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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I'm not sure what happened, it's never occurred for me. Are you sure you didn't just have two tabs open on different topics and replied to the wrong one? I've done that before.
  2. Same, I just updated the post with links to their myspace and virb profiles so you can all hear a few of their songs
  3. In another preview from Yahoo, the music which will be in today's release of trailer number two was revealed to be "Arm In Arm (Shy Child Remix)" by New York City-based band The Boggs. The preview also talks about how the passage of time might affect the game, and the trailer indicates this in subtle ways. We'll find out more about this when the trailer is released at 12:00 EDT today, that's 5PM in the UK. UPDATE: I would imagine for many of you this is the first time you've heard of this band. They appear to be an Indie / Experimental band and you can hear a few of their songs on their MySpace and Virb profiles. Both have the song "Arm In Arm", albeit a different remix, but this is the sort of thing you can expect to hear in the trailer.
  4. Yeah I'd imagine the trailer will be. Obviously the Xbox theme and gamer pics won't since they are exclusive and are for Xbox 360...
  5. Rockstar have updated the official site with two brand new screenshots of Grand Theft Auto IV. Check them out below. Link: GTA4 Screenshots, official site
  6. Microsoft sent out a press release earlier confirming a couple of things. Firstly, The second GTA IV trailer, "Looking for that special someone", will be available on the Xbox Live Marketplace tomorrow, shortly after it's debut on RockstarGames.com and Yahoo! Xbox 360 owners will of course be able to download this free of charge. Secondly, Microsoft also added that they would be offering an exclusive GTA IV theme for 360 owners to download, as well as gamer pictures. It was not mentioned if these will be free of charge or not, however, based on many other games, it is likely there will be a small charge for them. We'll let you know if we get more info on this.
  7. So far, Yahoo's GTA IV content which they hyped up has been pretty abysmal. Today they redeemed themselves with the interview they promised with Dan Houser, Vice President of Creative at Rockstar Games. Now there's unfortunately no new GTA IV info divulged, although there are a couple of interesting points that are brought up. When talking about why Niko has come to America, and how Roman has lied to him, Houser added: Obviously this someone is anonymous to us all at the moment, but perhaps tomorrow, things will be different, when this character will (presumably) be revealed in the second trailer, "Looking for that special someone". Stay tuned for more info! Link: Dan Houser interview @ Yahoo!
  8. That is a nice pic and a nice car. @kokane: Nice, I like the lighting on those pics, works well. Although the second one seems a little too dark, and the last one didn't turn out as well, but great otherwise. So this wasp crashed into my windowsill today and was all dazed when it landed. I managed to snap a few pics before it was able to attack me They turned out a little crappy so I had to edit them a little in photoshop, which improved them a little. Click the thumbs for bigger pics, especially the last one, it waved at me!!
  9. Bump.... So did any of you guys who said you would try this actually do it yet? Any response? Oh and I took some new pics of all my gta merchandise today, I'll have them up on flickr next week
  10. Yeah, too bad it's a load of shit. Their preview even spreads false rumours that were in the non-existent "Xbox Turkey" mag. I am appalled at Yahoo.
  11. Shit, I'm a bit late with these, posted as news now though. Thanks.
  12. Rockstar have released some great high res images of what you'll be getting in the special edition of Grand Theft Auto IV. I don't need to say any more, just click the thumbnails below. I guess all true GTA fans will be buying this. Thanks MishoM.
  13. I'm pretty sure he meant English language actually. And probably meant artists whose songs are in a different language.
  14. Did you mean bands that are from another country, or bands which sing in a language other than English? I like Rammstein (German) and Children of Bodom (Finnish, songs in English), for the heavy stuff. and Millencolin (Swedish, songs in English) a punk/"skater rock" band - whatever you wanna call it. There's a Japanese band I like which do a lot of techno stuff for the Gran Turismo games' soundtracks, can't remember the exact name though, and techno isn't one of main interests.
  15. Well not really. Ever played Saints Row? Seen its achievements?
  16. There are reasons for this. Firstly, we weren't that popular leading up to SA release, so not many hype related posts were made. But for GTA IV, we've had this forum for years, and a lot of hype as built over those years, resulting in not as many topics, but a massive amount of discussion, helped majorly by a huge wishlist too. Moving to The Lounge now as this isn't actually about the game itself.
  17. Another small update today. You can now rate files from directly on the file page (this functionality will be improved but it works fine for now). I've also moved the system out of the beta directory now that all the basic functionality is there (all that's really left to go is the administration and user pages), and it's all had enough testing from you guys now. So, http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/
  18. ROFLtopic. Your vid was ok apart from the high pitched 'oh yeah' noises.
  19. I've fixed the link now, thanks.
  20. Chris Benoit? This the same guy who used to be in WCW? He's Canadian right? I remember watching WCW (and WWF too) back when they were two separate organisations, and I remember him fighting, he was pretty cool if I remember correctly. I dunno this must've been a good 7 years ago at least now, I stopped watching it when I was about 10 or 11, when the WWE formed...
  21. How exactly do they suck? I'll take a look at the 1900's though. Also if I increased my budget a little I could stretch to a 8800 GTS 320MB. Hmm...
  22. I'm thinking this 512MB 8600GTS at the moment, but it's got no specs so I don't really know much about it other than the fact 256MB has been added. If not that then this 256MB 8600GTS is looking pretty good, it's slightly overclocked.
  23. The entire 8800 range is so expensive in the UK, I can't really justify a 320mb one. I have found a 512mb 8600GTS though, even though nvidia's page says it has 256mb standard, Gainward must have added an extra 256mb to it. That's £158.61
  24. Yeah. I've only ever had one GeForce card, and 2 ATi cards throughout my PC history. I can't really say much for nvidia because it was so many years ago ( I had a GeForce 4! ), but my two ATi radeons I've had since then have been pretty good. But now I'm not really sure who to go with. Hopefully some people who have either a current gen decent ATI or nVidia card will post about them.
  25. Time for another ATi vs. nVidia debate. I don't think I mentioned it but I'm in the middle of building my brand new PC, I have everything apart from the CPU, RAM, and graphics card. I'm now looking at what graphics card to buy, and can't decide between nvidia or ati, now I can't afford any top of the range stuff, however I don't want low range either, something fairly decent, and something that supports DirectX 10 too. I would say my budget is really, around £150 (€225 / $300) If I go with nvidia's geForce, it'll probably have to be one in the 8 series, since they support directx 10, and if ati's radeon, well I'm not sure, there's too many to look through and compare. So what do you guys think I should get? FYI: The specs of my current ati card Oh and it needs to be PCI-Express interface, not AGP.
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