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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. Every life is a sacred life, with the exception of those who try to infringe upon the lives of others in very negative ways, e.g. Hitler, murderers, abortion 'doctors', etc.

    Did you just seriously compare an abortion doctor to Hitler? You know what, never mind I don't even want to try to get into that type of discussion.

    You know (not trying to pick on you Raybob) I've never understood the hatred that so called "Christians" have for unwed mothers, abortions, etc. Jesus loved everyone despite their faults and sins. In fact He said "Judge not lest ye be judged" as well as a bunch of other stuff like that.

    I've never understood why "Christians" want to be up in someone else's business, judging them and their way of life. Only God can judge people. As long as no laws are being broken then why should you care what people are doing? Does it hurt you in anyway?

    Because clearly I'm not perfect either. ;) And it's not 'hatred' just strong remose, and wondering: "Why?" . But that' just me, not all Christians in general. Half of them aren't even real Christians who just go to church for the status, or don't even try to follow God's word. e.g., George Tiller. :whistle:

    And yes, I did compare an abortion doctor to Hitler. Hitler took ~3 million innocent lives, George Tiller took around 60,000 innocent lives, enough to compare him to Hitler seeing as it was strictly Children who hadn't gotten the chance to live yet.

    Here's an Abortion story that if it doesn't bother you then there's something seriously wrong with you.

    Among pro-life advocates, he is famous for the cruelty with which he treats the unborn. No case illustrates the extent of this cruelty better than the tragedy of Baby Sarah Brown, one of his many victims. In 1993, a pregnant teenager and her parents traveled 900 miles to Tiller's office in Kansas to receive an elective late-term abortion.

    Tiller began the abortion by injecting a poisonous syringe through the pregnant teenager's uterus and into the upper left side of the unborn baby's face. He then instructed the teenager to return the next day for the completion of the abortion.

    To everyone's dismay, the baby did not die during the intervening hours. After the teenager began to complain of serious abdominal pains, her parents rushed her to a local hospital where the baby was eventually born—alive. The delivery room staff felt that life-support would be futile, so they wrapped the baby in a bassinet without attendance. The teenager and her parents quickly left the scene.

    Even without medical care, the baby remained alive. After many hours had passed, the delivery room staff decided to give her treatment. Miraculously, she managed to survive through the entire ordeal. "Sarah", as her adoptive parents later named her, lived until the age of 5, when she succumbed to the developmental harm done to her body during the abortion. The KCl solution that had been injected into the side of her face had left her permanently blind and brain damaged.

    From January of 2001 to December 2001, Tiller performed 635 abortions after 22 weeks. 395 of these abortions were done on viable babies. As usual, all of the abortions were done for "health" reasons. Not one was done to preserve the life of the mother.


    Oh, and when I compared Hitler to Abortion 'Doctors', more what I was thinking was: Hitler = Murderer = Abortion 'Doctor'. Hitler relentlessly took thousands (millions in his case) of innocent lives, so do plenty of abortion 'doctors'.

  2. Oxelon Media Converter

    The best free media converter I have found till date. Its even better than some paid ones.

    Its simple too and very nicely integrates with windows explorer.

    I use Prism Video Converter but I think I'll try the one you posted just for kicks, 'cause Prism has a few flaws . . .

    EDIT 20 Minutes Later: Lol yeah, your program is way better than mine, uninstalled Prism and its cousin Switch and AVG told me both programs were backdoors, go figure.

    Only bad news is that even your program can't figure out how to use 100% of my CPU, only around 50-75%.

  3. She needs to be fucking shot.


    So the 12 year old girl should be shot leaving her child without a mother?

    That's ok but aborting a fetus is not?

    Lol I think we were both being sarcastic. :o

    I don't think anyone is "pro-abortion" that means that you think everyone should be aborted.

    The way I see it it simply means that someone would choose abortion over adoption or keeping the baby whenever someone is debating over the three.

    but an unborn child is a sacred life?

    Every life is a sacred life, with the exception of those who try to infringe upon the lives of others in very negative ways, e.g. Hitler, murderers, abortion 'doctors', etc.

  4. Capable of answering for ourselves thanks. :)

    Hiring of Bosses is ongoing, it's just not something we can do immediately with no consideration.

    We'll tell you if we do want you to be a boss. If you don't hear from us, it's probably that we currently don't need a Boss for your specialis areas, or we think you're not suitable right now for the position. Raybob, you fit into the latter category there.

    :wtf::cry: Lol, Okay. :hurrhurr:

  5. It's confirmed by Dan Houser it'll be V... You better check some news in some websites.

    I wasn't aware it would be V either, but he seemed pretty sure of it and I had no clue what it would be.

  6. I think they should continue with exactly what they've already done.

    GTA III Era:


    GTA Vice City

    GTA San Andreas

    GTA IV Era:

    GTA IV

    GTA Vice City II

    GTA San Andreas II

    Although obviously it won't happen since they've already confirmed GTA V.

  7. I downloaded a saved game and whenever i try to load it it crashes after load screen but when i load a game I started it works just fine. I also have windows vista if that has anything to do with it.

    Does the game normally work correctly?

    It could just be a corrupt saved game.

    And you bought the game legally correct? If you didn't it could be the cause.

  8. I got GTA IV from Direct2Drive this weekend, installed it, and entered my activation key, but I keep getting the wobbly cam and leadfoot errors. After googling it, I removed the GTAIVGDF.dll file, which fixed it for a while, but when I tried playing it again today, they came back. Can someone help?

    I also want to be able to play online, so I don't want to do the RGSC offline thing.

    Did you pay money for it in a legal way?

    We don't offer support for those who don't buy games legally.

    I'd say go over to a BestBuy and buy the game legally for $30.

  9. What if these people only want help? What if they didn't want to join in the first place but couldn't look for the topic in question because they can't use the search feature (I believe)? I think the forum is fine basically as is, yes it does get boring sometimes but I still come, albeit every 4 days, but I still come. It doesn't have to look good for people to come, it has to look at least satisfactory for people to come and this forum looks way above satisfactory.

    Here's a suggestion, if we didn't slag off some of the new members, they might actually stay because the last time I checked, although this was a few years ago, new members were being insulted and didn't want to come back. For example, Hazer, he wasn't perfect but nobody liked him because he didn't know the rules and was persistent. To sum up:

    Less hatred = more and better new members.

    Maybe if we merely point out to that member that they're doing something wrong, then they might actually do something to fix the problem. If you look at my first ever posts, you'll most likely find that I was the same as these newbies and people like TM, Gerard and Nate helped me to fix my problems back then.

    I agree that we should pay attention more to the new members and maybe cut them some slack occasionally, but the rules are pretty clearly stated.

  10. OK, so tonight I decided I'd upgrade to Windows Vista Service Pack 2. After I installed it, of course with Vista, there were problems, but no benefits. My audio stopped working all together, reboots and driver re-installs did nothing.

    So, I did a system restore. Voila, audio fixed, PC working normally with Service Pack 1. Or so I thought. I noticed that it was being very slow, so I opened up HD Tune and did some Hard Drive investigating.

    Here's what my SSD turned up with: (It's read speed is like 1/3-1/4 of what is should be and the access time should be <0.1ms.)


    And I've had this happen once before, but a reboot fixed it. This time I reboot it, left it off for an hour, everything I could think of.

    Any ideas?

    EDIT: After going into task manager and ending the process 'SSDMonitor.exe' (No idea what this is :huh:) my results improved greatly, just about perfect but still a little slow. Should be 200MB/s MAX and 130MB/s Avg.


  11. These are all the specs listed on the box:

    OS: Windows Vista - Service pack 2

    Memory: 4.00 GB Vista

    Video: 1855MB ATI Radeon x1250

    Processor: AMD Turion™ 64 x2 Mobile Tech. TL-60 2.00 GHz

    I also got DirectX 11, I'm not sure if it runs DX9 stuff so that's what I think my prob is.

    Your processor is not enough. You need at least a 2.4GHz Dual Core AMD. Also, the Video Card may have lots of memory, but it's really not sufficient.

  12. Soon either a Hitachi 2TB or a Western Digital 2TB Hard Drive.

    Eventually, maybe an ATI Radeon HD 5970 Video Card, or an NVIDIA 300-series DX11 Card when they come out since I'm more loyal to NVIDIA/EVGA. :P


    Lol I have those same speakers up in my room for my PS2. Logitech G51 right?

    For my PC I went with the Logitech Z-2300 set though.

    And I have that same calculator for use in school. (Texas Instruments TI-84?)

  13. Bring back the orange and grey skin I say!!

    In all seriousness though, a lot of people are going to be busy around this time. A lot of people will also come here for GTA news, and seeing as there isnt a lot of that going about at the moment, and GTA IV is ageing quickly and people are getting bored of it so natually I dont think there will be a lot of activity around at the moment, but as soon as Rockstar announce a new GTA or something big like that, activity will shoot up.

    Well what was activity like last November? More than now.

    We just need more topics, a better skin, forum bosses for every forum, moderators on more often.

    Why don't we just go to other GTA sites and see what they got that we don't. For example: Gtaforums.com is extremely bland and not catchy to the eye, yet they have tons of activity. Why? That's what we need to figure out.

    After all, they're still using IP.Board 1.3 and it really sucks.

  14. Not sure how, but for the past 5 months I've had a pretty damn good time with Vista! I think that once programs stop working with Vista or the benefits of DX11/DX12 turn out to be amazing then I'll upgrade eventually to Windows 7 or 8.

    But for now I'm fine. B)

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