be huge changes in activity, just gradual ones, and I'm guessing a nice little spike in the weeks after release. In answer to your actual question, well, everything to do with IV: interesting findings, walkthroughs, community projects such as mods, the happenings in terms of a PC release (which if it is, will keep us covered for another year). Basically, the game, until we've covered all the information people want.
  7. I think the permissions are fucked, I can't post . You two haven't validated your emails.
  8. So you're coming to Staffs in September right. Third TGTAP member I've got at the university, I wonder how many more of you I can get here, then we can take over the campus and stuff Anyway my point was... I can request a private dance at any time right? Folks, this here you see is abuse of power. I am severely abusing my position of authority here by inappropriately making sexual advances through the medium of forum discussion. Don't let power get to you!
  9. As you can see, save games are EXTREMELY popular.
  10. Haha I did Lesbian bar with strippers at 11pm. Shitting hell. You're awesome.
  11. Thanks to everyone who is registering, should really help us out until we get noticed. And I believe Steve is working on skinning the forums so you'll notice a change soon.
  12. Hey all, Just a quick shameless plug of a new site of mine (and friend at university). In short, it's going to be a network of fansites for new and upcoming TV shows (i.e. those in their first season). Feel free to sign up to the forums if it's something you're interested in, we could do with a bunch of active new members just to get us off the ground I am responsible for the coding of the websites, while my friend Steve is responsible for all their designs. Both of us will be managing the content on the websites, though we'll also be looking for more staff who can help post news related to the shows etc. Below is my first post introducing the website to readers. Hope to see a few familiar faces err... usernames... over at SSF!
  13. We hide it because although it's popular (the only reason we keep it - to keep you all happy) it's a huge pile of failshit I see your point though, I was thinking of reorganising those forums a while back, I might think again about doing something.
  14. Season 4 is starting soon, or has just started, I'm not sure. But yeah we've caught up, we used be like 6 months behind or something.
  15. Just put them up in the town centre, if it's anything like mine there are flyers everywhere promoting various gigs or advertising random shit. Wanted posters on the other hand would look cool and perhaps actually attract attention. This is a cool idea though, definitely post pictures of posters you've put up yourself.
  16. A new screenshot has appeared in an article over at New Zealand based GamePlanet.co.nz. The screenshot shows Niko crouching on a roof with a sniper rifle in his hands.
  17. For now you can see all my shit on Flickr. Over the Easter I'll take pics of my entire collections, with everything together, including the games and stuff, in fact I might as well wait until I get GTA IV to do that.
  18. I didn't upload it yet anyway. But I want the new grungy one used from now on, rather than the plain one currently being used. So here it is. tgtap_pricedown_grunge.psd
  19. Dig at everything? The only thing I said was bad was the width, but I can make it a background image like you said. Also, he PM'ed me asking me to send him the logo... so now I've learned he uses Fireworks I believe this is now not possible, unless Photoshop has an export as Fireworks file - which if they do is useful I suppose. Everytime I say something negative you always dig at me... calm down.
  20. Yeah edit it back into your first post
  21. Shame most people still use 1024x768. The fact you made the width 1250 pixels wide means about 60% of our visitors will leave due to the fact their screens will annoyingly have horizontal scroll. At least you actually have a useful amount of knowledge in Photoshop though, yours is one of the best efforts I've seen. Do you want to use my grunged up wording of 'The GTA Place' that was shown on that beta layout I posted earlier in this topic?
  22. Sounds cool. Pics or it didn't happen.
  23. WTF for? As far as I know R* don't even send him stuff, and he didn't receive the package, he was just posting Jordan's pictures.
  24. Rockstar have updated the GTAIV official site today with new screenshots and wallpapers, as well as some new additions to the site. The updates page provides the details on what exactly has been updated. There are 8 new screenshots in total, 5 from the screenshots page and 3 from the new pages:
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