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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah well tbh the only reason I'm saying "some form" is because I'm not sure if they're going to offer new missions, new vehicles, new pieces of land, such as another island or something, multiplayer maps... who knows. I'm not saying it's going to be worse than what the 360 gets. Probably be much the same. Thank you all for your comments btw. Glad you appreciate it. I already see many Polish sites have translated my post into Polish and posted it on their sites. Shame only one of them linked back to me, but oh well. Who cares?
  2. I'm just wondering how many fellow GTA fans here are religious or believe in some sort of superior being or force. I class myself an atheist as I don't believe in God. Though as that old quote says, "the only real difference between us is that I believe in one less God than you do". Now I don't want to cause any arguments in this topic, I'm simply looking for everyones opinions on religion and how they differ across the world. I myself can't see the point of religion. I don't understand why people feel the need to believe that some superior being has supposedly created the world and put us all here. I think it's a illogical and I cannot see any sense in it - that is why I don't believe in God. I see sense in the explanation that we have evolved over millions of years. It makes perfect sense to me, and it's more natural. I guess that would make me agnostic? That's just how I feel about everything. I think my opinions are solidly justified here, there's no disputing that. I know many of you will completely disagree, that's fine, as long as you justify your opinions etc. Please keep it civilised. No arguing at all or we'll suspend you!
  3. Oops! I misread it, they're actually only nearing a million dollars. That only strengthens my point then! It's a cool idea for them to buy the island. It's just not gonna happen. It's actually pretty near my cousins house, maybe we could invade them?
  4. You speak as if it's only going to be Xbox 360 exclusive. It's not the fact that PlayStation 3 won't be getting it, it's the fact we've simply had no word on it yet, i.e. there's been no official confirmation, so we can only speculate. Don't dismiss it too early. I'm fairly certain the PS3 will see some form of downloadable content, we'll just have to wait to hear from either Rockstar or Sony themselves to find out what that is. Sony are failing so immensly badly at the moment in comparison to Wii60 that they're going to want to do everything they can to make GTA4 their main console seller. They can do this with exclusive content, and lots of it.
  5. That's not the point. The fact is we've already clarified what the actual figure is and yet you're still trying to argue it. Anyway I think the OP question has been answered so this topic is locked now.
  6. No it isn't T.O.K. I'm going to have to warn you if you keep posting false information. The correct figure (which I have already once clarified) is $300. Do not argue with me.
  7. I have an extra gig of RAM now taking me up to 2GB A lot of you I noticed have crappy processors
  8. Just watched the YouTube stream as I didn't have time to download a good quality version. it was actually all right but not as good as I was hoping. Someone obviously has the Matrix Soundtrack judging by the choice of songs. I think I was going to use some songs off it when i was planning an SA stunt video, but that never happened. I agree with Ghost that it didn't have the same impact as the original Amped. BTW I like the use of "Joyride" in the ending credits, a nice flash back to GTA3
  9. Yeah well I spent quite a while researching it all to get as much information as I could for you guys. That is how kind and helpful I am
  10. But multiplayer and the PC version aren't confirmed yet, so don't get too excited
  11. It's £500 million pounds. that's approx. $1 billion dollars. Even the great Wikipedia is only just getting up to that amount in it's annual big donation plea. The type of people use wikipedia are much more likely to donate than the type of people who use TPB. The people who use TPB are trying to get hold of stuff for free, rather than playing, so why would they donate? I can't see them managing to raise enough money to buy the artificial island. But the donations they do receive will definitely help pay for their server costs and other stuff.
  12. Before we start receiving information on GTA IV, which will hopefully be soon, I've rounded up all the facts, rumours and news we've heard so far to bring you all up to date with where we're currently at. Facts GTA4 is currently scheduled for release on October 16th 2007 in North America, and October 19th 2007 in Europe. The game will be released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 simultaneously. The Xbox 360 version will feature downloadable episodes providing hours of new gameplay content, these downloads will be made available via Xbox Live. Pesky Lawyers Lately we've seen the infamous Florida lawyer Jack Thompson up to his old tricks again. Spong was just one of a number of websites which received a copy of an email JT sent to Bill Gates, his nonsensical rhetoric can be read in full at Spong, the general jist of it is that he's trying to persuade Microsoft to prevent sales of Grand Theft Auto IV to millions of minors, a figure which he sources from an article which has no mention of the game at all. Nice try Jack, but yet again you fail. Set in the UK? Back in August 2006, Craig Kerr was hired by Rockstar North as an environment artist. A quick look at his portfolio shows us that much of his work was based on places in the UK. While the images don't seem to be live anymore, he does state they were what landed him the job. This is a relatively small hint that GTA4 could feature London and/or some other UK areas as a setting. Of course this is more of a speculative observation, and should not be taken as a hard fact, yet. Europe also features heavily in the thoughts of fans, as do some American locales such as Chicago, as well as Rockstar's fictional Carcer City. In any case it would be wise to rule out Los Angeles as a possible locale, as Rockstar's upcoming L.A. Noire (official site) is using this setting, albeit in a 1940's era - a time period we could also rule out. In-Game Advertising = Modern Day / Future Setting? In a press conference held by Take Two back in early December, in-game advertising was mentioned as an option for creating an additional revenue stream from GTA4. The implications of this are that if GTA4 will indeed have in-game ads, it would suggest a present day or near-future setting. The reasons for this simply being that adverts for modern day products/services would be completely out of place in a game set in the past, there wouldn't be any relevance and they would be ignored. The response to this prospect by some fans was that many would prefer the game to retain it's fictitious, satirical adverts based off real life products, as these obviously add a lot of humour to the game. Wii want GTA Also in December, Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America, said in an interview with an American television station that Nintendo has done all it can to persuade Take-Two Interactive Software to bring the Grand Theft Auto franchise to Nintendo consoles, and it is now up to the third party publisher to decide whether Rockstar Games' best-selling franchise will appear on Wii. The main concern from fans has been how the game would make use of the Wii's remote as the controller. GTA4 PC Version There is currently no official word on a PC version of GTA4, though it is highly expected. The PC versions of GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas all had a period of months before they appeared on the PC, it is hopeful that Rockstar will once again follow the same pattern. Modifications often being cited as one of the main reasons for purchasing he game for the PC, in addition to better graphics and multiplayer capabilities through 3rd party modifications. Our current poll suggests that over half of you are willing to wait for the PC version to come out before you play the game. Though this may be a little biased based on the fact we have thousands of people visiting this site for mods everyday, it's strong evidence that a PC version is sought after by the fans. Online Multiplayer Fans have been longing for multiplayer capability since GTA3, over 5 years ago. Some of the more curious members of the GTA community found from looking through various files show that Rockstar were actually planning on implementing such a feature in GTA3, which wasn't completed for what could be a number of reasons. GTA San Andreas was Rockstar's first venture into this domain, with 2 player minigames bringing a little more replayability to the PS2 and Xbox versions. The two GTA releases on PSP featured Ad-Hoc mode multiplayer support for up to 6 players, other than that there have only been third party modifications for the main three PC games, MTA and SA-MP being the current big two for San Andreas. The fact that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have decent online gaming brings more hope to fans for a proper multiplayer experience on the console versions. New Game Engine Grand Theft Auto 4 is expected to make use of RAGE (Rockstar's Advanced Game Engine), previously used in Rockstar's Table Tennis game for the Xbox 360. The benfits of this are needless to say, much improved aesthetics, and better rendering of objects amongst other things. Gameplay will hopefully be an immense improvement over previous iterations. More Developers In late 2006, Janco Partners analyst Mike Mickey stated that there are a total of 150 developers working on Grand Theft Auto 4, which is more than any other GTA game so far. For comparisons sake, GTA Vice City supposedly had 120 developers working on it. The sheer enormity of Grand Theft Auto 4 is likely to amaze everyone with the huge increase in developers working on it, coupled with the advanced capabilities of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A new COO at R* On January 3rd, a Take Two Press Release revealed Rockstar Games had appointed Gary Dale as the new Chief Operating Officer, with former COO Terry Donovan presumably having left the company. Dale was the European Managing Director for Capcom since 2003, and has worked with Rockstar Games in the past. He brings with him "a wealth of operational experience and industry knowledge to Rockstar Games". That's all we have for now. You can discuss this round up in our forums, and more specifically talk about the game in our GTA4 forum along with an abundance of fans. We've made a couple of minor layout changes (it's still not final though) to the GTA4 section of our website, and have removed some obsolete content. We'll be updating our GTA IV pages soon to reflect what we find out, so stay tuned for more updates on that.
  13. Well I don't see why the don't just hire some tough guys and get them to remove the Bates' by force, just like they did themselves back in the 60's. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper, and funnier too.
  14. Excellent, please do let us know how you find it, I'm interested to hear the view of a fan who has actually read enough of it to have a more informed and valid opinion.
  15. Just to clarify, you only have to spend $300 on a dancer. And you don't have to do it all in one go either. Easiest thing to do is just to set it up then go and do something else. When you come back to the game you will probably have spent $300 and can exit and get the asset.
  16. Racist people wouldn't even dream of playing a game like this. The ones who are tend to make mods, like, these, as well as the guy who thinks so much that CJ has the nose structure and shape of a white man, that they made a mod to make his nose look more like that of a black man's. Ok so I'm not actually claiming all these mods are made by racists here, but it just proves my point that Farelli is clearly a non-educated asshat.
  17. In a forum where every topic is on page 1 it isn't possible to bump a topic. Legitimate discussion is absolutely fine here.
  18. But we are no longer a small forum. The whole thing just works out better. We need to trial it for a while longer anyway IMO, at least so we get somewhat used to it.
  19. Chris


    Who the fucking hell cares. Just edit your previous post. Dumbass. Stop Spamming.
  20. The forum is growing too fast for us too keep everything tucked away in that subforum. One of the reasons they aren't in a subforum is to make things easier to find, it's one less forum to click, saves people time trying to find a topic. The latest post by bit was frequently overridden by having someone else post in one of the other subforums. People would have no idea your topic existed unless they went into that subforum. I personally hate it when forums I visit have everything tucked away in subforums. I want all the information presented to me at once. Don't think you'll see many big forums using a single subforum for many other forums inside.
  21. Chris


    Not to mention the fact that barely any of you can spell. You're ALL Australian too, and there was me liking the Aussie's because they're more similar to the British, moreso than American's anyway. Please don't bring down my estimations in your country. Guys if you're gonna post in Serious Chat you absolutely must stay on topic all the time. None of these shitty one word posts, and weak jest. You also need to write legibly and in some coherence so that we can actually understand what you're saying, no text/AIM/MSN slang whatever you want to call it. Additionally, using a sensationalistic title such as "OMG!" is not the correct way to instigate a serious discussion, an accurate, descriptive topic title is the way to go.
  22. Chris


    Right... this isn't really a serious chat is it. Moved to the Lounge.
  23. Rockstar aren't making it, dumbass, it's all the work of a dedicated hobbyist. Loads of people still have a NES. Idiot? WTF kind of retarded comment is that. From you again, your second anal comment in the same topic. Porting an entire game yourself using dev tools you've made yourself is not idiotic and is in fact an incredible achievement, no matter if it's for an old NES. I think you should stop making these cretinous comments or just leave. I see the official site is down at the moment, it does look like he's kinda lost interest, but it would be great if he finally finished this project, it's pretty awesome. I don't know why some of you are calling it a hoax, it's painfully clear that it's real. Obviously you haven't ever been on his site because he has pictures of all the tools he's using etc, and the cartridge and what have you. Hopefully he gets it back up soon.
  24. Of course, should have a least 1gb really. I cannot imagine how slow your computer must be. What about your graphics card, is that equally as low spec? Sounds like you have a VERY old computer, should have read the system requirements before buying it mate
  25. LMAO are you serious? You're 13 years behind us if so.
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