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Everything posted by blnk182fan18
Ps3... Easiest question I had ever answered..
I think a nice updated Vice City would be perfect. It would all make sense. They can make it look like a masterpeice with all the bright colors, sunsets, beaches, hotels, nightlife, rich retired people driving sports cars. They can make it 10 times bigger as well. with large malls, lots and lots of interior gameplay. ports and ghettos, rich neighborhoods, construction sites, marinas and docks, hotel tourist traps, bars, clubs, beaches with people everywhere. the list is endless but i think it would be perfect.
well hopefully the rumor that R* will be exclusive to sony comes true, and the next GTA will be able to support other seasons because it wont be limited by xbox shit space and bad graphics and all that crap. i say blame xbox for no seasons and all that stuff.. pretty much just blame xbox for everything that isn't in the game.
saying people died there is no reason to not put it in the game... many people died on the beaches during d day and thats in video games... get the point... it dont matter....
wouldnt the city have many many more blocks that are closer together. like new york city? the map is sick i wont lie but i think there would be more city blocks:)
those pictures are SICK! i love them.... the boat one looks incredable and the garbage truck one is just really sick... that would be a great side missiom
Driving cars around Liberty City
blnk182fan18 replied to MarkD1990's topic in GTA IV Discussion + Help
he is definitely right about the peds being completely 110 unpredictable LOL .. they just zig zag in and out of lanes for no reasons and just stop for no reason...they will hit you from behind if your stopped ROFL.... they got to make the traffic system much more real... its impossible to drive along a highway and not hit a car..and if you did..your lucky as hell.. -
everything in gta4 is amazing lol..... a newspaper on the floor is shocking! it is gonna look so real
sounds tasty
GTA IV Mulitiplayer only for the 360?
blnk182fan18 replied to MarkD1990's topic in GTA IV Discussion + Help
R* isnt stupid... they wouldnt put the online on the shit system....the only reason they would... would be b/c no one is gonna get it on 360 and they have to bribe people to buy that version... idk why anyone would... wouldn't you rather play with better internet, better graphics, better speeds, better controls, and better everything on the ps3? or is that just me... this game shouldnt even be on the 360.... pointless it cant handle this kind of game its crap... -
i am sure if there is a PC in your safehouse...you can play games, open up a map, contact people, and possably there will be somthing that activates a webbrowser if you have an internet connection...that would be f***ing sick
there should be more realicity
blnk182fan18 replied to Carlsberg's topic in GTA IV Discussion + Help
by realistic i thinkthey should have more sounds...like if your standing still in an alley way..there should be wind and if your in the city..you should hear car horns in the background and dogs barking..and once in a while a car alarm goes off...sounds are huge...go turn on a need for speed game..shut the muisc..and you will hear all the city sounds..its wonderful! Gun shots should sound more real with an echo to it..usualy they sound so plain flat and boring.. if you have a sniper riffle that isnt silenced..it should make a huge sound that you hear echoing throught the area...the sound of the gun should take about 5+ seconds if its in the country..and afew seconds if your in a city. i think improved gun sounds would be really really really really good! -
yeh defnetly get it on ps3..if you want the full experience:) i know i am
you gotta buy the ps3 its the best..if you get an xbox ill be so mad .. anyway..im soo excited..i look at the time left in the clock so much..i go on my PSP internet in the middle of the night just to see the time remaining!! I CANT WAIT!!!!
Who would you like to make voices in GTA4?
blnk182fan18 replied to Gycu's topic in GTA IV Discussion + Help
defnetly the main character should be JASON STATHAM!!!!!! and other people should be jim carey and of course Sean William Scott and johny knocksvill and also Nicholas Cage!!! best voices and stars in history !!! -
What will you do first in the game?
blnk182fan18 replied to little_homer's topic in GTA IV Discussion + Help
im defnetly not going to cheat.. only till after i beat the game...or a mission is impossable to beat after like 20 trys.. -
What will you do first in the game?
blnk182fan18 replied to little_homer's topic in GTA IV Discussion + Help
OMG thats a tuff question.. lol hmmm well im guessing you start on a mission..but if you dont i still would do the first mission...then after the first mission..possably a few more then drive around!!! and get an erection from the graphgics and game and idk it is just to exciting!!!!! cant wait!!! lol i cant wait to just drive for fun killing some people here and there:) i always like to look for guns to find around the city idk lol hats my plan usualy lol -
this isnt a wishlist topic its a question..and if you dont wanna answer it dont bother looking... Anyway..the should add alot more street racing cars..and muscle cars specificly the 07 GT500 and the mitsubishi Lancer evolution:)
i disagree! they should make the map huge..but leave enough space for a graphgical improvment.. b/c i rather more gameplay then haveing like amazing graphgics.. i mean the graphgics were already good... make that about 999 times better and the map 9999 bigger and you have it all made:)
hey nice ideas connor! deathmatch.. did i forget that one lol!!! i just thought of the coolest idea!!! One group can be any person they want like a gang membor a business man w/e... then the other team can be like any kind of cop...FBI, ARMY, SWAT, POLICE and if they arrest somone they get like 2 points and if they kill skomone they get 1 point and the other team has to either rob somthing or i dont exactly know what the objective is for the bad guys but i think the overall idea is amazing!!
hey GTAPLAYER that is a really kickass idea!! create your character from the face to the shoes!! idk if they would either have from all the characters in the game like u can take the face from a police officer and the shirt from a particular pedestrian and the pats from somone else and just create somone that way or just start from scratch!! ..but really ereally cool idea! and dreating your own gangs could be the term instead of creating your own "Clan" lol creating maps might be going to far lol but would be the coolest thing in the world!!! if they made a 2nd disc with the game then it would be possable..probably a simple pikc from the chioces and put together! like tony hawk map creating lol. there is literaly an endless possability of maps and things to do in multiplayer!!... it is a really awsome though!
i never owned multi theft auto.. is that just basicly the multiplayer online verson of the game?? or maybe the consoles will just sell an entire seperate game for online play..that would be really cool..take out the sotry mode and add multiplayer !! they should do that..the game should be double disc!! omg how awsome would that be
before anything.. i searched to see if this is a tpic..i couldnt find it but if it is..im sorry... and this isnt a wishlist topic. OK! so in the split screen and or online what do you think should be the features. the one in san andreas was rather pointless...it was fun for a few minutes but for real.. who wants to stay in the same area as ur friend..free roam means go where ever you want.. i thinkthe multiplayer should either be split screen... or be one screen like san andreas but when they go far apart it goes split screen. this would be so much more fun... then one friend can get in one car and somone else in another.. then you can race, drive around, kill people...and so on.. there should also be a mini-multiplayer plot, that would be kind of cool...you guys can do a few missions, activate street races and even rampages or w/e. There should also be online play.. and you can play with many people in created games that support up to (idk)50+ people or you can create games in different towns... actualy this is hard to explain but it would be cool if you create a game and you see the entire MAP of gta4 and you can select any town and the ones ajacent to it or just do the entire thing... and you can make: -password private games -activate different weapons -activate different cars -switch lock-on on or off -select your character -select deathmatch. race. team battle, king of the hill, steal car lists, and other new fun modes like somone hides in the city and the others have to find him and the one hiding gets no weapon (even though it might be imposable to find him) but when you do you then shoot him. and then you get a few minutes or seconds to hide and you can blend in with the pedestirans but your character cant be the same as them. IDK where im going with this lol thats why everyone should think of cool ideas... and they shouldnt have the tags over your guy like in the gta multiplayer on psp. i hate that you can see where anyone is from miles away... you should atleast be able to turn that off:) im really hoping for a multiplayer..it would really make the game never gwet boring..not that the others did..but instead of just playing missions and stuff over and over you can select multiplayer and the game will never get boring...and also you should be able to unlock stuff furing the one play game and also in the multiplayer modes.. it would be cool if you can special packages in one player mode that unlock multiplayer content!! idk there is so much to be said about this topic!!!
uhg uhg uhg i hate xbox, they think they can make a GTA, i never even played that game b/c its on xbox...a disgrace to the human life form.. im embaressed to be a human b/c of that system... atari has better games and graphgics..and 99.9% of the games were originaly on play station..so please dont compare GTA to saints row..if anything...saints row shouldnt have even come out. so back to the topic...it is such a good idea:)