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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Many of you will no doubt have completed the main storyline of Vice City Stories by now, or are near to finishing it. A lot of you may want to play the game to is full extent and gain 100% completion. To help you in remembering exactly what things you have left to do, I have produced a checklist for you to print out and tick off everything you've done. The checklist is currently the most in-depth and detailed available on the web. In the .zip file I have included both .doc and .pdf formats. If the colour or bordering looks a bit messed up, don't worry, as it should look absolutely fine when printed out on to paper. At this point in time there may be a few inaccuracies regarding side missions, so be sure to let me know if anything is wrong and I'll fix it a.s.a.p. Also keep checking back here for updates as we're hoping to release maps of all 99 red balloons, rampages, unique jumps and other interesting things. Link: Vice City Stories 100% Checklist (printable .pdf and .doc) On a sidenote, I've also added and updated my Liberty City Stories 100% Checklist for anybody needing this.
  2. Need to add a new rule against other GTA site bashing.
  3. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2324/ - Session Manager is pretty pointless for Firefox 2 since it has an in-built session manager. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1291/ - TabSwitcher doesn't work on 2.0, so instead use SwiftTabs which is probably better anyway... the extensions allow you to make keyboard shortcuts for switching tabs much more easily, such as ctrl + right and ctrl + left etc.
  4. Yeah I did actually do it ages ago but forgot about the warning. Any further price changes we do make will be very minimal and will not hurt your points balance at all. Feel free to stock up.
  5. Sort it out? There is none - or is that what you meant? Making it so you can hover over it instead of having to highlight it? Thing is it can be buggy in some browsers, I'll do some testing later.
  6. Just a short note to say I added a Spoiler tag to the BBcode on the forums. Something we always had been suggested to add by other members, and which I got reminded of today. You use it like this to hide text which may contain spoilers for other people: [spoiler]OMFG at the end of the game Chris appears and you can only kill him using the secret 100th balloon[/spoiler] Which then produces this (highlight text to read):
  7. Sure, I'll add a spoiler tag now.
  8. I see your point Jace but it's not something I'd like to implement in that forum.
  9. Any popular forum where people have a sense of humour and give fictitious awards have pretty much the same as the next forum. I don't think any stealing is going on. The idea of awards is not something new or specific to one particular forum.
  10. Japanese games are usually only released in Japan, only the really popular ones ever see release in NA and EU countries. AFAIK Rockstar don't have a Japanese localisation team, and don't publish games in Japan, therefore needing a lot of time to find a new publisher, and one which can translate the entire game into Japanese - I would guess this also involves in game voiceovers, but maybe not. Games, like films, are released first in the country where they are produced, or have the largest market. Examples of films released in Europe before America: Every James Bond film ever made, 28 Days Later, Shawn of the Dead, The Business, The Football Factory, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels... etc. Examples of games released in Europe first: James Bond games, virtually all racing games apart from Gran Turismo and NASCAR, and many others which I personally have no interest in - Most American's don't actually know any other motorsports exist, and would rather watch cars drive in circles for over 500 laps (I can't believe there's even such a "sport" as NASCAR - the concept is ridiculous yet somehow popular) basically America get GTA games first because there is a far larger market over there. On a completely pointless and unnecessary sidenote, America is the only country in which the phrase "Grand Theft Auto" actually means something. The second half of my post contains many exaggerations and is written satirically, if you can't realise this you are too young to be here.
  11. I looked at ArturKim's sig and thought, how about one for "Biggest Userbar whore". or "Most Sig Image Abuse Award" or something. Spaz's suggestion was good too.
  12. We already have those ones, I'm asking for ones which aren't already on the list. Moved to announcements so everyone else can have a comment.
  13. Chris


    Thanks for the maps, I think they're on gamefaqs though. I'd rather put all the points on myself on a blank VC map tbh, which I'll do later in the week.
  14. Rockstar Games has today announced a partnership agreement with Capcom Co., Ltd. to localize, publish and distribute the blockbuster title Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system in Japan. The game is currently scheduled for release in the Japanese market in January 2007. Japan has always been late getting localised GTA games compared to the rest of the world, GTA3 and Vice City were both released in the country almost 2 years after the rest of the world, San Andeas' January release pushes this gap to over 2 years. Some prefectures choose to ban the games, due to the belief that they promote violence and are harmful to today's youths. You may remember our previous stories of GTA3 getting banned in various prefectures, with retailers facing hefty fines if caught selling the game to under-18's. Link: Take 2 Press Release
  15. Chris


    So I was bored today, and I stumbled upon (literally) a page of funny pictures. Look at this It kinda reads as a story in some parts too, lol, made me laugh anyway
  16. In case you're wondering why this topic is pinned it's because we'll be posting updates to it whenever we make new people elite members. One of those updates (sort of) comes now, as I stupidly missed off 4 members from the original elite list (2 of them I've known online for years, 1 of them was an active poster from when these forums started, up until the release of SA when he seemed to disappear, and finally an active poster who is still posting today). They are in alphabetical order: Cam., Dennis, Precision, and Shifty. I apologise for missing you four off the original list. The next real (proper) update will come in December for those who are eagerly awaiting a possible inclusion to the Elite
  17. Downloaded this last night after Ghost gave me the link, good vid guys, any medium quality links?
  18. Hey you're in my business studies class. I know you! Lol, welcome to my site Luke.
  19. Yeah you're probably right actually. Anyway, if this topic doesn't get more replies soon I'll probably move it out into the announcements forum, and the other members can have their say. Then we'll have the member nominations next week.
  20. Today I've spent absolutely ages skimming through our general chat forum The Lounge. In it I found numerous topics that shouldn't have been there. The majority fell under the gaming category. There is a dedicated forum for general gaming chat, so I advise you to post your gaming related discussion there, not in the lounge. There were also a fair few computer related topics, I moved all these to the PC Chat forum, which is currently the least popular forum in general discussion, so if you have anything to discuss about computers or are having trouble with something, be sure to post there, NOT in the lounge. That's all thank you. Just think before you post a topic in the lounge, whether it would fit better in one of the other subforums. Additionally, the forum "Music and Entertainment" is now "Music, Entertainment and Sport" - There were requests for a separate sport forum, which we decided against as there simply weren't enough topics to warrant having a new section for - besides, sport falls under 'entertainment' really, so it makes sense.
  21. I considered making a comment like that, but you gotta realise we're all from different countries, we're all different ages, some schools may not even teach about her. I'm 18 and I've never learned about Anne Frank in school, I didn't choose to carry on with history at GCSE level, and certainly not at AS or A2 level, and have therefore never been educated on her, I only know from general knowledge.
  22. Jace might have a different version of SA to you so his file wont work with your game. Spiffiez do you have version 1 or 2 of San Andreas?
  23. Most annoying, no, like, for example, tommy vercetti guy because of all his inane posts and his 1337 posts etc. And basically you're supposed to be suggesting awards, for example; Worst Hairstyle Award, Best Avatar Award... etc.
  24. Wikipedia is your friend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Frank She chronicles her life hiding from Nazis, her writing is said to be from "a mature and insightful mind, it provides an intimate examination of daily life under Nazi occupation" The reason why she is famous is because a) she survived for such a long time hiding, she was one of only a few yet uncaptured Jew's who actually wrote about what was going on, and is a primary source of unbiased information. And more, I admit I don't really know a lot, and I haven't read the whole wiki article...
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