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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yet another reason I dislike the EU, when the put forward absurd legislations like this. I highly doubt they'd pass a law like that anyway, it's pretty ridiculous and also I bet it contradicts the Human Rights and Freedom of Speech acts.
  2. Chris


    These are all captured from my PS2 game, I'd already done two thirds of them so I couldn't just revert to the PC version, it would be really inconsistent and look weird.
  3. I'm downgrading to 1.5 probably, some annoying bugs probably specific to me which I don't like. And it's crashed twice already. The upgrade has been rushed to be compete with IE7. The release is too soon and unnecessary.
  4. Don't really, GTW is your project which I helped with a bit. And VS I was only responsible for design and coding.
  5. The same thing happens to nearly everyone at the moment. I can't believe they even released it in a state like this. It seems it only works if you have an illegal cracked version.
  6. Do you think I should close down all my other sites? Nobody posts in their forums, on alan wake and gt boards anyway. And the poll, well, IMO TGTAP is my best design, has the most content, has the largest forum, and has been around for the longest, so I'd expect everyone to vote it their fave out of all my other sites to be honest. Which is good because you did
  7. Yeah I usually get a lot of submissions everyday so there's often a large backlog of mods for me to approve. I think I saw your mod but I'm not sure... if a mod isn't approved it usually means that no screenshots were provided, the .zip or .rar was corrupt, or the mod just wasn't very good quality. You could submit again if you want to.
  8. Well, here's a load of screen captures from my Google Analytics account, they show basically any statistics you could want to see. The screens below show browser stats, as well as some other interesting (maybe) stats. Browser Versions The second screen is a breakdown of which versions of IE people are using, the third is a breakdown of which versions of Firefox people are using. Expect both IE7 and FF2.0 to rise drastically over the next month. The first screen meanwhile shows IE still has an overwhelming share. Firefox is doing incredibly well though and now over a quarter of visitors to this site are using it. OS - Browser Combo This screen shows you which combination of browser and operating system are the most popular. Operating Systems The first image shows us that the vast majority are using Windows, Mac's are growing slowly though. As for every other OS they are a minority. The second screen shows which version of Windows are the most used. Connection Speeds Quite hard for Google to measure these accurately, hence a lot of Unknowns. Majority are using Cable or DSL though which is good. A lucky few (probably at work) have been using a corporate connection to access the site. Just over 11% still using dialup. I'd like to see this drop below 10 soon. Screen Resolutions Pretty self explanatory. These stats are for visits to thegtaplace.com in the month of October so far (up until today, the 28th)
  9. Just tried it and got exactly the same problem, and I also found that you need to download an .exe which more than likely fucks up things for the normal game.
  10. I heard about that, I'll check it out and see what's up with it.
  11. yeah the quote in quote thing will stay on because it's useful, and as spaz said, you can just delete anything you don't want there before posting your reply. As for your error, seems like a javascript error, let us know what browser you're using.
  12. Firefox.. secure, fast, reliable, plus tons of useful extensions.
  13. The main difference is your username is what you login with, whereas your display name, which can be the same as your username if you want it to be, is what is displayed in topics and posts etc. to everyone else.
  14. I see you already found how to do it in the User CP http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...ODE=dname_start You username is "BEAM ME UP!!!" and your display name is "I just shot a bear"
  15. Chris


    I've uploaded 20 more vehicle pics today. Taken me literally all day to find them. http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/vehicles.php?type=all There's still a few more so if anyone knows where they spawn please let me know.
  16. 1UP.com have a short little preview of Vice City Stories' main new feature, empire building. They're also the first to bring us screenshots of this mode in game. Check out the following links for the article and new screens. Links: 1UP Empire Building Preview New Screenshots
  17. The Vice City Multiplayer team have been busy recently, and last week released version 0.3 of their fantastic mutliplayer mod. Version 0.1 has already proved to be the most popular multiplayer mod in our database (for Vice City), so I expect you'll be pleased to see this update, which contains the following upgrades and new features: Upgrades: netcode(allows 50 players now) sync(smoother sync overall) browser(SA:MP browser interface) admin(in-game commands added) New features: synced pickups(defined thru ini) maximum flight height raised tires popping is synced added chat commands /msg and /me armour bars added above health bars bugs fixed Links: Download VC-MP 0.3 ViceCityMultiplayer.com
  18. GamePro Australia, who you may remember were the ones who brought us the first scoop on Vice City Stories, have put up an article describing 15 things you need to know about Vice City Stories. Some of the interesting things they mention include cops now being able to swim, it may now be a bit harder to escape from them at sea. There is apparently of lot of profanity in the game, though this is what most of us have come to expect in a GTA game now. Voice acting is said to be excellent once again, and according to GamePro there are a number of celebrities in the game, we know Phil Collins is one of them, but they suggest there are more. Unfortunately, Vic won't be able to climb walls, it seems that Carl Johnson is the only character with this truly unique ability. Some missions will be received via pager. You may remember the famous GTA3 pager, which played a catchy tune that was so popular it went on to be released in .mp3 format, as well as being a downloadable ringtone for your phone. Sadly it won't be returning, but the pager does add some more realism to the game. You can read more about what GamePro have to say by reading the 15 Things You Need to Know About GTA: Vice City Stories article.
  19. Chris


    18 more vehicle pics I've added tonight.
  20. You can change your display name once a month if you wish.
  21. Well he can't be 'wrong' about his own opinion, if he feels it deserves an 8 then no one can force him to change his mind. Besides, PSM3's score seemed a lot better and gives us something to look forward to.
  22. It's just the editor's opinion really.
  23. Chris


    Not really bothered about a page on the cheatdevice since it's not actually a part of the game.
  24. a DVD? What is it about? And what does Völkerball mean in English, or Völker...?
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