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Everything posted by Chris

  1. discussion of stuff to do with Warez is forbidden
  2. I doubt I will get one, i'm never in a situation long enough where i could make the use of it worthwhile
  3. damn it is US only, that sucks then, that narrows it down to half the forum who can click your ad It does help if you guys could actually click on them once in a while though HINT HINT Yes, on this topic the only google ads it displays are loads of different Ipod adverts.
  4. Gaming Horizon have today unofficially confirmed that a GTA game will be coming to the PSP. Unfortunately no details have been released on the game, and Gaming Horizon isn't the most popular of the big gaming sites so I am not sure how reliable they are, I'm not even sure where they even got that info from as I don't see any big gaming sites with this news. Anyway it will certainly going to be great playing GTA whilst on a long journey! Link: Gaming Horizon Article
  5. @mvi: Aaron allegedly ripped an image from google image search (wtf?) and used it to create a wallpaper for San Andreas, (see the wallpapers page on the site) but thats where a lot of people get there images from for wallpapers so we decided it wasn't ripping. We will leave this open to see if anyone disagrees...
  6. liberty (first 5 letters are the same)
  7. Totally Agreed! Yes and random piece of trivia that most people know anyway, Coca-Cola was originally green before they added the caramel and other sweeterners and artificial stuff to it must have been rather cool oh and also, Coca-Cola sounds much better than Pepsi-Cola, furthermore pepsi tastes like someones pissed in your Coke
  8. cool, welcome to the gta place, (or t3h GTA Place as the l33t people call it )
  9. happy birthday mate, how old are ya?
  10. yeah like GTA Four that would be a good title
  11. well i just went to download it again, this time the form actually submits but I get this error Thank you Chris, for your interest in the Rockstar Classics Free Download Series. Unfortunately, we are experiencing a high volume of downloads now and your information has not be collected. Please try back another time.
  12. I listen to them sometimes, Ich Will is a good song, Amerika is ok, and Mein Teil i suppose is good. Sickening lyrics though, well the first verse of it at least, disgusting.
  13. There are many advantages and disadvntages of each gameplay element in GTA3, VC and SA, but I feel i've argued my points too many times now. What would actually be awesome, is if they merged all the good features of GTA3, VC and SA together to create a game called GTA3VCSA, it would be perfect don't you agree?
  14. me too, I tried stealing from myself and lost, I suck
  15. While we are speaking about C++ anybody know any good books or websites I can learn from? I have learnt PHP pretty well so I guess I should learn C++ as well
  16. thats yet another reason why InvisionFree = Bad
  17. who the hell is Shawn, oh and I have IPB 1.3.1
  18. If you are going to be showing off your latest signatures, avatars, wallpapers or whatever graphics you might have made, you need somewhere to host them. Now, if it is just one image then you can use the Attatchment feature to upload it and add it to the end of your post, or if it is an avatar you are using for yourself you can use the upload an avatar feature in My Controls. However if you want to upload multiple images, for instance, a selection of signature images you have made for someone to choose from, you don't want to be making multiple posts with them in. You may already use a free image uploader, this is fine, unless it gets a lot of views and you run out of bandwidth, in which case an ugly "this account has exceeded its limit" image appears in its place. If that is the case then may I suggest you use the Image Uploader ImageLodge.net which I made, using it is simple, and you have easy access to all the images you have uploaded, furthermore it will automatically give you the IMG tag code with which to post straight on to the forum. You don't have to use it, but it is just a helpful suggestion from me Also, please abide by the rules for signature and avatar graphics, the rules on sizes can be found in the Forum Rules
  19. yeah exactly, and yeah the crop sign one looks the coolest IMO
  20. haha i like it, although I must say, you look rather weird, also it looks like you have drawn on a false moustache with a pencil to give the impression you are older than you actually are o_O
  21. ^^ that boy deserves a medal anyway i think this is quite a good idea, although the scrolling marquee banner is a bit lame, some people get put off by stuff like that, so keep the banners as static images please, otherwise good job
  22. yeah it was, but while i was restoring the database i decided to edit the time of that post to when i would have posted it and chris82 there are still quite a few potw that i am saving fo weeks to come so yors might be some of them
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