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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. So it goes up to 2010 - what happens then? The game ends?

    People play the game at different speeds. Some people just hurry through the storyline and never play again. Some people hurry through the storyline then continue playing and RPing for years (like me). Some people just play slowly and don't bother with the storylines.

    So if you played it quickly, and it got to 2010, would you be stuck in 2010? Cos you'd miss out on all the 1910 stuff after the first few missions (unless you replayed and lost everything).

    They could do like they did in The Ballad of Gay Tony and let you go back and replay any mission unpon demand. This game would also let you select a time once you had beaten the game.

  2. I knew a dude that actually explained to me how they were profiting despite those differences between the manufacturing costs and the actual cost of the console but I forgot :P

    Anyway, they must be making or know that they'll be making some sort of profit, or else they would drop the PS3.

    They anticipate that within 9 months they'll start profiting from software and from manufacturing costs that keep dropping.

  3. And sorry for the double post, but again, I don't have an edit button because I'm a dickhead who got half my rights taken away. Oh well!

    On the topic of firearms, I do think that pistols and other handguns should still be fairly well controlled. But the people who own a .22 caliber rifle for small game hunting, recreational shooting out in the field behind their house, our even just a cool old gun to look at, should not have their guns taken away.

  4. You can't really say "bomb them all". It's not as if everyone in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Russia, China and North Korea are terrorists or evil. Sure the governments may be evil, and lots of freedom-fighters and religious extremists may be terrorists, but you can't just bomb the entire countries without killing millions of innocent civilians. That would be evil.

    That's what we did with Japan in World War 2, and brought a quick end to the war.

    Had we not, I guarantee that lots more innocent civilians would have died from the effects of the continuing war.

    And you know what else? The tax here is ridiculous.

    I live in a moderate income family, and ~33% of my Dad's paycheck was taken out for taxes.

  5. A no CD crack is a exe which you can download and replace with the original exe so that you can play without the disc.


    Yeah, no idea what the problem is.

    Did you update the game before or after the no CD Crack? Or not at all? Check to see what version of the game the crack was made with.

  6. Well, for all those who have gone out to buy the new PS3 Slim, you'll see that it is clearly a very light, efficient variant of the original PS3.

    Marketed at $299 USD, it appears that even though their manufacturing costs are roughly half of what they used to be, Sony if still seeing a loss of nearly $38 dollars for every PS3 Slim they sell.

    Looks as if what you're getting in that box is still a pretty sweet deal.


  7. More news on this subject, apparently instead of Intel naming their 6-core Gulftown CPUs as 'Core i9' a recent release by PCOnline shows that this new family will be kept within the Core i7 family.


    Personally this makes me wonder what they will put into the i9 slow (if anything) and if their line of Next-Generation Dual-Core CPUs will really be the i3, or if they will be the i5-xxx with the last 3 numbers being lower.

  8. Don't take any of this personal, but here's an overview of all my views of politics.

    As far as ethics and morals go, I'm about as conservative as you can get.

    For government, I think that the popular vote needs to be enacted more, not just elected some guy and having him take over the whole country. Local government is very important in my opinion. Like our constitution says, the Federal government is responsible for controlling interstate commerce, not intrastate commerce, as is currently happening. Free trade and a government by the people and for the people is what this country is based on.

    On the issue of the economy, I'm mostly in the middle, but I don't agree with most of what we did in our big Bailout bill.

    The environment, to the surprise of most of you, I'm pretty liberal on this one. I think that pollution, and using up resources is a major problem, along with our dependence of foreign oil. However, I don't believe in global warming. For his Master's Thesis in Atmospheric Science, my Father wrote a paper on how the same factors that cause global warming can also cause global cooling, which was published in a Scientific Journal in Colorado roughly 15 years ago.

    Immigration, I'm pretty mixed. I like all the people coming here, but don't expect us all to cater to you if you can't speak English, like the gov't's idea about making Spanish learning mandatory in schools.

    I don't think Christianity should be taught in schools, but when Obama tells the Turkish leader that we're not a Christian nation, he's smoking shit. Our country was founded on a Judeo-Christian basis, and one of Washington's most important goals was to make sure that every school had a bible in it. It doesn't need to be forced on the students, but the tools should be there.

    For the war over in Iraq and Afghanistan, I saw bomb them all. (Sorry, that's really what I think) Giving the 911 terrorists a full rights trial in NY is beyond ridiculous. It was ruthless, unprovoked act of terrorism on the very idea of what our country was founded on.

    Police need to be given more power, along with a stricter judicial system. Gun Control needs to be loosened however. Every citizen of the US has the right to own a gun. That was one of the ten most important things written into our constitution. The right to bear arms is basically like one of the Ten Commandments of the constitution.

    Welfare needs to be cut down a lot, and many people need to get off their lazy asses and go get a job.

    Government spending and ruthless taxing to make up for it needs to stop before China ends up owning our country because of all the debt we've funneled into them.

    As for technology, the Government needs to spend less money on worthless shit such as a few million bucks to study some fish in a stream in San Francisco, along with dehydrating all of California and ruining their local farm market in order to funnel water to save a couple thousand of those fish, that live in plenty of other places and won't go extinct.

    Education laws need to be enforced, being more strict to make sure that everybody goes to school. Money needs to be put in (Despite everything else they've spent money on, they forgot this) to help repair schools and get better, stricter teachers.

    The government should not be socializing our country by buying stocks in companies and taking over the Healthcare system.

    You all already know what I think about abortion and why, I'm not gonna elaborate.

    As far as big corporations go, our laws against monopoly and trusts (etc . . .) will do just fine without all the extra regulation bologna. (Bologna . . . :P )

  9. GTA Awards

    Most Knowledgeable (GTA Portables):

    Most Knowledgeable (Classic GTAs):

    Most Knowledgeable (GTA 3 Era): Urbanoutlaw

    Most Knowledgeable (GTA IV Era): Noru

    Most Knowledgeable (Modifications):

    Best Member Awards

    Most Respected Member: [Not staff] Urbanoutlaw

    Most Respected Staff Member: [Staff] Chris

    Best Forum Boss: [Boss] Noru and TM (Sorry couldn't decide)

    Most Helpful Member: Huckleberry Pie

    Most Intelligent Member: Urbanoutlaw

    Best Debater: [best contributions to serious discussions] Urbanoutlaw

    Highest Quality Posts:

    Most Improved Member:

    Best New Member of 2009: [Joined since December 2008]

    Random Awards

    Funniest Member: Slyde

    Biggest Geek: Spaz the Great

    Most Original Username: Huckleberry Pie

    Most Missed Member: [who is no longer active] Harwood Butcher

    Member You'd Most Want to Meet: Husky

    Creative Awards

    Best Avatar:

    Best Signature: Birdman

    Best Graphics Designer: MrLlamaLlama

    Best Creative Writing: M1 Garand

    If you guys get a best quote category, this would be mine:

    you on the other hand, youre just a prick that pulls shit like this to make himself feel better, because, given the pathetic way you dress and act im guessing you arent the happiest person ever. i really wish you'd just make everyone happy and shoot yourself, just like the columbine shooters. then no one would have to deal with your bullshit anymore and the forum would for once be a peaceful one.

    If you guys get a best quote category, this would be mine:

    you on the other hand, youre just a prick that pulls shit like this to make himself feel better, because, given the pathetic way you dress and act im guessing you arent the happiest person ever. i really wish you'd just make everyone happy and shoot yourself, just like the columbine shooters. then no one would have to deal with your bullshit anymore and the forum would for once be a peaceful one.

    And since I don't have an edit button I have to post another response saying that that quote is from Jezz Torrent. <_<

    A few of you have voted for two people for one award - you'll need to edit your nominations or they will be ignored.

    You mean all of our nominations or just that one?

    You took away my edit button.

    My Forum boss nomination is changed to TM.

    My Most Respected Staff Member nomination is changed to Sherman.

    (If a mod would like to edit this into my original post it'd be appreciated.)

  10. I haven't been annoying lately except for 2 topics I made in the Suggestions area that they apparently didn't like.

    Don't be annoying at all....?

    On a positive note, they gave me my avatar back.

    We didn't take it away. If we did, you still wouldn't have it.

    I figured out that since they disabled all of my profile options, the 'Show Avatars' option is locked to off, because I can't see anybody's.

  11. You just did (I can see it).

    If you can't, that sucks bit time. Obviously like Mr. Phillips said, being a Dickhead = Less Privileges. I Like the new idea, hopefully it will become more effective than banning members straight away.

    Oh well it doesn't show up for me, it just looks like the symbols I typed.

  12. GTAIV will not allow you to get on multiplayer with mods. It gives you a warning and disconnects you, but haxxors don't really use haxx, they use trainers that work in MP. The game doesn't detect trainers as I can just go on Free Mode and fire up my trainer. If I get a graphics haxx or anything, I can't go in.

    The 1.0.5 patch they just released disabled my ASI Loaders so now I can't use any trainers.

    Also if I mod any other file by patching it the game will crash on loading due to a 'Critical Runtime Problem'.

    None of this happened with 1.0.4. I guess that every patch they release is to disable mods and deter cheating.

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