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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Actually, I saw this recently, it's all one piece. On a similar subject, does the X-360 support a Keyboard & Mouse setup? The controller is okay for driving but for a shooter I do a lot better w/ the K & M. I dunno, don't think so, but you can plug a USB keyboard in to type stuff in guide/dashboard menus or whatever
  2. I will have to send it back as just tried it and the red lights came back.
  3. Wow I haven't visited this topic for months. I just added a few of you. BTW I'll probably be one of the few who does NOT get Halo 3. MS are shit at hyping games. They just plaster the game's logo and imagery everywhere and it's put me off it now. I'd much rather wait for GTA IV and play other games I know I like in the meantime. And really, Halo 3 is a multiplayer orientated game. I don't even play online much and won't have as much time once I start uni.
  4. Wow. That's an absolutely retarded move. I hope some decisions are done to re-consider this if it is indeed supposed to happen. And yeah, it wouldn't be worth game developers making games require it because hardly anyone is gonna wanna upgrade their stuff, only hardcore gamers will do that.
  5. Chris

    Hi Risers

    OMG those cars looks absolutely horrific. I guess this is one of those 'only in America' things huh?
  6. Nope. Did this before and everyone spams it with their awful websites. Sites like gtagaming still have a section for this though, look at it. There's probably like 1 quality website per page, it's not worth it. You can use your signature for putting a link to your site anyway. If you make a lot of good posts people will assume you're a good person and that you have a good site so they'll click it. If you make a lot of shitty posts people will assume you're a shitty person and that you have a shitty site so they won't click it.
  7. Talking about age limits and seeing revealing pictures etc.... if you're too young to view them then you're too young to play GTA. But really it depends on how mature you are. kokane: female members here that actually post are just yourself, bear, YJ, Mrs.Vercetti and Little_Chestnut as far as I know, so 5 of you. There may be a couple of others but they aren't active enough for me to notice them. Tallow is the only notable female who doesn't come here anymore, I think.
  8. Heh, I just ordered some shoes from that site: These Matt Pritchard Globes. One of my mates has the 'chocolate' coloured ones of these and they look fucking sweet. Unfortunately they didn't have my size so I got the black ones. I wasn't gonna buy them since I didn't wanna copy him but we will hardly see each other after the summer so I thought fuck it who cares lol. But man shoes are fucking overpriced in the UK. Sweet, lookin' good. I can imaging the chocolate ones, they'd look cool. I looked everywhere for a shop/site that sells the same shoes as in the link i posted, but NOWHERE has them i've seem them in diffrent coulours, styles, etc. But none are orange. Orange is teh ownz. But i agree with the overpriced shoes thing. Unless you happen to catch a pair you like in a sale or somehting, you gotta pay out the ass to get a decent pair. Well, here's some sites you could try. They're all UK based of course, and I've used quite a few of them. Blackleaf.com EBTM.com - I've bought from here (music stuff though) ExtremePie.com - I've bought from here Flatspot.com HardCloud.com - I've bought from here Rip101.com RouteOne.co.uk - I've bought from here TwoSeasons.co.uk - I've bought from here BoardSportWarehouse.com - I've bought from here UrbanIndustry.co.uk TheUrbanShop.co.uk And yeah I got my Vans a few months ago in the sale for £35 which isn't too bad (they're actually still in the sale lol). But yeah check all those if you didn't know about them already. I think all of them do footwear apart from the last site on the list, so you might find the same colour and maybe cheaper on one of the sites.
  9. I can cook but I don't cook meals unless I'm home alone. My God it's gonna suck at uni though having to cook all my meals for myself and possibly others... meh... hope someone there is actually a good cook
  10. OMG you should see some of the stuff that people submit for POTD. Every week there's always someone submitting a picture of one of the bikini peds. Also, even more disturbing people shooting the female peds wearing skirts and making 'period jokes' referencing the pool of blood they're in... But anyway we digress. Back on topic now people.
  11. Oh it appears I also missed this topic. Well Happy Birthday for 2 days ago! Hope you had a good one!
  12. Err...you played Forza 2? That game has been known to RRoD Xbox 360s. O rly? I hadn't actually heard that. Tbh I'm not that interested in any other games right now though. I haven't even used my 360 for about a week. Not that interested in gaming at the moment. Well yeah I'm thinking of returning it anyway. I'll sort everything out when I come back off my holiday though. I won't be here next week.
  13. Unnecessary spamming/flaming I believe. One of the mods warned him and later suspended him due to him continuing to do so. This pissed him off and he sent me an email saying this; "I am giving you permission to delete my account i dont want to be with you fucks anymore, bye asswhipes!" And yes he did spell asswipe with an 'h'... But yeah, I thought what's the point of having him on the forums if he can't even abide by the rules and take a punishment... Back on topic: I'm surprised this has caused such a commotion considering how money is not an integral part of the forum as of yet and probably won't be for some time until djbob2 gets off his ass and finishes the damn store. Then once he's done that I need to get off my ass and fix up the gangs system... Unfortunately the one thing absent from this release of the store is the logs... apparently actions are logged, but there's no way to view them without going into the database. This isn't an important enough matter for me to go and look tbh.
  14. @YJ: Good post, reminded me of Tallow's response a couple of years ago when kokane first joined. Very similar in fact. But her posts were all deleted so I can't quote it :/ EDIT: Well here is part of kokane's response back then (almost a year ago): She's not breaking any rules so it would be unfair of me to delete it. Granted this is a GTA forum, but still, if she wants to post pictures like that she is free to do so. I mean this is no better/worse than our 'hot babe' thread really. Of course we can't allow full nudity for several reasons. And yeah G it works both ways, if one of the guys posted topless pics are you gonna complain?
  15. Yeah that's alright then. Because people who wear football shirts often are either obsessive football fans, or chavs, thankfully you're the former. Heh, I just ordered some shoes from that site: These Matt Pritchard Globes. One of my mates has the 'chocolate' coloured ones of these and they look fucking sweet. Unfortunately they didn't have my size so I got the black ones. I wasn't gonna buy them since I didn't wanna copy him but we will hardly see each other after the summer so I thought fuck it who cares lol. But man shoes are fucking overpriced in the UK.
  16. Good, it's just when you mentioned you often wore football shirts I was thinking the worst.
  17. Ha... seems I haven't been pwned! Maybe... Turned it off and on again. Froze at Xbox logo. Tried again. This time I got forza 2 loaded, but it froze at the main menu Tried again. Same as above^ Tried again... froze at xbox logo again... So I leave it off for about half an hour while I figure when is a good time to send it to MS... start it up again and it I actually managed to play Forza, completed a race an everything lol. I'm hoping it's fixed itself now. It's still weird when I turn it on though because the fan speeds up a lot as if you're playing a game even when it's just on the dashboard, then it goes back to normal... meh. Will see what happens...
  18. Excuse me but have you just taken these from our own GTAIV artwork page? :/ Locked.
  19. It's weird, clearly they haven't tested it well enough. The Major Nelson news post has hundreds of comments. There only seems to be a few people also reporting the red lights, everyone else is just complaining about how retarded this update is.
  20. O rly? Anyone else's console been bricked by today's dashboard update? I can't believe how ridiculous this is. Here's what the update is for. Why was this made a mandatory update? All it adds is support for wireless guitars for games like Guitar Hero. This does not interest me. I don't have the game and I will never buy a wireless guitar. How pointless! I'll phone MS tomorrow and send the console off to them to get it repaired. Thankfully MS support in the UK is actually fairly good. But still, completely unnecessary hassle they've caused me. Don't they even test these updates before releasing them? Click these to see the devestation: BTW if anyone tells me I should have bought a PS3 I'm deleting your comment as I don't even care. I will buy one as well as a 360 when good games are released for it. /end of rant
  21. Ha, yes if we're honest, he is more hollywood-ish than you Meh, I just quickly whipped up this as I was bored, done in a couple mins so excuse the shitty cropping/rotating Panopticon :: Kurt Cobain :: Josh Holloway Resemblance.
  22. I took it offline as I'm coding a new downloads system. It's still in beta so some stuff might not work but you can use this: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/user/upload.php Let me know if you get any errors. And I can't promise I'll approve your mod soon as I'm still busy with the coding.
  23. LOL I was trying to think who it was and you're right. He reminds me of Cobain too! Oh and also Panopticon, you vaguely resemble Sawyer off of Lost if you watch that, don't you think?
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