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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Haha, good face there Spaz. I'm liking it. Sorry I know that pic was posted a few pages back but I found it funny while looking through here, and half the people pics are broken links
  2. Jordan over at PlanetGTA has spoken to an editor of PCGamer magazine who has confirmed they will be having the first review of San Andreas on PC, as they did with Vice City. However, it will not be in the May issue, rather the June issue. PCGamer will apparently be receiving a beta copy of the game to review shortly. The mag will be available to subscribers near the end of April or beginning of May, so a few weeks to wait yet.
  3. Busted and Keane fall under the Pop category I believe, and Busted have split up anyway (w00t). G 'n R should definitely be in the game though. Van Halen on the 80's station (if they have one) Maybe Lostprophets would be on the rock station too.
  4. *Opened* I think we should allow this, since a lot of people have different ideas of when it should be set, and its more of an idea than a wish. Anyway I'd like it to be set in modern day times, when the games comes out that is, the year 2007 probably. I just don't think I'd like it if it were say... back in the 70's or something. Vigilante 8 did that era.
  5. Chinese throwing stars - or whatever, might be slightly weird in a GTA game though. frank how is a binocular a weapon. lol. The M16 was in GTA3 so I'm not sure if that would be brought back after a 2 game absense, maybe an updated version though. Tazers - would be good for cops I guess Sniper rifles are long ranged, although they should bring back the PSG1 from VC, the laser sighted one, I liked that. Most of your other ideas weren't particularly useful. Being able to pick up stuff like knives, bottles, bits of broken furniture etc. might be nice to throw around.
  6. Chris


    ROFL why the hell did you translate all that? anyone would use an online translator if they didnt understand your English, you didnt have to do it for them
  7. This always happens at this time of year, What with most people having completed or nearly completed SA, and the weather is getting nicer. Just wait til June though when the modding scene kicks off. It's gonna be amazing.
  8. Loitering is a great activity
  9. He hasn't been here for like a month Anyone know where he's gone?
  10. Chris


    Is the game any good? I've seen the ads on TV but all they show is how you can keep blowing stuff up a number of times.
  11. Everyone try and get more members to show their faces in this topic, then we can have another S3x0rzest member topic (which I can win). Also we should have an ugliest member award, imagine how much it would suck if you won that I actually need to find a better picture of myself, since all the ones I have are shitty webcam pictures or pictures of me when I seem to be overly happy about something or just half drunk.
  12. Cool, take some more pics Joyrider. Your pics are fabulous.
  13. Meh, to be honest I've never tried
  14. Just given me idea for another video to make, that and a train crash stunt thingy I'm trying to make
  15. MVI that picture is a broken link, and also how is the tool coming along? You haven't posted about it for a while.
  16. Hey everyone check out the first post for links to peoples videos, hopefully we can get more people making some. I'll be posting a thread later with details on how to produce something like that.
  17. Yeah I forgot to take a picture of that, but... Fear not, I made a save game where I'm at 99.47% with just the last mission to do, so I can go and do it again if I want, also I need a picture of the SWAT van
  18. Spaz are you going to do any short videos of San Andreas, on anything, a bit like I'm doing?
  19. Here's another one, on the final mission just before the door to Smoke's Crack Palace there's a mat on the floor with the R* logo which reads "NOT Welcome". Lookie here:
  20. Awesome post. Those online things I think Rockstar purposely put them in there for us to find, because it was pretty early on when R* confirmed it wouldn't be an option.
  21. w00t l00k at my kick ass new desktop, with a new theme on it too.
  22. ROFL. BTW Bryce, your quotes take up loads of space, please remove some.
  23. Ok then, nevermind. According to the poll though it's the second most wanted GTA game at the moment, after the PC version of SA.
  24. Yeah Spaz is a dickhead sometimes isn't he? gta5fan had created 4 accounts, for no reason, but 2 of them he was active on. I noticed this when I checked his IP a few hours ago. I believe one of the accounts was Ryder which he has now name changed to Joey Valentino.
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