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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. Glad you got it working.

    Just for note, a GTX 260 (whether the old 192 core or the new 216 core version) has 896MB VRAM, not 1GB. Also, GTA IV will not the memory you get from SLI. If you have 2x260s, you'll still see 896MB Ram.

    As to why it would say 3xxMB for a GTX 260 I have no clue, but when you say 'Vista' I'm sure you've found the problem. :hurrhurr:

  2. By "member" I clearly meant people in the "members" group. Obviously banned members can't vote.

    We are members, we're not banned. Banned means being permanently barred from posting on this site.

  3. If the Democrats can't win a senate election in one of the most democratic states in the country, then how are they planning to pass national healthcare, or get anybody re-elected in November that supports it?

    Personally, I think this is the greatest thing that happened so far in 2010. :) Ten Kennedy gets replaced by a republican. Incredible.


  4. Then don't act like a dick in front of the whole forum, if you don't like it then go ahead and leave.

    I haven't left and probably won't, but I am becoming more active in other forums.

    The only problem is that here, the forum layout and discussions are great, but on the other forums the mods don't

    I didn't say anything negative against the mods . . .

    and there's more general activity.

    How was that a fuck up? We seriously don't want your name changed until then.

    I know you don't. When did I say it was a fuckup?

  5. Connor has got it right. There is a normal warning system for 99% of members who accidentally break a few rules. Members who deliberately misbehave just get banned.

    The Restricted group are the members who constantly post crap without ever improving, but where the individual offences aren't worth a ban. This is their last chance to improve before we remove them from the forum permanently.

    And having every prigledge taken away just makes us want to leave. :0

    And here's an lol I got a few minutes ago to prove it. I don't think I'll last this long.


  6. You just can't say that though, the US have nuked places before. Iran, North Korea, and Russia haven't done anything at all.

    Stop posting like a bell end, please.

    So we wait until they inevitably do?

    And I don't mean to just suddenly nuke them right now, but if they do anything at all or we get solid info that they're producing nukes, then enough is enough.

  7. Not to take risks? So nuking Iran and North Korea carries no risk? That's the most fucking stupid thing I've ever heard. Probably. If not, the stupidest was probably something else you said. If someone came and punched you in the face (can't imagine why :/) on the off chance you were planning to it back... you'd be pretty pissed.

    America needs to stop thinking they're the fucking be all and end all in morality, and let people get on with their lives.


    Barack Obama takes your idea into consideration.

    We get nuked by Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

  8. But they just do. And why is us not knowing whether they have them or not (allegedly) a reason to nuke them? Surely that's much more immoral than doing it when they do?

    Better not to take risks, and they've attacked us for no reason in the past.

  9. I think that Iran and North Korea need a good nuke in the ass from the good ol' Yanks out West.

    And they certainly need a couple back? 'cause that's exactly what they'll get. And here's betting Russia will jump on that bandwagon, too. A military strategist you are not.

    As far as we know they don't have any yet which is why we need to

    fuck them up the ass

    before they nuke us first, which will certainly happen sooner or later, and we'll end up like Planet of the Apes.

    You can't lost when the other side can't attack you. (At least not with nukes :innocent: )

  10. Ok so i just got the game and have been tinkering with things. So far i haven't been able to get one single mod working. I try to put the dsound.dll into my GTA folder and start the game but it wont load.

    I'm a complete noob apparently. Any help?

    Thanks in advance.

    (holding my hand through this might be needed lol)

    The newest update of the game disabled mostly every ASI Loader/mod that I know of.

    I'd say reinstall the game and then refuse an update.

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