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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Ok, credit one had two 7's allined. That means 5 %. Credit two had 3 times 2 allined. That gives you a total of 20% Jackpot. Congrats then Your winnings: 192$ Edit: strange, I can somehow not send the money.. Constantly giving me an error message.
  2. Maybe lower the amount of collors that can be used. I think someone posted something about using vectors. Try checking out that option.
  3. I wasn't saying you where flaming PS3 player Ow, and I HAVE played the ps3. At a friends house who imported it from Asia.
  4. That's a great sum of money for that age (assuming you'd be in your 20s then). I'd say do it. And the Navy won't give you the pension deal, right?
  5. Hell, now we are going to get that SIXAXIS stuff again. The SIXAXIS stuff really isn't anything amazing AT ALL. Forgot about that
  6. I think TGTAP is a tad inactive lately. It are just the regular visitors who are still keeping it active.
  7. Avi: 7 Sig: 10 , that's for the Jace part perso: rofl, kind person with lot's of quistions
  8. I would buy a 360 instead of a ps3. For the simple fact that I'm far from willing to pay that price ONLY for the Blu-Ray. Like said. If they (Wii and ps3) where the same price, and Blu-Ray DIDN'T win, I'd take the Wii. If money is out of the issue between the 360 and ps3 I think I'd go for the ps3 (in that case for the Blu-Ray).
  9. We hope so And I'v got little time to. But I'l try anyways.
  10. Did you read the post? You said he can't make any currently. JayD@: Maybe change the topic title to [currently closed]
  11. Thanks Cards will be drawn in 10 minutes. Wait, I'v done the first one, but do you want to use the second credit to?
  12. Your being lazy It just takes 1 extra click going to your private board via the homepage. If you really want to be their quick, use favorites.
  13. It DOES look fake. Mainly because of that women on the right and the afro CJ on the top right. But it looks great anyways.
  14. MS supports Blu-Ray. And they have quite alot influence it this type of stuff. But personally, I DO think Blu-Ray is better, but the drivers are a bit expensive.
  15. Good So I'm studing for an exam now. 'Sup with you guys.
  16. Half way the big 1000 Dazza And 2350 for me. Nothing special.
  17. That's a strange way of thinking. But before I turn this topic into a flamefest, yeah, I do think having cellphones would really be cool
  18. I got 130 ft yesterday. But forgot to save it
  19. Sure you can. I'l give a discount. But one for 1 for 100, but 2 for 150. And 3 for 175 Edit: An other 100$ has been added to the Jackpot.
  20. A normal life in my eyes is a live without sins. So stuff like: Do not kill, rob or envy people. And is I think going to prostituets also is wrong. And if you would have a "normal" life; what would you ever lose anyways. Even if there isn't any god.
  21. No prob mate Happy I could help
  22. Pandora


    I got the first 2 missions And I'm going to ask some mod authors if TGTAP has permission to host there mods.
  23. If you ask me, water DOES have a taste. And I clearly taste a difference between other waters. But hey, that may be just because of the way they purify it or the added stuff like Sky said. No idea how I can get just plain clean water though.
  24. You could implement the tags like the ones in the stunting forum ( [Wii] [360] [ps3] )
  25. Pandora


    uh. Wel ok. I'll start getting the pics then.
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