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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Oh yeah I did, was talking about both when making that post No I haven't watched the TV series.
  2. I think overall it looks a lot nicer. But like you I'm also against putting tabs right at the top of the window. I find that very annoying in Safari/Chrome. So I hope that's not changed, if it is I hope you have the option of choosing where tabs are placed.
  3. Public Enemies looks pretty awesome. Great cast as well. Can't wait to see it.
  4. We seem to be getting a new topic every month about this. Chances are you're here because you're wondering why the topics all look weird. Like this: It's a problem our members have complained about many times in the past. The fix is simple, just click on the Topic Options dropdown located at the top right of the topic, and click Switch to: Standard under the Display Modes heading, as shown below: So how does this happen? It's usually when you've found a forum topic via a Google Search. Google had/has a nasty habit of indexing the threaded viewing mode instead of the normal (even though it's not supposed to do either, it's supposed to index the lo-fi mirror). The problem is that the viewing mode is saved in a cookie so it then stays like that until you change it.
  5. It's usually when you've found a forum topic via a Google Search. Google had/has a nasty habit of indexing the threaded viewing mode instead of the normal (even though it's not supposed to do either, it's supposed to index the lo-fi mirror). The problem is that the viewing mode is saved in a cookie so it then stays like that until you change it. Gonna merge all the topics about this and pin it I think.
  6. Holy shit that's hard on the eyes. What a mess.
  7. And you need a desktop wallpaper to remind yourself of that?
  8. I actually did laugh because I almost put Macedonians myself
  9. Also another reason why their argument is illogical, in that they would believe God created man: Man discovers/creates medicines that can heal people... but that never crossed their brainwashed minds did it. What an epic failure in intepreting the Bible literally, not figuratively. It doesn't mean God/Jesus Himself will heal your daughter, medicine will. So they're massively retarded in every way possible really. Sad story that will make a lot of people very angry.
  10. Hmm... my list is going to be huge. People are going to think I'm a right miserable git Some of it really pisses me off, but very few things on this list I actually "hate", it's more just a list of dislikes But because I'm bored, here is a list I just made Internet Explorer and it's users People who give an emphasised and very unnecessary "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" after taking a sip of their drink People who ask "are you alright?" to someone who is crying or is otherwise visibly upset/distressed People who don't make an effort to use correct spelling and grammar (unless their first language is not English) Wiggas Severely obese (say, over 125 kilos) people who even after endless insults and public ridicule, continue to make absolutely no effort to lose weight, or worse, think that is ok to be so disgustingly fat Severely underweight people who even after endless insults and public ridicule, continue to make absolutely no effort to gain weight, or worse, think that is ok to be so disgustingly thin Girls with huge "burger nipples" (massive areola that take up almost the whole breast) who think it is sexy to show them off in public. Double standards (one of my favourite examples: black people and the word nigger - ok for them to use it, but a white person uses it and he will be murdered or at the very least seriously injured) Natural bright orange (ginger) haired people and the fact almost their entire body consists of just freckles except in regions that receive little to no sunlight, and when there's too much that you can't even draw a dot to dot picture on them People who lack etiquette when the situation calls for it (i.e. at a formal dinner) People who don't question questionable acts/statements and blindly agree/follow Teens/pre-teens on YouTube who are massive retards but don't know it, and actually respond to the shitstorms they stir up with their ridiculous videos Religion People who think history is trivial People who have no geographical knowledge Bad films with no redeeming qualities whatsoever The fact you can legally have sex at 16 but can't look at porn until you're 18. What's supposed to change in those 2 years? And what about whilst actually having sex? You're supposed to not look at tits/vagina/penis/anus? Homophobia People who make child pornography
  11. Honestly I'm an incredibly open minded person in matters like this but I cannot see how anyone can justify religion when things as extreme as murder can happen so easily like this, and to someone's own family member! Then to top it all off they can ask for forgiveness? Fuck that shit. I'm sorry that is fucking outrageous and wholly immoral. Basically that's like saying oh it's ok to murder people you can just ask for forgiveness later and it'll be alright. It's this kind of backward thinking that has made the world as fucked up as it is today. Compare religious countries to typically non-religious countries. You'll see what I mean. Yes I'm a staunch anti-religion guy but I do accept some people feel the need to have religion in a part of their lives, or "faith", and although I strongly disagree, I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't affect me. But draftermatt just summed it up really, don't let it run your life. You run your life, not Jesus, or (your/a) God.
  12. YT is fine for me. Stephen Barton was the composer for the Call of Duty 4 score, so I imagine he scored Modern Warfare 2 as well. The soundtrack should be out around the same time as the game for you to acquire.
  13. The title of the video.
  14. It's not so much of a problem that myself and the mods can't deal with right now, I was just making a point of it because such a high proportion of people from that country and being idiots here for no reason. Example: Lonewolf is from Pakistan and he is/was a good member. Most other people from the country have made no contribution to the forum and/or are just spammers or retards. EDIT: oh I didn't actually connect him to GTA DOCTOR but then again he could have been using a proxy... doesn't matter now anyway.
  15. HOLY FUCK this shit looks awesome. I lol'd at the bit at the end with the grenade. That's totally me I'm a bit of a grenade whore Can't wait for this. PROTIP: It'll only be £50 in real life. Just buy it on the internet like a normal person, it's cheaper. £34.99 @ ShopTo £34.99 @ GAME £29.99 @ Play £29.99 @ Gameplay In fact. Any noob who buys things in real life is an idiot and deserves to lose their money like that. £50 is a fucking rip off. USE THE INTERNET PEOPLE.
  16. Hopefully now people can see why we don't like Pakistani's here. We're not racist, but you really all come here acting like fucking idiots so we have no choice but to ban you all.
  17. Absolutely fucking disgusting. Redeeming factor: They're Christians, so they believe in hell. They must know for sure they're going there now, so they can shit themselves thinking about it everyday for the rest of their crappy lives. Fuck me I'm glad I don't live in a particularly religious country. I couldn't deal with the amount of bullshit going on everywhere "because of religious reasons".
  18. Steam loves shaven chests as he is a closeted homosexual or so it would seem.
  19. Women have asses too, so I'm told.
  20. Probably about 4 out of 10. Seems like she'd be fairly attractive I guess. But downsides are she looks like a complete slut and her tits are way too big for her figure and would look absolutely disgusting in real life - unless you've got a big boob fetish you wouldn't find it very appealing. And yes you are a noob. How old are you?
  21. Katie Holmes in Batman Begins, Maggie Gyllenhaal in Dark Knight. Yeah that's because Holmes is a shitty actress, yes she might be more attractive than Maggie, but Maggie is the superior actress. I think she played the role better anyway.
  22. Haha I've called my irl Cypriot mate an Arab before. My parents always seemed indecisive about mine though, I guess because it's not that thick so it's not much to give an opinion about.
  23. Shave every 3-5 days is what I do, usually. If I know I'm not going out anywhere I'll sometimes leave it longer. Though it looks shit whatever so meh...
  24. Yeah I totally got your name confused with someone else, but everything else I was referring to was actually you though. Weird. :/
  25. LOL WUT? I may have got you confused with someone else then
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