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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I'm a fanboy, but I guess that's only better when you want to know about games. First of all I'd get Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. At least, if you like adventure games. Then if you're planning to buy extra controller(s) with it I'd go for the latest Mario Party. But only if you can play with other people. On your own it will start to bore. It's a party game. You actually play a huge 3d board game and after each turn you play some fun mini-game that earns you coins. Super Smash Bros. Brawl if you like some fun and quick melee action. You might want to look up some vids from SSB Melee first or look at the trailers of Brawl to see what it is. It's pretty much unique you know. So I can't really describe it. It's a game packed with all kinds of Nintendo characters like Link, Pikachu, Mario, Kirby and all of those. Super Mario Galaxy. Basically just a new 3d Mario but this time you're not on a island or a jumping into portraits in a castle. No, you're in SPACE! So each planet has it's own little puzzle and gravity giving you some unique and really fun gameplay. Wario Ware: smouth moves. It really uses the motion sensing giving you all kinds of really short yet real fun mini-games. It's not at all focused on graphics, some of them actually just display wireframe models, but it's fun. Again, I'd look this game up first to get an idea of what it is. Metroid Prime: Corruption. It's the sequence of Metroid Prime 2 echous. It's a futuristic shooter where you play the legendary Samus with her, yes, her, famous space suite. It's not futuristic like Halo, it's totally different. Maybe a few IGN pictures. I'll post more tomorrow.
  2. Ok, so no Widescreen. Well I'm a bit to tired ATM to go look through those hardware sites, but I'll get to it tomorrow, k?
  3. How exactly is Windows XP crap? It pwns the shit out of all other OS's.
  4. kk. Then I guess that wouldn't pose a problem. Anyway, how is that monitor?
  5. Bangbros give virusses? Must be something else, cause for me it works fine. Well I stoped visiting a month ago, but when I did I never ever had any probs with it.
  6. Avi: 8 Sig: 8.5 Perso: Wouldn't have said this 8 months ago, but AWESOME! Well maybe not yet awesome, but a really great member nonetheless.
  7. So why not add the Wii to the options?
  8. So mainly a Architect right? Or designer in another case. I'm right now doing GCSE Art, and I'm good at it, so I guess I'm heading the right way, just need to improve in my ICT skills to getting a A or an A*. No, no. When I mean design I'm talking about stuff like stealth thingy's and plane design. All those technical aspects of it. Northrop and Lockheed both make planes BTW, in case anyone here doesn't know.
  9. Uhm, well yeah. Most porn stars also are personal prostitutes.. IMO everyone at bangbros is just a prostitute cause they have sex with someone for money. Oh, and then it also gets put on internet, but who cares.
  10. Blu-Ray isn't going to win if they don't lower their prices. An average family isn't going to spend more then 250 EUR on a player. For most 200 is actually already quite expensive.
  11. I'm a little late, but the pics look sweet. Asuming that there is going to be a PC release this game's going to look fantastic (you know, they always make it look a little better for the PC version).
  12. TBH I think 30 000 is quite little. Still actually to many, but I thought there were lots more people in the porn industry.
  13. I don't think people will spend 500 to 600 EUR on a ps3 when in a years time a Blu-Ray player is probably only going to be 200 EUR.
  14. And sometimes when you just have a huge urge to see pussy and/or tits and maybe hear a orgasm. No really. I have that now and then.
  15. Not really.. But it's still about sexual amusment. But ok. I'll try not to scare you out with all the masturbation talk and stuff Must be stupid or something, but what does BS stand for? Cause as for as I know it just stands for Bull**** And occasionally, yeah, I do.
  16. Well, we're all guys, right. So then IMO there's nothing sick about it.. As long as you keep it serious. And I prefer this to arguing with ps3player.
  17. Mario Party above TLP? Meh, that's one decision I would NEVER make.. It's fun if you've got a few other people to play with though, and of course another Wii-mote. But I don't think Mario Party will ever be able to match the Zelda serie. And you can get Wii's here now. But they're all imported from Spain.. But only the big shops have them. Normal shops have them all reserved for about 2 months straight.
  18. Uhm, well if people find that dirty then they actually shouldn't enter a topic called "do you look at porn"
  19. To be honest, I really don't give a s*** about HD-DVD and Blu-ray players. Cause at the moment they are still rather unneeded. I'll get one when they just cost 150 EUR or something. Cause until now you can't even buy all those HD movies here anyway (well, hard. Only at really big stores), so what's the use.. @WnN2: You mean Lylatwars?
  20. Clock went while I had it (I wake up at 5:30 am for school) so then you remember your full dream. It was great, just had my sleeping boxer a little messed up.. Looks like you get much more sperm in a wet dream then if you masturbate.
  21. Let's pose it like this. If all consoles were to be the same price I'd choose the Wii instead of the ps3. And I'd probably take the 360 instead of the ps3 because of it's great online features and games.
  22. Some kind of engineer since I love physics and technology. I'd love to work for Northrop or Lockheed, but that's probably not reachable.. Oh, not engineers like the people who just service stuff. But the ones who actually come up and design the stuff. @TM: Uh, are you sure? If I'm not mistaken the people modeling and making the graphics for games just earn around 120 000 EUR and then you still have to pay 52% tax over that.. It doesn't pay all that great (well atleast not IMO).. Just well above average. 4 times above average..
  23. Why wouldn't it be good just cause you have to pay? It's just the price of one game a year.. Yes, that's 300 EUR for 5 years, but then you really get superb online gameplay in return. And I'm a Nintendo fanboy, not a MS fanboy so I'm saying this with a neutral view to things.
  24. Well, it doesn't have lots of online features (though I actually kinda like the voting channel) so it's all just free. And I've never said ps3's online features are bad. They just can't match the ones of the 360 what is my eyes is superb.
  25. Zelda already has. And I highly doubt Brawl is going to mess up. It really looks great as far as I've seen and I think it's pretty hard messing a game up by the title of "super smash Bros." I've got mixed feelings about Galaxy, but knowing Nintendo it's probably going to be great. But you haven't answered my question about the online features. Oh, and yes. I admit that both (360 and ps3) (until now) top the online features of the Wii by far. But maybe Nintendo will start concentrating on that once. They are already trying to get it all up so I think in about a year games will have some great online features. Brawl is going to have them so that's going to make a great game better. Can't wait. For a change, I do agree. This is, as you already stated, the Warzone. Edit: Oh, and ignore the price. Just purely the online gameplay and features.
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