A long long looooooong time ago
I'm n00b in not dameging my car, butt not in the missions. But that is beside the point, I meant, he is the whole time giving his mail, but not the save.
btw, nice pic lol
just sell it for 15 dollor or something, they will get loads of money, and if they don't wanna convert it, couldn't they just simpely emulate it. Or is that to easy to crack or something... ANd about gta 4, could a pc handle it
hey guys, some1 has added me two his msn on the name choppermad, he says that he is ghostchild (from those stunt movies), but I'm not sure of believing him since he is asking how two downgrade v2 and some original files. just to know for sure, can any1 (chris or some1) tell me.
like if there was a big crash with cars and explosions the police will shut down the area and block it for a while, they should take de wounded peaple in the ambulance an d take um to the hospital, and theves must not get shot down but first an atempt two capture them.
mabey a stupid awnser but, could deframentatiing work and deleting temp folders. I tryd that and everything workt faster.
and pc cillin works fine for me. it has blockt a virusses.
I know, ya must have a shared com, and ya have it installed at programfiles, you can't acces it with a limited account. Make a back-up of saves and install in ya own account. or shared documents
hope it helped.
sinsce I've only joined a few months ago I'l never become a veteran, *sig*. owel
buy the way, hasn't mother teresa left the forums? and wy did he anyway?
sinsce I've only joined a few months ago I'l never become a veteran, *sig*. owel
buy the way, hasn't mother teresa left the forums? and wy did he anyway?
I'm not gonna look for ya, but these site could help.
to lazy to make it a link
I don't care about the problems, having it in iraq sucks. What next? Nigeria? Ya wouldn't have all those nice buildings and stuff, you would be a old slab fighting to be alive. You can't even go the the burgershot... Yould only be walking in a boxer and everyday building will get blown up (to much psy)
I agree with tvg and stuff,
It sucks