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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah use whatever res you want. There really is no reason why we should all use 800x700 IMO. I really don't think this should be a 'rule'. IPB automatically resizes images that are bigger than the page width anyway, so that renders the rule obsolete immediately.
  2. Guys. It's a fucking collage. Does it really matter what res you have it at and whether you put a pic of yourself in it... 1) 800x700 is a stupid resolution. If people stick to any standard res then it's fine, why force them with that? Look at the ones posted already, why should they be resized to 800x700? What exactly uses 800x700 as a res anyway? there's nothing wrong with them. Also, not everyone has image editing software or knows how to make things specific sizes or how to resize individual layers.... 2) Some people might not want to to put pictures of themselves in, perhaps because they are shy or are a little reclusive or whatever. And it was never clear that that was you in the middle of your collage. Just looks like some random goth/emo to me. Stop fucking whining and get on with the topic. I'll post mine later.
  3. We haven't made any major changes since we changed the layout which was months ago.
  4. I believe also that some of the trainers we have available in our downloads database allow you to do this. I can't remember which off the top of my head though.
  5. The SA:MP Team have fixed some minor bugs with in-game weather and have released v0.2.1 of their multiplayer client. I've updated the file page so you can (re)download SA-MP from here. Link: SA-MP.com
  6. Yahoo! will have hundreds of servers... they don't just host everyone on 1 computer. lol. I honestly don't think TGTAP will crash this time round, firstly, there's a lot less hype so not as many people will all be on at once. Secondly, with Yahoo helping out people will have more places to go to get it. With trailer 1, it was just on rockstars server, so everyone goes there and can't get on, they go to the next best thing, fan sites, that's when we got overloaded. This time, there's gonna be less people on R* servers, people on Y!, and people here. Everyone's going to be spread around a lot more. That was such a crappy explanation, but you get the point.
  7. Of course. I thought at first when I read it that there wasn't really much point in posting, but I guess clarification on the fact we can expect another trailer is good enough to post, and I guess some maybe interested in listening to the discussion anyway. I see some other GTA sites have now posted too so it must be news worthy
  8. Yeah that was just the guy's thought, obviously they only saw a small demo so I doubt he would have seen any long loading times himself.
  9. The latest podcast from the 1UP team has confirmed that GTA IV will have 3 trailers, which comes as absolutely no surprise as the majority of the previous GTA games also had 3 trailers. The podcast has John Davison talking about what he saw in an updated demo of GTA IV when he visited R* in New York recently. He said that the demo still remains focused on Broker, which is the same area previewed in earlier demos, however it's been updated slightly. GTAForums user Rob has embedded the podcast into this YouTube video below so you can easily listen to it: Link: 1UP Yours Thanks Gycu and Rob.
  10. Rockstar said they don't want the two versions to be different though, so I doubt it. On the subject of achievements, PS3 doesn't have a system like that in place yet, so it is itself one thing that's different.
  11. chris82's list was good, although i think the kill people with .... will be more like 50-100 gang members, rather than peds. Then of course obvious ones like 100% completion, and I reckon all of them will add up to 1000 GS, and the two episodic content packs will add more achievements bringing it to the 1250 GS maximum. As for achievements in multiplayer they will definitely have some, I think almost every 360 game has multiplayer related achievements.
  12. We already knew this, but I haven't added them to our characters page yet as we don't know anything about them.
  13. I just logged into my GamesPress.com account and found the press release, and then got confirmation from Adriaan that both R* AND yahoo will have the trailer... so I've now posted in the news. Discussion now here
  14. A press release sent out by Yahoo! last night caused a bit of confusion as it claimed to being premièring the second GTA IV trailer on Thursday. We now know this is not the case, as both Rockstar and Yahoo! will have the trailer at exactly the same time. Hopefully this will ease the pressure on Rockstar's servers and enable us all to actually see the trailer as soon as it's up this time. Also in the press release was word of exclusive content for Yahoo! beginning June 22nd (today). Nothing has yet appeared on their site, the following quote from the press release shows their announcement: Supposedly the content actually starts on Monday (June 25th), but hopefully we'll be getting a few goodies from Yahoo!, perhaps some new info, screenshots and such. You can check out the site at GrandTheftAuto.Yahoo.com, be sure to keep checking back here as we'll update you whenever new information is posted. Thanks Charger and Adriaan.
  15. Lol I remember that. I don't ever remember seeing the car released though. I think the guy just edited the handling.cfg himself.
  16. No, the server TGTAP is hosted on is located in Texas, USA. It wouldn't be from Dell or anything, all custom built I'd imagine. The server (which is fully dedicated) is donated to us by Ron from soccergaming.com, that's what the big ad at the top and bottom of the server is for... to pay for the server essentially. We pump out around 1 Terabyte of bandwidth every single month...
  17. Wow, that's a surprise, didn't expect Yahoo to be getting previews and such. Looks like they have the same trailer though, not an exclusive one to them, they just word it to sound like they are... Thanks, I would post this up on the site but we've only just got the time confirmed, it would kinda overshadow the more important news :/
  18. It helps I have root access to the server though, I bet not many other fan site webmasters do. Most of them are probably on shared hosting too But yeah I can literally just type one command line and press enter and the server downloads using it's rawrsome 100mbit connection So the trailer would be downloaded in just a few seconds assuming full bandwidth was available, and then I can post the link here to download it to my own computer.
  19. Added a screenshot of the email into the post now for those who haven't received it yet. @tilly: Well what we try to do is get a copy on to TGTAP server first, and then I usually put the link up to that in my news post, and then download it myself and write up all the new details. I'll also try and post other links if sites like gametrailers have it up too. At 12:00 only R* will have it so we'll just have to wait if everything crashes.
  20. No, says EDT on the email. You guys do have Daylight Savings as well you know Right? I'm just screenshotting it anyway, I'll add it into the post.
  21. Yes, they better not have an hour of slow server and crashes etc. I have to go out very very soon after 5pm here in the UK.
  22. Rockstar have confirmed the exact time for the release of the second GTA IV trailer "Looking for that special someone" in their latest broadcast. It will be going live at 12:00PM EDT. That's going to be 5PM in the UK, 6PM for most of Europe, and 2AM in most of Australia, of course your time zone may vary. So, get ready for the Internet to explode once again as every single GTA fan in the world attempts to download the trailer at the same time.
  23. Do you really need to post ALL those links to other fan sites when it's all available right here on The GTA Place? http://www.thegtaplace.com/gta4/ - on the left menu is basically everything you've just listed here. Official Screenshots, Screen Captures, Trailer links, Official Artwork. We also have articles on the characters and on Liberty City. As well as a page with general information. We have our own factsheet here on the forums too. Is this just a copy and paste from a GTAF topic or something? And who "made" you post it here? /rant Useful topic maybe, but I really don't think all those links to other sites are necessary, kinda defeats the object of posting it here...
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