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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. If you insist in your choice.. No.. As I said, you couldn't win (not a high chance) by locking row 1.
  2. Oh yeah. And the person I actually want to meet most. You'd never guess Radi0n Somehow I think he's a really cool dude IRL.
  3. I never thought that moment would have happend ever
  4. They had the chance when they knew Osama was getting mighty. They thought about launching a rocket but then some Arabian prince would have died too. And since Arabia has lots of oil they wouldn't want to risk damaging their relationship. Strangly the father of Osama actually had a good relationship with George Bush (senior).
  5. It's your choice. But since you have 2 7's I would actually check those to and then have 20% chance for 10 000. But ok. I'll make up some table later on. Hope I'll have that by today within pictures and stuff. For now it'll be the cheap crappy way.. So now it's: Coin Cherry Banana 7 7 Cherry Cherry Coin 7 So no luck this time.. Because you've had the huge wait to use the credit you can buy any amount with 50% discount once. Remember, you could also buy some amount and then sell it of for a higher price then you bought them here, but under the official price. Read the first post about how to transfer. Though maybe it's better for you to first wait if this actually is going to be used.. @Silberio: first time. Next time will be a one day wait. Erm. I've got it. But with check I mean that it's fixed and the others change. Not that row 1 will go again. Or do you want row 1 again? Looks a little odd to do since you can't gain anything with just doing row 1. There is no possibility to make.
  6. Banana Coin Coin Coin Ass 7 Ass Cherry Ass Check any? Meaning if you check row 1 I'll only redo row 2 and 3.
  7. That's pretty much true IMO. And those aren't explosions. Before a building collapses the air will of course have to get out. That's what you see, nothing more, nothing less. Other then that, why wouldn't the explosives go of as soon as the airplane hits the building? I'm sure they wouldn't case every singly one of them in a hardly unbreakable box. I've got no problem with you believing in some weird theory that some drop-out teenage kid came up with. I do have problems with you stating it as a fact. Bin Laden is for a fact a part of AQ, saying he isn't is just stupid. He's got a motive and there is lots of evidence (onboard flight recorder to be one of them.) showing that it was high-jacked. If you do insist in the theory and possibly even want to convince others of it, then come with concrete reasons and fact. Until now all are flawed and can be explained on a highly plausible reason as opposed to the US government placing a thousand explosives in their own building and then crying to get its way. If they wanted to just start this 'war' they would have chosen a far better method..
  8. @k9krew: Send cash first, then I'll check. Remember. You won't be able to win that easily this time 'round. Game has been made a little more complicated, but if you win you will win much more. @TFY: Ok. You can lock once. (general rule added) These are the 5 possibilities: 7 Cherry Ass Banana Coin Align any coin combo (horizontal or diagonal anywhere. Doesn't have to be in the middle) you'll get a free credit. You've got: Coin Cherry Coin 7 7 Cherry Cherry Coin Banana Would you want to check any of them?
  9. READ IT Saying the the US Government is responsible is just total bullshit. It's non of your teachers business to tell you all what he thinks of it. Bin Laden is responsible 100%. It's a big world and in a region that big as where Bin Laden could be it's hard to find him. And above that there are lots of people who would help him, even if they'd have to die. There is loads of evidence why it would be a terrorist attack. As for those conspiracy theory's, all are flawed and fail. Anyone who does believe in those theory's should, in my opinion, be shot.
  10. I've seen them. If I ever come across one of those guys with their theory's I'd punch them in the face. Sad.. I was watching CNN when it happened. Then suddenly breaking news with the WTC of fire. Then suddenly a second plane comes.. I didn't exactly know what was happening given my age. But as soon as I did.. well, you know. Can't really express that in words.
  11. What do you use? Mac Nah, really. Every OS has a copy paste function.
  12. Mega Bump Ok. I've re-written quite a few things in the first post. A few new rules and possibility's. Game has been made harder, but if you win, you will now win 10 times more then before. Price of credit raised by 2.5 times etc.
  13. Oh, and for pr0ns I use FF; Because it can delete everything. IE always still keeps a part of it. It works slightly slower then IE7 for me.. (starting up. As soon as it's running its quicker). But just for normal surfing I prefer IE.
  14. I've got a nano. It's ok. The iPod it self is cool, but I really HATE iTunes. Couldn't they not just enable you to drag it into folders or something instead of using that stupid iTunes? The shuffle kinda sucks. But the classic and nano are great. To bad you can't get those games for nano..
  15. So where do you live? There are a select few countries where you can't actually get all of this software. It'd be far to expensive for most.
  16. Friday= +4 Saturday= +4 So I'm at 8 now. I'll probably need 5 more to beat my friend in a masturbating competition we're having for the weekend So excuse me, going to BB (every self respecting masturbater who knows what that is). The second 'B' stands for Bros
  17. Multiplayer is always fun. Maybe they'd make some tournament mode (online) cause that must be awesome for Fifa/soccer fans. I'm bored as hell lately, so I'm planning to buy Far Cry (I know, its 3 years old) for 5.60 EUR. Good idea? Should keep me busy for at least 1.5 months.
  18. Fuck you 7 years ago. DB is legendary and will never age. Hell yeah Hentai pwnz too. DBZ hentai pwnz even harder. Should I make myself a Hentai addic userbar?
  19. Ava: 8.5 Sig 9 Personality: Great and mature spammer sensible member of TGTAP @TFY: I thought you were the don of SFM? Or have I missed something :|
  20. @RD: Aren't these football games not repetitive? I don't know anything about 08, but I can't see it being any different from the last. Maybe just some improved GFX and some little small minor things they added, but not anything big. Right? Bought my punishment away.. (no PC for the weekend). They owe me 95 EUR anyway.
  21. Oh.. Do you get the same with your PC? THere's always that USB connection thing.
  22. Playing Far Cry. 3 years old but it still pwnz.
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