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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah, well I posted news so all site visitors could read it...
  2. This has now been posted in the news forum -> see here for discussion.
  3. Good news for those of you who play San Andreas Multiplayer, or SA:MP as it's better known. The team have released version 0.2 of their popular multiplayer mod, after having had quite a few beta tests over the last few months. This version fixes various bugs and adds a number of new features. For example, sniper rifles and rocket launchers are now synched, there's now tanks and trams too, plus many more improvements which you'll find for yourself. You can download SA:MP v0.2 from our own mirror here. Or you can visit the SA-MP website for more downloads including server files. In related news, we're hoping to roll out our new downloads database system within the next couple of months some time, or maybe even before then. You can read about that in this topic on our forums. Link: SA-MP.com
  4. Invision Power recently released a bug fix pack and we're now on version 2.3.1 None of the bugs were actually affecting our forum but we've upgraded anyway. Still no word on any store updates.
  5. No it's nothing to do with that. It's what it supports. Even if your tv isnt HD you can still play a game that's 1080i, but it'll look shit. Just as any PS3/360 game will look shit on a non HD TV, the difference is so noticeable. So although you don't have an HD TV, you'll still be able to play the game. Also, I think it's always said those details on the xbox.com page, don't think that's ever been updated, which is why it still says 1 player...
  6. And it's coming out for the Xbox 360 too
  7. Yeah I haven't heard anything more on it either. In fact the last I heard was that it was also coming to Xbox 360 (as well as the PC as it was originally announced for). IGN's pages for the PC version as well as the Xbox 360 version have had no news stories posted to them since late 2005. Strange. It would be good if anyone finds anything more if they could post here.
  8. Chris

    Grand Theft Auto 5?

    He's the current R* webmaster. The man behind [email protected] emails.
  9. Chris

    Grand Theft Auto 5?

    I have found some interesting developments on another GTA 5 domain which R* appear to be acquiring. I can't confirm anything just yet though as it may be another fake... BTW another way you can tell that grandtheftauto5.com is fake is because Mike Torok, afaik, never uses his own name to register a domain, it's always done in Take 2's name.
  10. Well yeah that as well, some of the info he posted contradicted official stuff we know.
  11. ^fixed. Please do not spread misinformation. Nothing has been confirmed yet. You may well have experience with this sort of business, but so do I, and I don't think you're looking at this in realistic terms, so let me explain: Having exclusive content on only one console is not a "bad marketing plan" as you put it. It is not going to affect how many copies of GTA IV are sold, the only influence it may have is on what console a gamer chooses to purchase it on. It's not like people aren't going to buy it just because it doesn't have exclusive content, that's an stupid thought. Remember this is Grand Theft Auto we're talking about, people now buy these games just because of the franchise's popularity. "Oh it's GTA, it must be good, I'll buy this!" is what many non-hardcore fans would think. MS have paid T2 such an immense amount of money that it will cover any "losses" made by not being able to give PS3 gamers additional content. That's the whole point, otherwise T2 wouldn't have accepted it - it would have been in their best interest to make additional content for the PS3 version too. But it's not now, as they're already $50,000,000 up. Additional content is just a bonus for a game, it doesn't ever sway a decision as to whether or not a game is worth purchasing.
  12. @killa: not sure what your problem was but it's all working fine on all browsers I've tested. Today I did a very small update, and that is that the system now recognises when you are logged in, and so you don't have flood control on searches any more - only guests (if not logged in) are subject to flood control which is currently once every 30 seconds.
  13. No, I don't know when they will be fixed. We do have them but we disabled them because they're supposedly glitched. Again, it's not my mod so I don't have control over it. I have no idea when any upgrades to the store will come about, so STFU.
  14. That stuff from the Turkish mag was fake, because: 1) The guy who posted on GameFAQs is a known hoaxer. 2) There are NO Xbox magazines in Turkey Consoles just don't sell in some countries, and Turkey is one of them.
  15. That stuff from the Turkish mag was fake, because: 1) The guy who posted on GameFAQs is a known hoaxer. 2) There are NO Xbox magazines in Turkey Consoles just don't sell in some countries, and Turkey is one of them.
  16. LOL yeah they've literally been there forever ever since the very first version of the software came out! For everyone complaining about your points not showing in points: it doesn't matter, we aren't even using the store properly at the moment, we'll display them again when everythings working properly. You still get points for your posts.
  17. Well I know I will get it. Most true GTA fans such as myself will do anything to get our hands on more content for GTA games. If it costs 2200 points then so what, I'm gonna get the content no matter what, I love GTA that much.
  18. OK I just checked Wikipedia and it turns out Xbox Live has over 6 million subscribers now, which is more than I thought... but there you go.
  19. but still, there's no downloadable content on PS3, and those points are made for downladable, you play for nothing, no money down. i think the advantage is for the Xbox 360 Yeah there is, they have the PlayStation Store. But he's right, that is one advantage of the PS3 is that you don't have to pay a subscription fee for online gaming. Yeah well I was told that there are just over 2 million subscribers, a lot more than the PS3 apparently too (at the moment) obviously since they've been going for an extra year. I'll have to check up on that though. I personally think MS are losing money on this, in the short term anyway. $50m is nothing to them though, if you take a look at their figures from their balance sheet for Operating Profit you'd see it is a LOT higher than $50m. @Jared: I would imagine the price to download the DLC (in points) is agreed on between the publisher and Microsoft.
  20. points is the 'currency' used to buy stuff from the Xbox Live Marketplace, and it works out to $10.
  21. If you're wondering why it seems that only the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV is getting downloadable content, the reason is possibly because Microsoft have paid a whopping fifty million dollars for it. Stock analysis website SeekingAlpha have referenced last weeks press release from Take-Two regarding it's financial results and a conference call in relation to that, where it is revealed that the $50 million "Deferred revenue" figure is actually coming from Microsoft, who will pay Take-Two $25 million for one downloadable episode in March '08 and the other $25 million later on in fiscal '08 for the second episode. We can assume from this that these are likely to be the dates when we will actually receive the content, although it's not certain. It's a long article to read in full but this is the quote which confirms the above: This screenshot below shows part of the financial results with the deferred revenue figure being talked about above: (in '000s) What we're trying to work out is where exactly Microsoft are getting their money back and profiting from this. Clearly they are doing this to help sell consoles as well as copies of the game, but even then, not everybody is going to buy the content, and assuming it will be priced at 800 points (that's $10) - 5 million people would have to download the content just for Microsoft to break even. The actual price is not yet known and it's very possible that it will cost more than this.
  22. No we don't know the GTA after GTA IV, we also don't know what consoles it will be on, I'd imagine both, again.
  23. Lol this should have been kept closed, that was hilarious when G closed it and won. Staff rule.
  24. No, it's not my mod, and I don't know what the fix is.
  25. I couldn't work out what he meant either. Way to fail emphasis. OGTAM, I don't think you can just read the sentence differently to then assume that the PS3 will get some at a later date. What you're doing there is taking the quote out of context from GI.biz's article. For now, everyone just has to accept the fact that the 360 is the only console getting additional content. If the PS3 is getting some then it will be announced to us a later date, for now it doesn't have any though.
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