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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It is if your nick is Jace. At least, any girl that has a great personality and is hot too. Especially the latter of those is difficult. I know a few girls who would, but they're practically whores. I only get problems when doing that. At least, with the girls. Somehow really every girl has opinions that actually are slightly communistic. Totally the opposite of my ideas usually. Whenever I do state my ideas they (the girls. The boys usually agree) tell me I'm immoral.. Just cause I think the state shouldn't cover our asses for everything and people should be responsible for their own lives and the fact that I think death sentence is justified at times. I don't know if other countries have these terms, but in the Netherlands you have the right side and the left side in politics. Left extreem being communism, right extreem will be like the Nazi's had. Anyway, they're all left. I'm right, and so are most guys. They just don't give their opinions on these type of things that much.. Shit, there I go again with politics. But really, it is about the best way to express someones genral opinion. Also, nobody has actually figured out who I really are. I'm totally different at school then at home. At home I'm much more open in negative emotions. Being able to flip from a good mood into a rage in a minute because I can find the cereal. Outside home I'll never do anything (except if I feel threatend). I keep my emotions for myself. Nobody has to know what I feel and I hate it when people do express their emotions (for stupid things. I can understand if someones going to be very depressed if their pet died or something worse then that). But crying in the classroom during a history lesson when they say that some army killed an x amount of people is kind of stupid. No problem with people finding it very bad. But those type of emotions are best kept to yourself. I never ever express anything about these type of things. Doesn't mean I'm not moved by them. I am. But I don't express it. Because of that people get crooked ideas of me. Think I don't have any feelings for these type of things. I do, but these things happen. If I'd let my emotions free at all time I'd be miserable day and night I guess. People die during war. It's 'natural'. As bad as war is, you can't revert what happend. Had an accident today. While gym I accidentally stood on someones foot. I moved and apologized immediately. But then I get told by something like 5 girls (there was 1 who did support me though) that I did that on purpose.. That I wanted that girl to have pain. What the hell? Why would I ever want to do that? I acctually don't know if it would have a possitive or negative influence if people really knew how I am.. Things like the latter I mentioned would probably be pissitively influenced. But other things (like my pretty strong anti-communism idea) would, strangely, have a negative influence I think. I think it's mostly cause they don't understand on what I base my opinion. Usually after explaining they'll agree and change their opinion. I can't really express myself right, that's why people get false ideas.
  2. C'mon. You can't be serious. The 8800 GT is obviously the best you can get price/performance wise at the moment. HD 3870 comes close though. But not close enough to rival the Ultra. And the 9800 GX2 is going to kick-ass. Though I would have prefered it using a full new powerfull chip instead of the same trick they did for the 7950 GX2. But there's hope. Maybe they'll be using a G100 (no idea how it will perform) instead of a G92 chip.
  3. Crap.. I was kinda pissed off today and when told to sit somewhere else in the class I kicked my bag to it and said that I don't give a fuck shit. Tomorrow I'll get to know the consequences of that action. I was warned the last time when I got kicked out of class.. Next time there'd be some severe consiquences he said..
  4. Perhaps they'll release it on the 9th too. Just to see the reaction of people. In general people who'll buy GTA IV on it's release and SSBB on it's release are pretty different when it comes to gaming preferences. I don't think it'd make such a big deal. Nintendo has quite a hardcore fanbase, so they won't really be influenced. Wouldn't be suprised if they'd let SSBB slip for another month. I'm pretty sure March is going to be the month GTA IV is going to be released. Doubt they'll wait much longer.
  5. Carmen on the other hand is one of the hottest women in the world. I <3 Carmen. What pisses me off is that I won't even be able to just see her in real life
  6. You arse. I saw a naked girl in my school. It wasn't amazing for some reason. Sneaked into the showers or changing room didn't you?
  7. Singapores second language is English. They've got a slightly weird accent, but they can talk pretty good English in Malaysia (everywhere where there is some good education or TV). I've practically lived there (just slightly of. I lived in Brunei). Their English is good in general.
  8. VVII would be 12. Though that wouldn't make sense. You'd just do XII.
  9. Got an exam at 8 AM tomorrow. Greek translation... I somehow think I'm going to mess it up. If anyone here can do ancient Greek at a good level, please tell me. I need slight help with a few small things. My dad's gone and my mom has never studied Greek.
  10. Real music is? Pop, Metal, perhaps even Jazz? I like Yellow Brick Road too.
  11. I got 3 hours of dentention something like a month ago. I actually liked it TBH, haha. Got 45 minutes of detention for Thursday.. I was too late for school today.. meh.
  12. I want to fuck a girl called 'Danielle' (Dutch name.. I guess). Well, I just felt like expressing this feeling that I've been having for the pass 12 hours.
  13. Having this on while finishing my homework. I actually quite like it. Prefer this type of music in the evenings to Metal.
  14. People overestimate the technology we have. Mankind can do a lot, but we aren't the all knowing. They had the chance to get him executed, but they'd risk having one of SA's princess die too. And the USA would prefer SA being a friend. I don't see how America is dangerous for wars. The countries that America is in war with is dangerous. There aren't riots in the US like France has (Paris).
  15. You mean, you've actually already have a small part of it done? Or does later refer to when you've got it into alpha stage?
  16. Dr. Dre, the old songs of Eminem (when he still was a little bitch), G-Unit (just for lulz. They're idiots ) and that's it actually. Just like some hip hop songs now and then.. I've lost any real interest in it. I'm more into hardrock/metal.
  17. Which is a bazillion times better then our crappy Dutch system. They have Aligaters and deserts.. That'd mean that Oman would be hell, but guess what, it isn't. It's a great country in fact. Safe too. In a vast country like the USA you've got to expect to still have parts of nature like these swamps and deserts. It's the think I actually really like about the USA. The variety. I'd vote Sudan. Am I glade I wasn't born there (and stayed there of course). As nation I'd say Iran. I think I'm one of the few people of this forum who doesn't have any negative feelings towards Bush. At least some country is trying to rid us of these extreemists and you can't expect everything to go right. He's made some serious mistakes, but overal I do support this whole 'war on terror'.
  18. You mean the Dollor is worth much less then the Pound, right? The US is extreemly cheap and the UK is quite expensive compared to other countries so buying stuff there (like shirt) is advisable. Do NOT buy games though. They won't work on your PAL version console. I think PC games can though. 1 Pound is about 2 Dollars. One Euro is 1.41 dollars. Florida is pretty warm, even in Spring. A Pound isn't worth as much as a Dollar - it's worth around half, I said the Dollar is worth far more than the pound, i.e. you get more for your money over in America than in England. You'll lose money if you convert your Dollars into Pounds. For my example about buying t-shirts, I'm saying it's much cheaper in America - 8 or 9 t-shirts would come to around $75, whereas in England it would cost quite a bit more, around £130 or £140, which is the equivalent to around $260, roughly. We always get ripped off with things like that, especially Petrol, which takes the piss. 1 British pound = 1.9586 U.S. dollars. The Brithish pound is worth much more then de US dollar. We aren't talking about what you can get for the same money in different countries. If I'd go with lets say 10 000 pound to USA I'd be able to get $19586 USD for it. For one dollar I'd get 0.51088 pound. So 1 dollar < 1 pound. Therefore it is worth less. Showing us that the pound is worth more and can will be able to get us more in regions like the USA, where it's worth less with for certain things equal prices and mostly lower ones. If 1 pound where to be 1.5 USD but the prices in the USA would be 50% higher too then the pound wouldn't really be worth more, exept for the high number. How did you get that figure? That'd mean that you say that if I'd go to the USA with my 10 pounds I'd get about 5 dollar.
  19. Buy territories in advance. Simple. Limited amount though.
  20. Hockey. I actually played it for 2 years (I was forced to). It was fun at times, but 80% of the time I hated it.
  21. And sometimes I see men actually holding hand I think the dad of that 8 year old is bi. I could tell. Why would he otherwise kiss him and hold him like that. Seriously dude. How can you look at a person and know his orientation? And in the news: Gay couples, should they be alloud to adopt a child (I think I've actually said this before. But there was a show about it today)? BTW. Do girls tend to be bi-sexual sooner then men? I mean, they always hug/kiss/touch eachother. Even tits and ass. Maybe that's just to way they threat each other. But it looks pretty lesbian like to me.
  22. Rofl, yeah. You got it :P

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