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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Because that's against the law.. It can inflict damage to them, and for animals there aren't any real laws..
  2. I don't think many humans would ever vollentere.. People on Death row should be tested on though. They've got no more say on what's going to happen.
  3. Haha, k. Looks cool. Just one little final touch. A normal version, and version with border (to put in the corner of vids). So what's it all going to be (cost)?
  4. The reaction of creatures to certain chemicals is mainly the same as the reaction a human would have. We're not all that different from the biologic aspect. You're right about them not deserving it, and if there was another method I'm sure they'd do that. But they'll always prefer testing on animals then on humans. Meh, I'm confusing myself here and don't know what I want now.... :/
  5. Rofl. I laughed. That actually is really stupid. Agreed. My point is that it's ok for medicens and stuff, kk?
  6. Pandora


    I'm pretty sure MS will port it to PC. Vista to be more specific. Funny vid BTW
  7. To see if it was save to go into space they had to first send a dog and a chimp. If they hadn't done that they might not have tried going into space themselves. Meaning far less satelites. We test on animals to know if it would be safe for us. Nothing about preferences. I'm not supporting testing on animals for make-up and stuff. But for things like antidotes and medicens. For something actually use-full. I don't see that as 'miss-using' our capabilities. It's using them for the good, to help mankind. At least, that's how I see it.
  8. For those tags: Yeah, I'm running phpBB3. Can't afford IPB Well I can.. but I can't be bothered to spend that much and phpBB3 suites most of my needs. Oh, and my avatar sucks. But I haven't been able to get any good one yet. To busy lately. Edit: Looking at the screenshot I realised I also need other Online/Offline buttons. These just don't fit. I'd like a slight upper gloss effect for that.
  9. Last year we had a whole week where we'd just have 2 hours school. That's including the 30 minute break. Well it's for a site. So I'd like some little Admin and Global Mod tags. To give an idea. The backbround is mainly blue (not dark blue) but it's a little Vista styled too. The tags now are in black, but that doesn't look all that great IMO cause the forum it self is grey/beige. I'd like something what has a slight Vista effect, but fits the grey/beige background. Also, rounded edges For that logo: I'd like a normal simple version, and the exact same thing but then with some glossy effect. How much would that be?
  10. I've heard much worse things said in shows then that. I really don't get why you'd feel so offended.
  11. Don't take it personal. Almost every program disses some country for some lulz. Jeremy Clarkson does it all the time. Even when he pwnd Holland I just lol'd. Even though it was un-true, it was funny. Now I get the joke for this one too. It's not really funny though. But in general the Filipines aren't really known to be a country with very good health care (maybe they do or do not, but this is what people think mostly).. BTW, your sig. Are you serious? I mean, are just putting that up for no real reason or are you an actual Christian?
  12. Post the specs of your computer? RAM, CPU, Videocard. Cause it might be something else.
  13. Lol, haha. And a big welcome to Holster
  14. Ah shut-up already. Chris is busy enough as it is. Other then that, it's not his mod. It's not up to him. I'd like some gang-wars, and so do many others. But do we cry like baby's and demand one? No. Be patient.
  15. Run in Installations root directory. Oh, and I don't think it actually has a read-me Llama. Not sure, but I can't recall any.
  16. Yeah, but animals aren't in the posistion to do anything like that. Without tests on animals you wouldn't even be able to use your cell phone.
  17. Thumbnails would cause the page to take longer to load and would consume much more bandwidth. Bare that in mind too. Maybe the option to show the name or thumbnail would be a good idea. So people with slow internet won't really have a problem.
  18. I've got a Dell and for a nearly 4 year old computer it's doing great. Just kinda laggy in games..
  19. @gta player: kk, thanks @MrLlamaLlama: X-max sex ... Who knows
  20. No. ME edition? That kinda sucks dude. So it's basically some second hand garbage.. Go to start, run and type DXdiag and get some system specs. And google superPi. Download it, and run 1M. Then give the score. edit: what is CAN? And why do you get a new computer.... from a friend. You don't get a car as present..
  21. When you're back, can I 'hire' you to do some load of graphics? Just various small ones.
  22. Car mods are always done by modding the .img file... there is no other way. Trainers can't to this.
  23. Dell is a good brand. But you'll only get a good computer staring from 1600 EUR with Dell. Model name?
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