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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Kid(s) who want attention and kick me when I'm grabbing something out of my locker and get very scared when I turn around and decide that I want exept it any longer (meaning I wanted to brake his bones). He's much weaker then me, so there just was a point that I though "WTF? Why am I taking this". Anyway, he also used to just hit me slightly with his shoulder if I came across him somewhere in the school. So, one time he did that and I bashed him back (significantly harder) and that was the last time he ever dared doing that again. I think I don't look all that strong.. that must be the reason.. Had this many times. You just have to show those bastards and they'll never dare to annoy you again. Reminds me. So we where going to Rotterdam harbor for some school excursion. I was rather sleepy and decided to just close my eyes and rest a little. Then the same idion thought he could annoy me with his mobile phone by playing hardcore (and I really, really hate that 'music'). So I grabed his phone and told him I'd smash it against his head (I was actually serious) the next time he disturbes my little nap. All fine, he quit. But then his smartass friend thought that wouldn't count for him. So... and.. I didn't brake his phone cause I didn't want to pay a knew one. but I'm sure that if his chest could think, it wouldn't be happy with that twat's decision. And then I continued having a nap
  2. April.. the first.. Yeah... very reliable day. Just wait for official news. I'm pretty sure (say 95%) that that's just some made-up story by someone who just wanted some lulz.
  3. Yeah.. that's why Super pi is so ideal for games and stuff. Cause almost all programs out there are single threaded. Really, why would anyone want a quad core for now (so not with any intentions for the future). Also, I think that Wikipedia quote is quite wrong. Super Pi can show the power of a single core. The performance from xCores (x being the amound of cores you have) is mostly determined by how well a program is scripted and optimised for multi-core CPU's. It is a very usefull tool to make an estimate of the speed of a CPU. Remember, not everything of Wikipedia is actually correct. Edit: So theorectically a Core2Duo in my dads laptop should be possible of doing Pi 1M in 10 seconds, but effectively that can never be done. I'd estimate it on something like 14 seconds. Or maybe quicker.. because such a calculation should be able to be optimised very good. But for a Game. Crytek said 2 cores would show a performance increase of 60% and Quad cores 90%. Far from the 300 (y'know, 3 more cores). So in my opinion just using one core to make such a calculation to determine the speed of a CPU(core) is the best way.
  4. Hot girls and geeky stuff basically. And lots of stuff that's got to do with weapons and/or technology (what actually just is geeky stuff). Edit: And when I finally get one (if ever), my GF *starts to feel very unsure and imagines himself being a vergin when he's well in his fourties*. Actually.. I'm serious..
  5. I'd be a stinking republican I guess. Though there is no conservative party in the Netherlands.. unfornunately. It's one more of those things that is actually seen as something 'bad' here..
  6. I've got a 2,2 GHz Core2Duo for my my dads laptop. It's great. SuperPi in 20 seconds, what is very good for a laptop. Games.. it depends.. You won't be able to get games like World in Conflict on max settings and forget about Crysis. But it's good. For a desktop you'll probably want a E6750 or better. Oh, and a E6850 is a better choice then a Q6600, since games don't really support quad cores yet.
  7. Far Cry. I'm at the level 'Control' now. Damn much trigens..
  8. No, she shops for her clothes, and never cooks... never does anything except spend money... That bastard! Rofl, nothing personal. But yeah, I hate those people who don't do shit and expect the world only please them. My mom spends lots of money, but that's only for food and my dads and my stuff. Barely anything for herself. She just got a job a month ago though. Shell's Gas and Power. Part time job, but my mom's happy. She's only working for her own pleasure.
  9. I couldn't agree more. In the Netherlands they see you as some immoral person if you support death sentence, but it's only fair in my opinion. An eye for an eye, y'know. Unless, of course, it was some accident. But killing with the intention of murder should be punished severly. I'd actually be able to murder someone here and be jailed for something as short as 7 years. At least by risking death penalty people will think more then twice.
  10. "What pisses me off is that my mom's a lazy bitch and doesn't have a job and shops all day..." so I can have a decent meal in the evening. Wow.. I hate it when I'm up at that time. I would have seriously overslept (by 2 hours). If I close my eyes and open them usually something like 20 minutes have past, when it feels like just 1.
  11. According to IGN it's a failed simulator. Also, what I like about NFS was the free roaming. But they took that out.. I really won't get it. Nice graphics, but that's kinda it (for me).
  12. Pandora


    Cause it isn't a vehicle. You'll first need to make the installer script for it (you can do that with SAMI. It's very easy).
  13. Dragonball Z Pokemon Chin-Chan Looney Tunes Tom & Jerry Dexter's lab The Flintstones The Jetsons I still watch the DB serie and if I come across any of the cartoons named above I'll watch it. Oh, and Spongebob. Just because of Patrick.
  14. Bold: Right Underlined: What the..? Please clarify.. It's like saying that Crysis runs at a higher frame rate then Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 on your PC
  15. It's a rar, so you'll need winrar. [[get it here (it's legal) ]] Then just open the .exe and start San Andreas. Alt tab out of the game and click on the inject trailer button and you're good to go. Just head over to a place you want a vehicle to appear, alt tab out and find the vehicle in the trainer (in this case, just type andromeda) and click the spawn button and go back to the game. It's also possible to make hot keys. So then you could assign the andromeda to the i. So when in game you just press ctrl+i and it will spawn. Easy
  16. @ Mr. Inferno: What, which shop? Last time I checked (yesterday) it was something like 85 EUR if you pre-order.
  17. And you're 16, right? Welcome to the forums and also, may I ask if you live anywhere near the Hague (that's where I'm at). Oh, and a merry Christmas to you too. Of gewoon, vrolijk kerstfeest
  18. Just got back from church. Strangely, it wasn't boring this time 'round. So a very merry Christmas to all of you (:
  19. Oh, in that case I'll have to disappoint you.. I've got really no idea. You could ask someone of SA-MP, they do know it.
  20. Airashii.. I just came back to the forums and am very disappointed that you haven't :(

    No really, last year was awesome with you at the forums.

  21. .. You remind me of my cousin (who I only have seen once in my life). Just, somehow.. it struck me. Also, awesome picture k9
  22. Co-ords of what? I could get them if you wish. You mean the co-ordinates of a place where the Andromeda could stand?
  23. I've missed something I guess.. Which script mod? Are you making San Andreas mods these days?
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