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Everything posted by Jared

  1. No, he is talking about all modification types, not just vehicles and models.
  2. Jared


    Well let me know when you do . I'll see if I can get that GTA3 and VC stuff done for you tomorrow mate.
  3. Err, off to a bumpy start with the one worders mate . Anyhow, welcome to the site.
  4. ^ Is 14 years old < Is making a post v Will be making a post momentarily P.S. My first time posting in here, so cut me some slake .
  5. If you have a cracked version, or an illegal version, no more help will be given.
  6. New sentence... Today is the
  7. Yeah, but self generators are usually crappy, like Chris said, and usually contain logos and web URL's to where you made that banner. I love Photoshop, and if I wanted to generate one I would make my own generator in PHP, it's easy enough to do. Thanks for the pin mate. Yeah, I thought your post was very informative, sadly with it being most speculation at the current point in time I couldn't use most of it in the factsheet, but I felt it was still very important information and should be linked too somewhere.
  8. Welcome, enjoy your stay with us. You'll be staying in room 45. . Yes, you have to post to gain money . Yeah, tell me about, the default ones aren't that good. They can be replaced by ones online without you having to touch Photoshop, there tons of free downloads.
  9. Well if you have a legitimate copy of the game installed with no other modifications other then SA-MP it should work fine. EDIT: Well no wonder if you're running it in debug mode, of course nothings going to show up since it's designed so you can find problems. You need to run the actual SA-MP program not the debug mode. If the short cut to it is crashing your PC then you must have modded something in SA for it not to work or something. Or you have v2 of San Andreas, I'm not sure if SA-MP works with v2 does it? The game will start if you have v2.0, but it won't connect to the server, or the game will crash during loading. Unless you have a version 1.0 exe on your v2.0 game, I don't think downgrading works either, wouldn't know though. I own both v1.0 and 2.0, so I was fine either way.
  10. Made them myself of course . You can;t get what you want unless you make it yourself, right? I make all my GFX myself .
  11. In SA-MP or MTA-SA? In SA-MP you just double click the server. I'm guessing it would be the same for MTA-SA too. Since Chris said they are pretty identical.
  12. Yeah, I've always hated the default IPB wink emoticon, it can be taken the wrong way. But no, it was not sarcasm, I was being serious.
  13. You need a certain program to use a controller. San Andreas Advance Control its called.
  14. San Andreas Multiplayer does, not sure about MTA-SA though, haven't used it.
  15. Ah yes I see, here. SA-MP MTA-SA
  16. How'd you get it back? Did you already have it backed up on DVD/CD? I had tons of stuff backed up before I got my new Laptop, lost it all though, for some unknown reason.
  17. Ah, we're getting some seriously quality members now . Welcome Chalk, I know you'll have a ball of fun.
  18. You need an add-on, like MTA-SA or SA-MP for example. Google them tags for a download link.
  19. Not cool. Channel 10 beings us awesome shows most of the timelike now its got hot girls in just Bras, its better then Channel 9 and there McLouds Daugters Channel Ten is mostly reality shit these days. And thats 'Not cool '.
  20. Yep, definitely, you would not believe how common problems like that are. You get to a high point in a game, a computer problem whip's out your saves, and your stuffed. I wrote a program to auto-back them up once, not sure where it is now though.
  21. Thank god all mighty, now channel Ten will be back to its good old...err, wait, there never anything good on it anyway. Still, one down, 40 other crap shows to go .
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