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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It's 10 year old game and I think the graphics are actually pretty cool at times. It's a awesome game. You can't really call yourself a gamer if you haven't played it. The first serie to give you freedom and not linear gameplay. For those days I'd see it as Crysis, graphic wise. The story and gameplay of course beat the crap out of Crysis. Hmm, actually I'm lying. Pokemon Stadium was closer. Compare OoT's graphics with a better version of GTA IV. So tell me, why is it 'bad'? Have you actually ever played any game of the Zelda serie? I mean, 10+ hours. Cause that's the time that it takes to really get in to the story for TLP and OoT.
  2. Beat that bitches. Kicks more ass then GTA.Assassins Creed, Crysis, Cod4 ect. Even in 2008
  3. I usually bully ones who bully others. I hate seeing these 12 year olds picking on someone. So I'll kick their ass, literally. Trying to put someones head in a dustbin is NOT funny. I'd hate to be that kid whose being bullied, so IMO I'm doing the right thing.
  4. I'm a Christian, but if I think about my religion I never get the cross in my mind. It's not at all where Christiany is about IMO. Just wanted to know.. I hate English class.. It's an absolute waste of time. 3 years now and I still haven't learnt a thing.
  5. Actually, I'm not that impressed with the RAGE engine. The latest GTA IV screenshots show extreemly blury textures. I'm not saying the game is ugly, that would be stupid. Be it isn't quite like the other games aiming for good graphics that are being released lately. It's still about gameplay and not about graphics.
  6. I sort of fail to see the graphic problem. GTA has never been a game aimed at graphics, it has been about gameplay. Yes, the graphics of games like L.A. Noire are superior to the ones of Wii in almost every aspect. But they don't have to make a GTA game that look like that. Perhaps just Renderware 2.0 or something similar to TLP with slightly better textures (TLP textures were blurry at times).
  7. I love history, maths, physics, chemistry, economy, greek, latin and ancient culture. I hate life study though (that's not philosophy). Totally. Useless.
  8. Depends. If you'd actually have to pay for the data, then it would be illegal. Freeware is fine. I don't think you need to buy a licence for Lose Change, so then it would be legal.
  9. Maybe I'm just a geek, but don't any of you just enjoy learning?
  10. Uh, mean don't know the meaning of those words, or don't you know it in it's context? Well back-up means having a spare copy of the file. So if the moding failes, he can get the original back without having to reinstall. Replacing a file means replacing.. Having one file, and puting in another one in its place.
  11. Awesome server. @Rockstarrem: Uhm.. maybe connect it to someones TGTAP account and have a page with everyones stats.
  12. That's really all she does.. What a bitch.
  13. It's about 8 USD a gallon here Nobody complains actually.. Oh, and a gallon is 3.79 litre, right? Otherwise my calculation is wrong.
  14. Did you use beta drivers? If so, try using the fully stable ones. If you didn't, try the beta ones Maybe it was a problem they didn't know of and the beta ones fixed it. How exactly does it 'stop working'? Just fails to start, or does an error occur during the game?
  15. Welcome to my territory. I rule Holland. Forget learning a few Dutch words. Every idiot here can talk English and as bonus you can laugh about their accent. Everyone who works at Schiphol speaks English pretty good. Dutch grownups speak English about the same as I do now, accept for the accent. You'll be at Schiphol airport, I assume. Do NOT take the 'no tax' crap. Most of the stuff is 4 times more expensive then it would be in a normal shop. It's a pretty nice airport. It's like a second home to me It find French quite a bit easier to learn then German actually. Sounds much better too IMO. You mean the Dollor is worth much less then the Pound, right? The US is extreemly cheap and the UK is quite expensive compared to other countries so buying stuff there (like shirt) is advisable. Do NOT buy games though. They won't work on your PAL version console. I think PC games can though. 1 Pound is about 2 Dollars. One Euro is 1.41 dollars. Florida is pretty warm, even in Spring.
  16. Oh, something that has to be implemented if we want stealth. Radar/HUD only shows members of your own gang. And you can't the name of a rival gang member doesn't show up above them (cause otherwise you'll see him when he's trying to hide).
  17. 1 000 000 in bank (forum points) and 10 000 EUR in real life (just got got my rent so that made it 10 000+ I don't know the exact figure). I'm pretty happy now. Hope Chris doesn't remove the store.. :/ lol. Oh, do note I'm 14 without any real job through-out the week.
  18. Here it is. I added some useless stuff so the file would exeed 1mb and rapidshare will give me points. I hope you don't find it too annoying..
  19. Wupwup. Haha Girls on average talk 3 times more then guys. In my class they talk about useless stuff like flowers and shirts and that type of stuff. It's quite funny to listen to it actually.
  20. It says: "The road to victory of Germanicism over Judaism". They had the idea that the 'Germanen' (that's the German word for it. I don't know the English one) were the most elite like race. The Jews were, in Hitlers opinion, cluttering their country and cause them, the elites, to lose their wealthy position and also lose their 'Lebensraum' (which can be translated at living room. Not as a room in your house though. But as space. So perhaps living space.) I only intended people to read the title cause that's what shows that people were antisemistic. The guy who wrote that just of course was one of those who had enough of the jews. This was before any world war. After the first WW people started to copy that idea of the jews being part of the cause. I understand basic German. It's compulsory at school. And Hitler is the guy who turned it into the active form of dislike/hatred. That's the whole point i was trying to make. And I never meant to say every German hated them. Maybe just 1 every 5. But that's enough to get something like the SS started. People hated the Republic of Weimar and thought they were traitors for signing the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler said he'd do something about it and the people who didn't agree with the antisemitistic ideas Hitler had still thought he'd be a good leader cause he'd get them rid of the treaty. I hope I've worded it right..
  21. Of the year 1880. Long before Adolf Hitler and clearly antismitistic. Like I said. Antisemitism has been in Europe for centuries. Just rarely took the form as it did during the time that Hitler was in charge. There just was a general dislike for jews, and Hitler used them to blame the state of the country on. In short Before Hitler: Passive dislike. During Hitler: Active hate. You're right there. But then when life just got really bad people wanted a man to get Germany out of its miserable position, and Hitler was the man who could do that in their opinion. Hitler gave lots of reasons why it was the fault of jews, gypsies and in all their missery people started to believe it and the SS (Schutz Staffel or something like that) tried to spread that idea. Nationalism is a good way to get lots of followers.
  22. Their money didn't just fall into their lap. They've worked extreemly hard to get the to position they are. Most at least. Don't count artists and stuff. They've got all right to the money they've worked for. You can't forse them to give it to charity. I find it slightly annoying when people think that the succesful ones among us have just gotten it by birth.
  23. Sending someone just a back-up of a file is NOT illegal. It's copyrighted, but one can't do anything just with a few .txd files. I draw the line with people requesting achrives, .exe's or things that suggest someone has obtained the game illegally. Just helping someone out who messed up a file is fine IMO, even if the file is copyrighted. @M-B: Still need the file?
  24. I'd watch saying that, buddy. I know people who'd beat your ass for saying it. Go to Germany, you'll probably get killed for it. I didn't mean to say they still do. But in those days they did. In the 19th century and begin 20th century France was even more antisemitistic than Germany. Germans have changed a lot though. They've admitted their fault on behalf of the government of those days. They rather not talk about the WW's, but if they do they'll be honest. Unlike the Japanese who until this day still haven't apologized for their wrong doings in WWII. Antisemitism has been around for centuries and probably will never go away. Some countries during certain times just have stronger antisemistic thoughts and/or behaviour than others.
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