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Everything posted by Chris

  1. GTACrew.net have got their hands on the latest issue of OXM Spain. It contains a multi-page preview of The Ballad of Gay Tony, with 13 new screenshots, and the following new details. New vehicles: SWAT tank and a Rolls Royce Phantom. New weapons: AA-12 combat shotgun, satchel charges. New minigames: base jumping, club dancing, and club bodyguard (you deal with troublemakers in the club). The exterior of Bahama Mamas has been modified. The stairs leading to the entrance are no longer there, and a fence now surrounds the entrance where the queue forms. There's also windows on the exterior, behind the main sign. Link: GTAForums thread
  2. Rockstar have just released the trailer for Episodes from Liberty City / The Ballad of Gay Tony. It's called "You'll Always Be the King of this Town". <embed> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="480" height="300" id="RockstarMediaPlayer" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/> <param name="menu" value="false"/> <param name="movie" value="http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media%20player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=121&cacheAG=true"/>'>http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media%20player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=121&cacheAG=true"/> <param name="quality" value="high"/> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"/> <embed src="http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media%20player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=121&cacheAG=true" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" menu="false" width="480" height="300" name="RockstarMediaPlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/> </object></embed> Let us know what you thought of the trailer Song: "Pjanoo" by Eric Prydz Downloads: Trailer page | 720p .mov
  3. A few plot details have been revealed in a USA Today article, along with one brand new screenshot. The article has a few quotes from Rockstar Games co-founder Dan Houser, and details about a couple of missions - including the parachuting mission. Check out the full article for more details. Remember the trailer is launching in about 45 minutes!
  4. The GTA: Episodes of Liberty City trailer which will include footage of The Ballad of Gay Tony, will be live online at 1 P.M. EST tomorrow. That's 6 P.M. GMT for those in the UK, and 3 A.M. if you're in Eastern Australia. Thanks for the heads up Adriaan.
  5. Rockstar have just revealed what the Episodes from Liberty City box art cover will look like, it features new artwork from both downloadable episodes. Take a look below. Don't forget The Ballad of Gay Tony will have it's debut trailer released tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that around this time tomorrow.
  6. Rockstar Games have just announced that Chinatown Wars will be appearing on Apple's iPhone and iPod touch later this year. There's no details on the game, other than the fact it is being developed by Rockstar Leeds, and that it is expected to be released around the same time as the PSP version. Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games said:
  7. There's a horse... Can't you see it's behind the Episodes promo board, and the Episodes TV screens are off... not the same game lol.
  8. CNET sucks and who downloads WinRAR from CNET anyway. Always download software from its official site.
  9. Sorry but with a mere 1GB of RAM you can't really expect to run programs fast. Especially if you're using other stuff at the same time. Simply not enough memory to be allocated to each program. I think the real time scanning is absolutely pointless though. I'd turn it off. I personally don't even use an AV any more. I haven't managed to get a virus in ~7 years... I'm not a retard. I don't open suspicious links and know about phishing. I don't open unknown email attachments. I keep my OS's up to date. I don't visit dodgy porn sites or TGP's I don't use IE (referring to ActiveX attacks) I mean you have to wonder, like I did, how the hell am I actually going to get a virus?
  10. Yes new heli looks awesome. Who else noticed the reflection of what appears to be a private jet in screen 4?
  11. Rockstar have just sent out four awesome exclusive screenshots to the GTA fansites each showing an action packed scene from The Ballad of Gay Tony. Check them out below. Thanks guys! Remember the debut trailer is launching on Tuesday, 1st September. Stay tuned!
  12. Fisichella for FORCE INDIA. LOL! Very interesting. Fucking love Spa though, my favourite circuit on the F1 calendar, cannot wait for the race tomorrow. @Llama: Yeah, with all due respect, Luca Badoer does not belong in F1. He was never that great 10 years ago, and no experience since then - it's pointless. It's actually a shame Schumi couldn't race. Would have very much liked to see him vs. Hamilton. But yeah, they should have definitely chosen an up and coming rookie to drive rather than Luca, would have given the rookie some practical and highly useful experience for when he would become a full time F1 racer. They surely have some to pick from?
  13. Well, I'm not a big Oasis fan, but they did have some great songs that are now classics in that genre. To be honest I think they had passed their best anyway. That's all I really have to say on this matter.
  14. Maybe the end of a cutscene. We take control just after that shot?
  15. Good news everyone! The first trailer for The Ballad of Gay Tony will be launching on Tuesday, 1st September, according to a blog post by Rockstar. Some accompanying stills appear to show Luis skydiving (possibly)! Take a look for yourself, and let us know what you think of this.
  16. Rockstar Games have just updated the official Chinatown Wars website with the first seven screenshots from the PSP version of Chinatown Wars. Click the thumbnails below for the larger versions. You can tell straight away the obvious improved visuals, as well as the widescreen. Looks a lot nicer than the DS version you have to say. Keep an eye out for more updates today. Link: Chiantown Wars PSP screenshots
  17. I lol'd. Only funny the first time you visit though.
  18. Bunch of retards. Only one A anyone got here and it was in Religious Studies. LOL, I'm kidding, well done guys. We get a GCSE thread every year and still no one has managed to beat mine or Gerard's results See kids, qualifications are important. Good grades get you to TGTAP STAFF!
  19. That's because Asian men typically have far less hair than Western or Middle Eastern men. His legs actually look normal to me. I'd be surprised if it was the other way round.
  20. Rockstar Games have redesigned and relaunched their official website, thankfully moving away from a full flash layout and going with something much more friendly and modern, and I must say it's a huge improvement, so check it out over at RockstarGames.com. In addition, two new wallpapers have been added for The Ballad of Gay Tony. Check them out below.
  21. After a long time in development, Rockstar Games have finally launched the friends and message wall features in the Social Club. To get started you'll need to build a friends list, you can do this by automatically adding them from your linked Gamertag/PSN profile, or if you know their username you can just type it in and add them. Having a friends list then opens up the message wall:
  22. LOL but who the hell will buy that (collectors edition). Nothing of practical use is included.
  23. So has anyone drawn a penis or boobs on it yet to see what it sounds like? I tried writing TGTAP but couldn't perform that basic task well so immediately gave up
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