Well fuck, i have to work on the Staff party night, which is this saterday, then i have to work XMAS DAY! but its ok, since its a holiday, i get DOUBLE PAY BITCHES! and my last paycheck was 400 bucks flat, 32 hours at 9.50hr with 4.5 overtime hours at 14.25hr, bitchin awsome..
WOOOO... STAFF PARTYY IM FUCKING WASTEDD AS FUYCK, DONT give a sfiht if i double post...cant stop pissin every 6 minutes. or somehtin, gotta make suttre i dont shit de bed... woow, 2 beerrs, 7 coca colas/runs, 4 juggerbombs...and a fuckoin shitload moar...awe;lo im about toi fuckin pass out so good nitz peopls