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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Please refrain from posting news from 9 months ago.
  2. Definitely says "we'll find this man". I turned the volume up really loud to check that. It's because of his thick accent that it's possible to interpret it as "you", but it's definitely "we'll".
  3. Yeah it is N.O.O.S.E. You must have caught it when some of the guys clothing went over the N. Actually, I think the guys have a radio or whatever on their back which covers the N partially in every shot. You can tell by the angle of it that it isn't a V because it's too slanted. The only other letter it could possibly be is an N. N.O.O.S.E is not an abbreviation for any law enforcement agency in real life so it may be either standing for something funny, or just an in game name for them.
  4. Good idea. And obviously I wasn't going to ban anyone over petty flames, I was just making a point so people would realise is pointless arguing over someone elses comments, and that if it continued I would warn people for disrupting this otherwise discussion-worthy thread.
  5. Anyone else have any idea what he's talking about? Fixed what exactly? The only post I've made in this topic was telling Wolfman and WnN2 to stop fucking around or I'll ban them. Is this the shit you were accusing me of through PM?
  6. Hmm yeah. Well that's good. It's probably like about 5 textures, and when a bullet hits you get a random one appearing. Pretty nice effect.
  7. B. Crane is most likely one of the leads Niko has been led to in order to help find the "special someone" Yeah the new particle effects look amazing No idea who the hell that face belongs to Yes I think it does say Rockstar in the graffiti.
  8. If I remember correctly yes it did. I haven't played it for ages though, so I could be thinking of another game.
  9. I take it you've never played an HD game on a non-HD TV then. Trust m, it really doesn't look as good at all. You really need an HD TV if you want the best experience.
  10. Carry on fighting in here and we'll see who gets banned first ok. And yeah it looks like Jacob to me.
  11. See our screen captures page. It'll be just like Saints Row, the bullet hole will appear right where it was shot. And that same smash texture will appear.
  12. They are fucking gone now.
  13. 1080i, I would imagine. What are most PS3 games? I don't have one. To be honest I think 1080i on both PS3 and Xbox 360 though.
  14. Not to hijack your topic but just thought I'd point you all to our 50 HD captures - right here. But good observations guys
  15. I think there was a ad using the "360" name on the previous trailer too BTW I've uploaded 50 screen caps to the site, link is in the first post if you're interested in looking at them all.
  16. I've been meaning to change that for a while now, couldn't ever think of a relevant question... Cheer up, it's only a few days away But yeah that must suck, upgrade to a plan without download limits
  17. Yeah R* server is up but loading pretty slow for me, Yahoo seems to be fine though so if you haven't seen it try there!
  18. Yahoo is fine, only R* server is down right now.
  19. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11811 You impatient bastards
  20. Have just taken some photos of my TV. Quality isn't great because of that but you should get an idea of what it's like. See my first post for links to my flickr photostream.
  21. Microsoft have let loose the GTA IV theme and picture pack for Xbox 360 owners. Good news is that both are completely free to download! Just go to your Marketplace blade -> New Arrivals -> Grand Theft Auto IV ... and there they are. I don't have my capture card set up, but I just snapped a few photos of what they look like, apologies for the poor quality but see my flickr photostream for: picture pack, guide button, xbox live blade, games blade, media blade and system blade.
  22. Ah ok then, just listened, sounds fairly similar anyway, the one on Virb seems to have less vocal input that's all.
  23. I added that countdown to our homepage, so just check http://www.thegtaplace.com for the correct time I'll lock this now since nobody should be confused.
  24. Thanks for the link but their Virb profile has the entire song...
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