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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Support bands at well known bands gigs soundtracks on videogames/movies friends radios which have shows with unsigned bands dare I say it... myspace the internet Lol I actually missed your poll but I covered everything, or at least swapped a couple of weird ones (books and hallucinations) for betters ones
  2. I don't remember there being a food fight in my school either. At least not one that I was a part of. Oh well, sounds like you had fun!
  3. Clustering has been mentioned in most previews as a problem that has been FIXED in GTA IV. What you're looking at here is development screens/footage. It is likely that there are not yet all the models/skins for vehicles/peds yet, so it may appear to you that there is some clustering going on, but we're assured this won't be the case with the final game.
  4. I could but there are still people using OS's such as windows 2000 where upgrading to IE7 isn't possible. It's best just to get it fixed anyway, which I will do. One thing I missed of the to do list was all the tutorials I need to write, added them all now.
  5. This is not a random image thread btw but whatever. I lol'd at everyone editing their posts though.
  6. OH Em Gee. THis thread has failed so damn hard The thing is there ACTUALLY ARE WORDFILTERS IN PLACE it's just only one normal member has replied so far. great.
  7. doesnt effect staff Urban: it doesn't matter about spam in this part of the forum.
  8. Yeah this is sort of what random post topic is for. ¯\(°_o)/¯
  9. Yeah it's not operating systems that cause problems it's the browsers themselves, currently IE6 and versions below that are the only ones not working. Vista comes with IE7 so everything will work fine I doubt there's any threads here about Linux, or indeed Mac for that matter. You see since everyone here is for GTA, almost every single one of us are Windows users (for playing GTA on our PC's with mods etc.) I personally have a Mac as well as a Windows PC though, and have tried a couple of Linux distros in the past. Look in the computer & tech forum, there's probably nothing there but you could always start a topic about it, if I'm not being lazy/busy I may reply myself
  10. OK that would be helpful. Oh and tonight I finished the stats page which seems to be working as expected.
  11. Let's not turn this into a browser war, there's probably already one in the computer chat forum if that's what you want. I WILL sort out the problem, obviously. It's not my top priority right now though. However, for the time being, if YOU are using the downloads beta and prefer to use IE as your browser, please do consider upgrading to IE7 if you're using anything less that that. Some sites like to display "Optimised for Mozilla Firefox" images, or another browser - this is a result of VERY poor web design skills, if you're a web designer you should ensure your sites work in ALL browsers, not just one, you should never force people into using something they don't want. Encourage and discourage all you like, just don't force. Myself being a web designer I do my best to ensure The GTA Place is compatible in as many browsers as possible. I own Mac, Windows and Linux machines and so can personally test a lot myself. However, being security concious, I usually always use the latest versions, which is why I need people like you, who aren't necessarily using latest versions to help beta test. You have already helped me by notifying me of a bug in IE6 and below. If I didn't get you guys to test it, I would never have found it. Browsers I personally test are the following: Windows: Firefox 2 Opera 9.2 IE 7 Netscape 8.1 Mac Firefox 2 Opera 9.2 Safari 2 Camino 1.5
  12. Ha, wow, actually completely forgot to be honest. At the moment, I'm not sure what we're gonna do about the banners, if we're going to put Niko in as well it's going to be very overcrowded. We'll need to redesign for sure. And you know what else sucks, the one PSD which I lost is the one for the main logo, I have the psd's for ALL the others, just not the main one... bugger.
  13. Can I clarify, is it just the main page that shows the table messed up in IE6? Or is it every single beta page?
  14. I don't even have a copy of IE6 installed on any computers in this house or even my Dad's house, we're all smart enough to secure our computers, and know that if we must use IE then at least use IE7 (my mum and dad simply will not change to any other browser).... Sooo... unfortunately I can't actually test it out. But what I can tell you is that the error I fixed just now keeps all the code valid xhtml meaning the problem is definitely with IE6. Not our site.
  15. No, we're not a homosexual advocacy website. This is Grand Theft Auto, not Viva Piñata. That's the whole point. If we used a different layout for every page no one would visit. Inconsistency is a very bad thing. Thanks for the comments guys, I'll post here again when more has been completed.
  16. The youtube vid kokane linked to above will give you a taste of Eastern European hiphop/rap type music, one of the radio stations in GTA IV has this sort of stuff. Oh and Silberio on the last page you said something about beer being made from apples, I think you may be getting confused with cider - cider is made from apples Right now I'm gonna go grab a Bud and take a pic of the label so you can see the ingredients
  17. Well, disappointed none of you even tried to guess the URL of it... tsk... here http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/beta/
  18. Ok folks, today I completed probably the biggest and most complicated task that I had to do for the downloads system - and that was to majorly improve the search feature. There are so many more options you can choose to narrow down your searches now, and there is a lot of code to check what options you've selected and then piece together a query based on that... all very complicated stuff... so happy it all works now though. In case you didn't notice, I added a checklist to the first post in this topic. So read that and you'll see what there is left to do. Basically, I've done enough of the main stuff that I could give you guys the URL to where it is so you could all start using it... Do you want it?! Keep in mind that category images and the search form are not final though, they're just placeholder at the moment, as is the actual design and colour scheme, we haven't decided whether that will be final yet.
  19. I don't know why you're all complaining that none of this is new. I know it's not majorly important details, it's more of a clarification post than anything else. I didn't even know about this article until yesterday after receiving an email about it. After reading it had the following things: A song name confirmed, clarification on size of LC, clarification on length of game, a ped quote, as well as other comments from R*, I thought it may be useful to post it. Because before I posted this, some of those things were still debatable, for example the size of Liberty City - there's even a topic in the GTA IV forum about the 100 hour completion time so obviously now that it's been debunked you're all slightly wiser, no? I don't know about you lot but when reading this I thought Kikizo put a lot more detail into their article than in other previews we've seen. In addition to this, the fact they also posted a separate article (just yesterday) with confirmation from R* that GTA IV won't be delayed because of Halo 3, I thought I would bundle it with the above to make the news post worthwhile. Yeah we're a little late, but so what, how many other GTA sites can you honestly say have coverage that competes with us, I can think of 2 that definitely do, maybe 3 at the most. I won't name names but some certain GTA sites are really slacking nowadays when they used to be pretty good... @Urbanoutlaw: Yes of course it's October 16th, you been living under a rock or something?
  20. Lesser known gaming website Kikizo has come up with an incredibly detailed preview of GTA IV which they published recently, seems like we completely missed it. Like all the other previews we've seen recently in magazines and on the Internet, Kikizo received the same demo, however they picked up on a lot more of the intricate details that we missed out on. I've highlighted a few points of interest from the article below, some we may have covered already, but perhaps not in so much certainty or with clarification from Rockstar. According to Rockstar, the AI, physics, character models, textures, pedestrian dialogue and music are all still in development and placeholder to some extent - but "it all looked pretty damn smart". One pedestrian quote Kikizo picked up on was "Do you know in Italy they get three hours for lunch?!" Clarification on the size of Liberty City is brought up, Rockstar's Hamish Brown told Kikizo: "On the one hand you've got horizon views, on the other you've got many layers of a city built upwards towards the sky. It's definitely the biggest single city we've ever done. That city isn't going to be the size of San Andreas, because that would be absurd, but if you take into account the level of verticality of the city, the number of buildings you can go into, and the level of detail in those buildings, then you're talking about a game that is similar to San Andreas in terms of scope." Some people have claimed that the game will take 100 hours to complete, Rockstar also commented on this saying "We honestly don't actually know at the moment, how many missions and how long it's going to take to complete the game, but there's an awfully large number of things to do - probably more than ever before - we can safely say that." While Niko was driving a car, Kikizo noted that "A great piece of funky jazz music (Fela Kuti - Sorrow Tears & Blood) played on the bassy car stereo" which really added to the vibe. Whether or not this will end up in the final game is not known, Rockstar aren't able to confirm what licensed and unlicensed music there will be, only that it will span decades and cover numerous genres. You may have read on a number of gaming websites over the past week or so, news that a financial analyst has suggested that Rockstar should delay the release of Grand Theft Auto IV by up to two weeks so that it is not so close to the release of Microsoft's Halo 3 (due for release in late September). According to this Kikizo article, they contacted Rockstar for comment who then contradicted the by confirming that GTA IV is indeed on schedule for release in late October - you can now breathe a sigh of relief. I would definitely suggest you read the Kikizo preview in full as it is very detailed and exactly what the hardcore fans like yourselves want to read. Thanks to J.Combs for sending this in.
  21. Moved to Vice City help. Read the forum names before posting a topic next time.
  22. Charlize Theron

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