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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. Nvidia case round a system with an Ati card

    Surely you can see what doesn't make sense here.. I hope you do.

    It's like having an Intel sticker on the case of an AMD powered PC.

    Unless he plans on showing off his PC I really don't see the problem here.

    It's not like it has an NViDIA logo on it or anything, it's just made by them.

    It's makes the same sense as an Intel system with an ATI video card, which people do all the time.

  2. To be fair Britian's colonies has never been small. Through the empire we once owned a 1/4 of the world.

    Not all of their colonies together, but the USA in 1770 was about as well known as Latvia is now. (Maybe most of the UK know it but here very little people do)

  3. And to be honest with you all, I can see why you might think Nationalized Healthcare is a good idea, but here's 2 things for the USA.

    1) 12% of the country would still be left without insurance.

    2) That's breaking the very basis of what our country was founded on, and how we came from some tiny colony of Britain to the World's Biggest Superpower.

  4. I have not read anyone else's posts yet but these are my views. In Australia there are too many people lazy people that do not work and suck money off the benefit/financial program. This was one of the reasons why our economy grew slower compared to other "wealthy" countries in the world. Now it's growing fast because of our trades with China but that is a different story. China does not have these benefit programs, thus forcing many to work which in turn creates a strong economy. I like to support the environment as much as i can so I'm all for it. Laws MUST be separate from religious views. As good as the morals are, it is still unlogical thinking/close minded/retarted/bad reasoning.

    For the government bit, it really depends on what the citizens and government officials are like. Stupid citiziens will make retarted decisions and stupid government officials will make stupid decisions. USA for example has lots of close minded/retarted citizens who may vote against/protest about things that are good for them. As a democratic country, the government no matter how smart has to comply. In China, the government officials (i say) are pretty smart and make good decisions. Of course there, no idiots can protest against it. Even though it is good and a bad thing, right now it is the reason why they are becoming the next superpower. Basically its - Give power to the people, the smart ones.

    Also because they've bought our half of our country with all the money we've spent through them.

  5. You say that like it's a bad thing or a secret side-effect of nationalised healthare. Yes, you have to pay tax instead of insurance. That's exactly how it works, and that's why it's good.

    People who earn more pay more tax. So the rich are paying for the poor's healthcare. That way everyone can get the treatment they need, irrespective of their income. That's the only fair way of doing it. It's not as if the taxes are horrific - its still a small percentage of income. Imagine a fabulously rich millionaire - 20% of his income would pay for the healthcare of thousands of people.

    As a result of it being nationalised, hospitals and doctors do NOT make a profit. They have a budget which they use to run. So no more moneygrabbing healthcare companies, you actually get what you pay for.

    But whether there are or aren't in your country, in this country, there are many people who are too lazy to buy healthcare, or hide a disease once they get it and then get healthcare right away. Some people are too lazy to work or buy healthcare, and so with nationalized healthcare we're paying for those who were too lazy to get it for themselves in the first place, but had plenty of money to do so.

    Plus, it is estimated that under Barack Obama's Healthcare bill, >12% of the country will remain without healthcare.

  6. @ Spaz

    Actually, just as much would be taken out, if not more.

    The cost of our private healthcare would be gone, but lo and behold, there's the cost of still having to pay for our healthcare through additional taxes, plus having to pay part of everyone else's healthcare, again through yet more taxes.

  7. If the world is ending? I'm going out with a bang. The idea is complete pish but if it does actually happen then I think it's awesome. I've had a good life and I'm going to make sure I stay that way right until the end.

    Why go out with a bang? Everyone is going out, so there'll be absolutely no one to remember you going out with a bang.

    And someone else is saying by 2050 there will be wars for water.

    If we don't get our acts together that may end up happening.

    Although likely not as soon as 2050 and hopefully by then we'd find more ways to get fresh water.

    I don't understand why people see this as a problem. Haven't we had the same amount of water for a hell of a lot of time? I am decently sure that we can't physically lose water....

    Well we can't physically lose it but we can sure as hell pollute it.

  8. I was watching a documentary about the Columbine attacks about 10 years ago. It detailed the far fetched differences between the United States (example used in the documentary was Michigan) and Canada (the example here was Windsor). Both Michigan and Windsor have a river and an international border separating both countries. On the Michigan side there is a safety issue in regards to guns, people have to lock their houses whereas in Windsor, Canada there is not a safety issue with regards to gun crime, and people don't need to lock their doors. The shows how backwards the United States is on gun control, almost half the population of the United States own a gun of some sort.

    Homicides by gun (% of all homicides):

    • United States: 65%
    • England and Wales: 8%
    • Canada: 34%
    • Australia: 16%
    • New Zealand: 13%

    Perhaps if nations followed the United Kingdom's way of handling with gun crime, there might not be such as big a problem with guns in particular countries. Canada is in a unique position being neighbours of the United States whereas the others mainly follow British or Commonwealth Law.

    It's not just gun control, it's weapons control in general.

    Sounds like your country needs more knife control.

    How about we get a graph that tells us murders every year based on population?

  9. I don't think guns are needed in every home. We dont have a gun problem but we do have a major knife problem. The problem is our justice system is bizarre, someone can get sent to prison for a few months because they didn't they used their hose in a water shortage yet there was a case when an illegal immigrant killed a child while drug driving and his sentence was to pay £200 for damage to a council tree, that was it.

    Which is why we need a stronger judicial system.

    There is no need for knives in every home, (other than kitchen knives of course :P ) just what I said before.

  10. The NHS is a great thing but it really needs to go back to the 80s where English nurses were the best in the world and hospitals were clean and everyone took pride in their work. Now its appalling to see what the hospitals are like, my Grandad got MRSA twice because it was dirty and no one really cared. He couldnt eat because he was laying down and they just put the food infront of him even though he was blind and couldn't see, also he had no legs so he couldn't push himself up.

    And that's exactly what it will be like here if our new Healthcare bill goes through.

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