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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Sig Rules

    Meh.. it's still there you've just missed tags and stuff from your BBCode. No I will, honestly, I'm that kind. EDIT: Done.
  2. Chris

    Sig Rules

    Now now, no need to start flaming. fone_bone you do need to get rid of that massive text though, not only is it unnecessary, it doesn't really make sense. I'm not sure if your boasting that you do have one, or you're making a point that nobody does...
  3. Well it's highly likely he will be in there yes, but it's never been confirmed by anyone.
  4. I reckon there will be, hell I bet even Flash FM returns, that would be good.
  5. The PS3 doesn't have an achievement system at the moment, and it's unlikely they'll implement one before GTA IV is released so there won't be any for you to get.
  6. Original discussion thread is here so click on this link to go there and continue your discussions Topic Closed
  7. Would it? Well, dance music isn't really my thing anyway, and Eurovision is just a right laugh to watch. And I don't think she will voice Elizabeta as she appears to be black (if this is indeed her), so the voice wouldn't really match up too well.
  8. The first confirmed voice actor to be playing a part in GTA IV became known yesterday. Ruslana, winner of the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest is apparently flying out to New York to record her voice for Grand Theft Auto IV. The character she is voice acting for is being kept a secret for now, and unlike other game publishers, Rockstar like to keep quiet about actors and actresses working on their games, so don't expect any answers soon. In addition to voicing, the Ukrainian star is also going to have some of her songs used in the soundtrack for the game, both from her previous albums and current album. We'd take a wild guess here and say these will form part of the "Eastern European dance music" radio station which one of the Xbox magazines spoke about a couple of months ago. You can find out more about Ruslana on her official website. Source: ESC Today (UPDATE: The article appears to have now been pulled from the website, presumably Rockstar requested it to be taken down) Thanks R_sPeEd.
  9. As Big Rigs would say... You Are Winner! Actually an winnar is me, as I am using teh original, and I am last to post. OMFG POSTING IN A CLOSED TOPIC!
  10. Chris

    Sig Rules

    Well actually, just realised yours is (altogether) bigger height and width wise, so resize it
  11. Or if they're hairy. Or if they belong to a man.
  12. Chris

    Sig Rules

    Recently there's been loads of members I've seen with literally tens of images in their sig, some have HUGE UNNECESSARY WRITING, some have about 5 quote boxes. Either way, you're all breaking the rules. Not only does your sig look crap, it wastes a lot of space and causes people to have to scroll a lot more than usual. The RULES clearly outline the max size we allow for sigs, 500x200 pixels worth of space. Mods will now be cracking down on offenders, you'll be sent a PM to remind you to fix it. If it is not fixed within 24 hours your sig will be removed until further notice, and you'll be given a formal warning. Thank you.
  13. Where I live it's pretty much 50/50 between Liberal Democrats and Conservative, virtually no-one voted for labour which is pretty funny. I didn't vote, I couldn't be bothered
  14. Yes, if anyone wants to, then do this: Go to the guide -> Personal Settings -> Themes -> Customize -> Guide Background and choose Default Color, or whatever else you want.
  15. No fucking way am I using Vista, not until they fix it, that'll be a few years yet. (IMO, until service packs are released). So yeah I won't have trouble with drivers. Yeah it is already overclocked, here's where (standard in brackets): Core Clock - 575MHz (500) Shader Clock - 1350MHz (1200) Memory Clock - 1700MHz (800) That's actually pretty impressive how they added almost 1ghz to the memory clock. Guess I could overclock it a little more in other places, though I'll only do that if I need to. Also if I manage to get 3DMark06 actually working on my current PC I could do some before and after comparisons.
  16. Good plan, except I think we need to add more steps... 1. Take off plastic 2. Sniff package, books, and safety deposit box 3. Skim art book 4. Examine music cd 5. Look at manual 6. Lock everything besides game and case into safety box and lock it 7. Insert disk into Xbox 360 8. Profit by playing a few missions offline 9. Profit by playing online the entire night Btw, this is fitting for my 1,600th post right? Yes. For me ( and just so I can do this meme properly, actually so I can include multiple meme's, which fails, oh well ) 1. Pay Money 2. Receive GTA IV 3. Get everything out of the packaging 4. Look at all the stuff 5. Insert disc into Xbox 360 6. Play game all day 7. Do a barrel roll 8. Stick it in her pooper 9. ???? 10. Profit! In Soviet Russia, game plays you! Im in ur 360, readin ur gta4 disc I for one, welcome our new GTA IV overlords. Needs moar GTA IV Oh shit too many memes... *fails* *topic ruined* Ha! me too!
  17. Oops forgot to update you all, last night I ordered an EVGA nVidia 8800GTS 320MB SuperClocked. Should be awesome. Switching from ATi to nvidia is a risk I'm willing to take. Obviously if I get problems I'll simply send the card back and probably go for an equivalent ATi. So yeah, bash me all you want, but that's what I've chosen this time round. I'm no fanboy, this is my 2nd nvidia, and I've had 2 Ati's before... so there This PC should last me quite some time I'm hoping.
  18. ALL weekend!! We all managed to get weekend tickets so we'll be camping out there, and yeah you're right, SUNDAY is the day I am most looking forward to
  19. Never been, however, I'm going to Reading Festival in August, and that is gonna fucking own!
  20. Ha! Yes, please do post them here
  21. Yeah, although it still isn't definitely final, but pretty much. POssibly revamping the layout of TGTAP over the summer anyway, I don't know.
  22. Really? I just realised why I hadn't seen them until now. The UK xbox.com mirror hasn't been updated with them yet. Only if I visit then en-US site do I actually see them. So yeah, checked after the theme's release and there was nothing, only today when I saw other sites posting I realised they'd changed stuff. Kinda retarded really to only update the US site.
  23. Well, Gerard already did one of the entire UK, so I'll just do the country of England itself, as I'm not Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish And BTW, do any vets here remember the time when we could choose a flag to go under our avatar? We had a mod over 3 years ago! and a lot of people used to use it and it was nice to see where everyone was actually posting from (like if someone doesn't have good English and you see they've got a flag you don't recognise you could tell English wasn't their first language and be more understanding, rather than assuming they were a complete and utter n00b). Anyone interested in me adding this mod again? Here is the cross of St. George: I don't actually know anything about it, so here's what Wikipedia says:
  24. Today we have some updated artwork for you, courtesy of Microsoft after they recently updated the GTA IV page on Xbox.com to reflect the theme available on the Marketplace. First of all we have digital copies of the blade backgrounds, which I had taken photos of the other day. Unfortunately the images are quite small, but they're better than nothing at all. In addition to this we have two of the artworks above on what appear to be actual screenshots of the game, the latter of which is currently being used as the banner on Xbox.com's GTA IV page: Our artwork page has also been updated with these images.
  25. Sorry mate, but girlfriends have unfortunately already been confirmed... On topic, over half my friends list on Xbox Live are now using GTA IV gamer pics, so confusing when looking for someone I think the theme suits the dashboard really well, the only thing I'm not to keen on is the the background for the guide button.
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