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Everything posted by Jared

  1. School requires me to use it a lot, and in my free time I use it for my web design and such, so mine is rather high. TO high to bother posting it .
  2. Welcome jioseventeen, enjoy your stay .
  3. Ahhahaha, hilarious ....ahh, try and make your post useful thanks.
  4. Driv3r FTW. Driver 1 was crap, I couldn't pass the first mission .
  5. I was complainting creating a basic OS once, but I don't have the time really.
  6. Hi ViceHog, welcome to the site. A sports forum may be a good idea, I'll suggest it to the admins.
  7. Gives you a knowledge of how computers work.
  8. Holy chris al' mighty, that is amazing. Talk about giving the Xbox a run for it's money, god.
  9. Correct. It's a PSP and PS2 exclusive, unless he has done something illegal to get it on another system, then it's not possible.
  10. "My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files" - .
  11. All very valid and good points guys. As for the law and ratings, depends where you live, here all GTA's are rated MA, and MA games can be played by 15 year olds, or under 15's as long as accompanied by an adult.\ I agree, JT is failing, and he is getting extreamly old. How longer this will go for, who knows.
  12. Reminder : Please ensure to click the "Reply" button and not the "Report" button when replying to this topic, I have been getting reports that are meant to be posts .
  13. It's done using highly hard to learn and understand code as far as I know. Not like writing PC programs, this requires a great knowledge of Maths, English, Physics and Computer Syntax. Not easy, obviously, but you could do something if you have the facilities and patience.
  14. Good old JT is suing Take-Two (again) for the planned releases of apparently the two most violent games to expect this year. Joystiq brings us the inside scop: Full Story
  15. Again, no need to bump, considering you have done this to several topics, I'll warn you this time, it's getting silly.
  16. Nearly a 2 year bump for nothing, nice job there Lau .
  17. I believe the US version counts for the Canadians version .
  18. Hi Rappy, hope you enjoy your time with us .
  19. Eh? Do you mean why were there bikes in LCS but not in GTA3? Listen to the radio .
  20. No Hot Coffee (hidden sex games) in the second one. Also, the second isn't modable.
  21. Jared


    It's a highly debatable and debated topic. I know we've touched on it many times at school.
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